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Ecology of Sponges

Sponges are ideal habitats for marine animals because they are large and small marine
animals can live inside of them. Algae live on the sponge, and the sponge gives them a
place to live and the algae give the sponge food and nutrients. On the sponge there are
spicules that are shaped like crossed antennas that magnify the sunlight into the cells
lying below the surface.

Ecology of Jellyfish
Cnidaria are more advanced than the phylum Porifera for many reasons. First, there is
more specialization of cells and tissues. Instead of just being a collection of similar
cells, jellyfish have specialized cells and tissues. Jellyfish also have individual organs to
perform different function. They also have a body plan with radial symmetry.

Ecology of Annelida
Worms are more advanced than jellyfish for many reasons. they have bilateral
symmetry, and separate openings for mouth and anus. They also have organ systems
that have different organs that work together.

Ecology of mollusca
Molluscs are more advanced than annelids because they have more complex
reproductive, nervous, and digestive systems. They also have a more complex body
plan and greater variation in between the different types of tissue structures. Molluscs
also have more advanced systems of defence, including shells and ink excretion.

Ecology of Arthropods
Arthropods are much more complex and specialized than molluscs in that they have
legs and more advanced ways to move. They also have more advanced sensory organs
and ways to eat. Arthropods have multiple sets of eyes and antennae to help them
sense their surroundings. They also have more different types of tissues and
specialized cells to help them carry out these more advanced functions.

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