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ome to LYX!

February 11, 2015

Most important things to know when using LYX

1. LYX omes with ex ellent do umentation  please use it! Start with the
menu Help Introdu tion, whi h will give you a very brief introdu tion to
the do umentation. Then learn about using LYX with

Help Tutorial.

2. LYX is what we all a do ument pro essor. By design, it is dierent

from regular word pro essors  in a way that makes writing do uments
easier. But only a little dierent, so don't be s ared. The do umentation
will make it all lear.
3. The output from LYX looks great! Use the menu


View View [PDF (pda-

now to see for yourself.

or press the toolbar button

Tutorial, then read the LYX for LATEX Users hapter.
ATEX to use LYX.)
don't worry, you don't need to know L

4. Yes, LYX an mimi (almost) all L TEX fun tionality. And yes, LYX an
import L TEX les. Experien ed L TEX users should skim the rest of the

(Everyone else:

5. LYX has lots of features for people who read or write a language other
than English. In addition, the key bindings, toolbars, and many other
hara teristi s are highly ongurable. See

Help Customization for details.

6. The LYX home page is at http://www.lyx.org/. Get information about

LYX, subs ribe to the LYX mailing list(s), take the LYX Graphi al Tour,
and more.

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