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By: Naaziah

What is Imperialism
Imperialism is when a country that
has higher power than another
country takes control of the country
and uses it for it advantages and
changes their systems to fit better for
the oppressors. Which extends the
oppressors country and its powers.
In this Image it shows a man with a
tie that says england, notice his
hands are on other countries
showing that these are countries he
has taken over.

Before Imperialism
Before imperialism Nigeria was divided into hundreds of ethnic group and
there was over 1.000 spoken languages, some Africans was converted to
christianity and islam also, Africans were able to keep the Europeans out
for 400 years and controlled all trade work.Europeans stayed on the coast.

Why Europeans Wanted to

Imperialize Africa
Europeans power struggles. European was fighting for dominance and
what other way to win other than gaining territory worldwide. Due to
industrialization Europeans grew problems within unemployment, poverty
and homelessness which lead to them unifying with parts of Africa.

When was Africa Imperialized

Nigeria was imperialized by the
Europeans in 1884. Europeans had
found gold in 1886 and wanted africa
as their own. Then, the Berlin
conference occurred which held 14
European nations and they had to
agree that any part of Africa could be
taken over by the Europeans, but it
had to be notified. The Berlin
conference was to arrange a peaceful
divide in Africa to make it look less

How Was Africa Imperialized

Europeans apparently sent out people to sign treaties of protection
which meant to africans it was a friendship treaty but to Europeans it
wasn't it was just a way to get closer to them and gain their trust.The
Africans assumed the treaty was to be friends. Eventually, the Africans
cracked the code and realized that they had been conned by Europeans,
they decided to use force towards the Europeans which led to much
conflict between the two. But, Europeans were more advanced in
technology so we know based on that who won the conflict.

What Resources did Nigeria Have

Nigeria had natural resources such as natural gas,tin, iron ore, coal,
limestone, niobium, lead, zinc and arable land but, the Europeans wanted
them mostly for their gold. This is what started the Scramble of the

When Did Nigeria Regain Its Power

On october 1, 1960 Nigeria gained little independence from the Europeans
but, They didn't have full independence until 1963 when the Declaration of
independence was signed. It took 15 years for nigeria to regain
independence from the Europeans. It took political parties and reforms.

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