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In the Loop

Newsletter of the Hook and Needle Guild

February 2015

Meeting Notes:
Members who attended the February meeting
shared laughs and enjoyed Dave and Iris Wescotts
presentation on Choosing Yarn for Your Project.
Topics included yarn properties such as size,
composition, twist, grist, and ply can help make your
yarn choices easier. We'll also talk about ways to
identify "mystery" yarns and how to figure out how
many yards of yarn you have left.

There was a very brief business meeting.

Elections will be held at the February meeting. Nominations are being accepted that meeting
for Treasurer, Secretary and President as those 2 year terms are up at the end of this fiscal
year. Please email your nomination to hookandneedleguild@gmail.com.

A big thank you to all who provided wares and helped staff the bake sale table at Knitting
weekend. Proceeds from this bake sale support expenses for programming and shipping
expenses for our charity projects.

The Knitting Retreat in Wareham MA will be held June 12, 13, 14. If you are interested, 50%
deposits will be due at the March meeting or you may pay in full. We expect the full cost of
the retreat to be $140.00 pp. The retreat is held at the Sacred Heart Retreat Center. Cost
includes room and five meals. We enjoy the peaceful and lovely grounds which include a
private beach on Widows Cove and walking trails. No formal program is planned. We knit,
laugh, snack, nap, read and enjoy being away our routines for a weekend.

Charity Knitting: Well be knitting warm scarves to be collected at the September meeting.
Scarves will be donated to the soup kitchen at St. Matthews Church, Pawtucket. At the
holidays, visitors to the soup kitchen are provided with a wrapped gift: warm hats, gloves and
scarves. The staff finds that hats and gloves are easy to acquire for the program, but quality
scarves are more difficult to provide. There are no yarn or color requirements for the
scarves. We do know that the recipients are predominantly male. We hope you will find
some knitting time to knit a warm scarf. One recipient expressed his gratitude: Its like a
warm hug.

The guild is investigating obtaining non-profit status. Karen Holmes has offered to research
this and bring information and steps to take to a meeting in the near future.

Mark your Calendar for Upcoming Meetings Plans:

February 25

Workshop: Dos and Donts for Photographing Your Project

March 25

Knitting Designer Casapinka

April 29 Spring Needle Felting with Caitlyn Tella

May 27 Stretching for Knitters, certified yoga
instructor Liz Maynard
June 26: Annual end of year potluck by the
Blackstone River.

Future Programming
Help the H&N Guild to continue to offer
interesting meetings and learning experiences.
Our membership is filled with talented
needlecrafters who are passionate about what
they love to do. What techniques or interesting
ideas have caught your eye? Have you heard of
a speaker, workshop or class that we could bring
to meetings? Have you learned a new trick lately
that you could share? Share your ideas with the
guild board and help fulfill the guilds mission of
education and development.
You might be interested:

Contact Information
President: Becky Ebeling
ebelingorama@gmail.com or rebeling
Treasurer: Karen Holmes
karenholmes@icloud.com or buzzknit

Secretary :Jen Simoneau

jensimoneau@verizon.net or jensknits
Librarian: Nancy Tella
ntella1@verizon.net or scraphappy

Happy Valentines Day!

Wayland Winter Farmers Market

Farm Fiber Days are two of the theme days
offered each winter. The second fiber day is
February 21st. A list of participating fiber farms
is available at the link above. The market is in
the greenhouses at Russells Garden Center .
Its a great outing on a winter weekend.

Annual membership dues of $25 ($15 for new members after January 1st) can be paid by cash or check
(payable to The Hook and Needle Guild) either paid at a meeting or mailed to:
Karen Holmes, karenholmes@icloud.com Please pm Karen for mailing address information.

The Hook and Needle Guild usually meets the last Wednesday of the month 6:30pm-9pm from
September to June at Slater Mill, 67 Roosevelt Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 0280.
Email the Guild at hookandneedleguild@gmail.com

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