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Remedies for malefic planets in horoscope

Navagraha, 9 planets in vedic astrology and remedies

When one or more planets in a horoscope becomes debilitated, combust, conjunct r
ahu/ketu or malefic, or owns/occupies 6,8,12 houses it gives negative results.
To reduce their negative impact , we need to follow these remedies :

Sun : If sun is weak or malefic, person will always have excess saliva in his mo
Frequent numbness in limbs or some physical disorder is possible.
He/she will feel insecure about their position and respect in society and try to
praise themselves.
Colorblindness(red or grey color) is possible.
Eye sight will be reduced.
Will socialise less due to inferiority feelings.
Remedies for Sun : Before starting any new work or before leaving home, drink a
glass of water mixed with sugar.
Avoid meat and stick to vegetarian meal.
Feed black cow and monkey whenever possible.
If you cook, then put off the stove flame using milk.
Pet a dog at home and take blessing of your mother everyday.
Do not accept any gift for free of cost from anyone, except from parents.
Donate dark red or ruby colored clothes.
Moon : Mental illness, lack of interest in any activity, pessimism, pets will di
e(if more malefic), doubts or suspicion over lover or spouse, indifferences with
mother, frequent quarrels between lovers, will take help of alchohol whenever d
Some of you will spend life in desert or draught effected areas.
If badly afflicted, will cause unusual sexual thoughts like habitual masturbatio
n, lack of control over mind, addiction to pornography, wet dreams etc.
Will live more in dream world than in reality and ultimately lose golden oppurtu
Remedies for Moon : Never argue with your mother or do anything against her wish
Feed birds and never cage them at home.
Never do diary business and buy sweets for young kids(female).
If you are having frequent nightmares, keep a glass filled with milk on a table
besides your head before sleeping and next morning pour it on roots of any huge
tree(preferably holy fig tree).
Alternate method is to keep a crystal below your pillow while sleeping and switc
h off television, mobile phone and computer atleast one hour before sleep.
Offer white color flowers at graveyards.
Feed milk to pets regularly.
Always try to meditate for few minutes everyday and never spend time alone.
Never donate to any educational insitution or never give free education to anyon
e, nor buy gift books to anyone.
Do not own any religious place on your name.
Mars : If mars is malefic or weak, frequent knee pains are possible.
Anemia(blood deficiency), dark circles below eyes, eye sight or frequent headach
es possible.
Reproduction capacity will be reduced and progeny will be delayed.
Women may have irregular menstruation and frequent abortions.
Will take debts but cannot clear them for long time and will have to live secret

If you lend money, it wont be recovered in time.

Fear of police and dreams of being chased will be common.
Remedies for Mars : Donate sweets to temple nearby.
Grow a neem tree in your backyard.
Feed cows when possible.
Always carry a red color handkerchief or napkin.
Try to live in joint or big family.
Stay away from physically handicapped people.
Try to visit holy places freququently.
Try to buy an elephants tusk and store it in your bedroom.
Do not take anything for free of cost from anyone(including family members, espe
cially siblings).
Always buy gifts for female siblings on their anniversaries or festivals.
Donate blood occassionally but also take dry fruits regularly to produce new blo
Gayatri Mantra recitation will help.
Donate any useful tool to a farmer or donate to police fund or military funds.
Gift any pottery item or something made of copper to friends.
Mercury : Ability to smell will be reduced.
Sexual strength will also be reduced.
Teeth related problems will trouble frequently.
Nervous system will be weak and some skin allergies possible.
Transexual or abnormal thoughts in sexual activities will increase.
Few will become pornograhy writers and will write with secret names.
Remedies for Mercury : Clean your teeth and tongue atleast twice a day.
Wash new clothes before wearing them for first time.
Donate milk and rice to any temple.
Grow pet dogs at home.
Become a strict vegetarian and quit alchohol.
Try to feed crows everyday before you eat.
Drink water through silver glass everyday.
Feed wet green grams to birds.
Jupiter : Jupiter will cause break in education. Will lose gold and money.
Will make you wear cheap quality jewellery.
Will be blamed for mistakes you have never committed.
Hair on scalp will fall frequently.
Marriage will be delayed or will remain childless for many years after marriage.
Diabetes and obesity will cause problems for few.
Lack of faith in religion will make them rebels in the society.
Remedies for Jupiter : Always wear yellow color cap or turban.
Keep your nose clean always and especially starting any new work.
Apply turmeric or sandalwood paste on forehead.
Donate bananas or sweets to old persons and orphans.
Try to wear more gold jewellery.
Help your siblings and cousins whenever possible.
Never bath or swim in open air , rivers or in oceans.
Stay away from non-vegetarian food and alchohol.
Take blessings of your parents before starting any new work and donate turmeric
to any temple, 8 days in a row.
If you have jupiter troubling you in 11th house, use your fathers items like pens
, vehicles.
If you are constantly cheated by astrologers, spiritual or religious gurus, then
stop consulting them and start meditating by yourself.
Venus : If venus is weak or malefic, thumb finger will become weak or it will be

prone to injuries.
Skin diseases are possible.
Low sperm count in men and reproductory system will be weak in women.
Love affairs will fail to materialise and will be insulted by opposite sex.
Differences with your female kids.
Lack of vigour and excess sleep during day.
Diabetes is possible for few.
If badly afflicted or retrograde will cause lack of faith in religion.
Will be interested in pornography more than real sexual activity and cause pain
to their partners.
Unsual trends in sexual activities will be followed secretly.
Remedies for Venus : Always wear clothes that are washed. Never wear clothes wor
n from last night.
Never accept free gifts.
Always keep a silver piece(square shaped) in your wallet.
Buy sweets for widows and old people.
Feed black color cow when possible.
Donate cow ghee to any temple and also use it at home.
Take blessings of your mother regularly.
Be loyal to your spouse or lover.
Saturn : If saturn is weak or malefic, Fire accidents or electric short circuits
at home or at workplace.
Cattle will die if you are in dairy business.
Hair from eye brows and eye lashes will fall frequently.
Your house will look much older than its actual age.
Insects, bugs, ants, spiders will reside in your house and spoil it.
Hair on scalp will fall faster.
Sudden illness and weight loss possible.
Will lack vigour and strength.
Will become more pessimistic and also cause indifferences and insults with maids
Remedies for Saturn : Clean your teeth with neem based or any ayurvedic toothpas
Feed monkeys when possible and never kill snakes or any reptiles.
Donate footwear to homeless people.
Do not drink milk during nights.
Try to avoid buffallo milk and stick to cow milk.
Buy small silver balls and keep them in your pocket or handbag always.
Become strict vegetarian and quit alchohol.
Always avoid litigations, court cases and matters where you are forced to lie.
Wear more dark green color clothes.
Stay away from flirting with opposite sex and adultery.
Help blind people.
If you cook, put off stove flame with milk during nights only.
Stuff a flute made of bamboo with sugar or jaggery and bury it in a secluded pla
ce during nights.
If you are facing a long time court case or some litigation and if saturn dasa i
s operating or saturn is transiting in your moon sign, then fill a pot made of c
lay with honey and cover its lid and bury it under flowing water.
Do not cut down trees.

: If Rahu is malefic, Pet dog will die. Finger Nails will become weak.
have frequent quarrels with neighbours, co-workers or lovers.
lose peace of mind and have sleepless nights.
have more rats in kitchen and store room.
of snake or frequent appearance of reptiles in dreams are possible.
feel cheated or abused by lovers.

Love-less life will divert you towards alchoholism or escapism from job.
Remedies for Rahu : Always wear a cap or turban(preferably dark blue color).
Try to live in joint family with parents.
Feed birds.
Gift anything made of copper to lover.
If Rahu is causing trouble in marital life, keep 5 radish besides pillow of your
spouse before sleeping and next morning throw them in any river or flowing wate
Always drink water from silver glass.
Store water in south-west corner inside your house.
Add jaggery and wheat in any copper vessel and throw it in river to avoid any li
tigations caused by Rahu.
Wear more dark blue color shirts.
Add a cup of milk to a bucket of water and wash your head and body for 43 days w
ithout break to get relief from rahu.
Ketu : If ketu is malefic, children will cause problems.
Foot nails will break or become weak.
Arthritis, knee pains, kidney stones, infections in kidney and urinary problems
Prayers will not be answered and lack of faith in religion or spirituality possi
Frequent viral infections are possible for few.
Remedies for Ketu : Donate sweet food to orphans.
If male kid is causing trouble, dip your right thumb in warm milk and suck it fo
r few times in a day.
Never wear red color clothes or red coral based ornaments.
Throw yellow colored lemons in river.
Always keep a silver pot filled with honey in your kitchen.
Keep a silver ball in your pocket or handbag and carry it to work.
Donate black and white checkered texture blanket to homeless people.
If you are facing viral infections, weak kidney and knee pains, dip a heated gol
den string in hot milk for few minutes and then drink that milk when it is luke
Houses of sexuality
The 2nd house addresses masturbation, as the house of self-value and self-relati
ng. It is the resources we have that come from ourselves. You might call it the
sexual/erotic/amorous bank account. It is the house of you can only love others a
s much as you love yourself and by extension, your sexual relationship to yourself
is the basis of your sexual relationship to others. Contrast this with the 8th h
ouse in a little while. When you apply the Thema Mundi (the ancient chart of the
world) this house is associated with Leo and the Sun, which act like a giant ba
ttery of resources that we access if we know where to start.
The 5th house is the house of play, pleasure, child-like fun, curiosity and risk
s. The 5th includes art and artists, and we know that these are among the most s
exually interested and interesting creatures; we know how much art involves sexu
al, erotic or relational themes. For many astrologers, this is THE house of sex;
just consider the themes. The child like fun also includes children and the activ
ities which lead to their existence. If you apply the Thema Mundi, you find out
that this is the house that has Scorpio involved, which is the sign of the genit
als, of sexual bonding and of deep surrender. So the superficial appeal of the 5
th fun, risks and pleasure lead deeper, into the more emotional, karmic region o
f Scorpio. Isabel Hickey called the 5th the house of esoteric karma. She does no
t say what she means (and it sounds like she got this from a writer named Alice
Bailey, but I cannot find it), but if you study the 5th, that is, if you watch w

hat happens with 5th house events, placements and transits, you figure it out. T
here is that other layer that became evident when Project Hindsight unearthed the
Thema Mundi.
The 6th house is the house of healing, service and wellbeing: bienestar. Most as
trologers would not say this is a house of sexual or relational themes, unless t
hey have a holistic orientation. First, a healthy sexuality and sex life are key
elements in whether one is mentally and physically healthy. Looked at another w
ay, much of the world is walking around with unaddressed sexual injury. Conseque
ntly, all healers (6th house role) are working with their clients on those injur
ies whether they know it or not. All healers, be they massage therapists, astrol
ogers, psychologists or doctors, have to work out a system of sexual boundaries
with their clientele and the 6th is the environment in which this is done. Then
there are those who work specifically as sexual healers; there are more than you
think. Some are working undercover as nurses who lock the door and help out someo
ne laying in traction; others are working as erotic massage practitioners. These
are people offering sex in service. Anyone who is a conscious lover offers sex
in service, and as a gesture of healing and self-integration (again, whether cons
ciously or not). The 6th is also the house that covers ones workplace, and we all
know how much sexual energy flies around the office; how many affairs; how many
relationships start in the office.
The 7th house is the one that covers lovers and open enemies (the ancients eithe
r had a sinister sense of humor or were highly perceptive, or both). The 7th is
where we engage with The Other directly, be it lover, spouse, boyfriend, girlfri
end or mistress. The 7th speaks of the inherently polarized nature of relationsh
ips, and of sexual relationships in particular. Its interesting that the 7th cove
rs open enemies: how many of those does sex make?
The 8th house in the words of my astrology mentor David Arner is the sex you wan
t. Its also the sex you want specifically from others, so carries themes such as
jealousy and possessiveness. From the earliest English characterization, its the
house of death, dowry and the substance of the bride. In more modern terms its th
e house of other peoples resources, which would count for their sex, sexual organ
s, reproductive capacity, genetic material, genetic lineage/heritage and all mat
ters of legacy that connect with sex (such as your father in law). The sexual ps
ychology of the 8th is the fascinating stuff we usually glaze over. The 8th cont
ains our concept of surrender; what prompts, or induces, or leads, or pushes us
into surrender. We tend to keep this secret. It would be interesting to peer int
o your mind in those last 10 seconds before orgasm and see what, ultimately, all
ows you to let go. I think that is the 8th house at its most beautiful psychic d
epth. In some respects the 8th is the power game we play with ourselves (by gran
ting or denying that thing that helps us let go); and at other times it is the l
everage we use against others to concentrate power, or try to; but of course the
re is that point of frustration dualism. Nothing that we do to others, are we fr
ee from. The 8th is also the house that covers specifically where money is excha
nged for sex, so all matters of prostitution would be covered by the 8th, even i
f they have other themes covered by other houses.
The 12th house in Vedic astrology is the pleasures of the bed. In Western astrol
ogy it represents the fantasy life and has a close correspondence to both solo s
ex and partner sex, which can be equally driven by fantasy. It often represents
the disowned material which we project onto others. See all those houses on the
right side of the chart? They are called the zone of projection (a term that cam
e to me through the Canadian astrologer Ani Black). Most of the houses of relati
onship and sexuality are covered in the zone of projection and the 12th is like
this hidden projection booth from where the light shines. Once we call back the
projection and enter the 12th consciously, all the rules change; indeed, they ar
e all suspended, and we are free within the containment of our own minds. Yet if
those minds reach out to one another, the 12th may be the most significant meet

ing place; call it the astral plane, call it the collective unconscious; call it
what you will. It is the house where we are all equal before the power of creat
Sunsign sexuality of elements
Before you read it you have to know that You Have to know your Vedic Sun Sign.
Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are Oversexed.
Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn are sober in sex behavior.
Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius have secret liking for sex but never exhibit their
sexual feelings.
Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are not very sexoriented but show highly passiona
te feelings.
Size of Sex Organs
Man has been divided into three types according to the size of Penis
Hare- man has shortest male organs upto 4 in length.
Bull man has medium male organ upto 6 in length.
Horse man has longest male organs upto 8 in length.
Circumference of the Penis is according to the length but it may not be proporti
Female has been divided into three types according to the depth of vagina.
Deer woman has shortest vaginal passage of 4 long.
Hare women has medium vaginal passage of 6 long.
Elephant woman has longest vaginal passage of 8long.
Circumference is in proportion to vaginal length but can be stretched to a longe
r size.
Determination of
If the 8th house
SUN :- If Sun is
with normal sex

male organs
belongs to
in 8th house the native has virile and well proportioned organs

MOON :- If Moon is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized and flaccid o
rgan and sex functioning depends upon moods.
MERCURY :- If Mercury is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized , flacc
id and weak organ. Native also suffers from inferiority complex in sex matters.
MARS :- If Mars is in 8th house the native has small , active and well proportio
ned organ.
JUPITER :- If Jupiter is in 8th house the native has normal size but active and
verile organs.
SATURN :- If Saturn is in 8th house the native has long and lanky organ but not
very capable.
Determination of Female Breasts
The size and shape of female Breasts are also depends on the placement of planet
s in the birth Horoscope. The size of breasts can be judged from the horoscope o
f the female as follow.
If Saturn is aspecting moon in horoscope then the native has very small but long

If Mars is aspecting Moon in horoscope then the native has strong and very attra
ctive breasts.
If Jupiter is aspecting Moon in horoscope then the native has fairly big size br
If Venus is aspecting Moon in horoscope then the native has extremely beautiful
If Sun has the influence on 4th house of the Horoscope or Moon then the native h
as hard breasts.
If Sun is in 3rd house of the horoscope then the native has well formed breasts.
If moon is in 8th house of the horoscope then the native has ill- formed breasts
Sexual acts and their behavior
(for this you have to know your Vedic chart)
Sexual acts and behavior depends on two factors 1. Sign of native 2. Which plane
ts are in 7th house of the horoscope.
If Moon or Venus is in 7th house of the horoscope then there will be a quick eja
culation during coitus.
If Sun is in the 7th house of the horoscope then there will be agressive sex beh
If Moon is in the 7th house of the horoscope then the native is delighted in sex
but the ejaculation is quick.
If Mars is in 7th house of the horoscope then he will be impatient in sex which
ends quickly.
If Mercury is in the 7th house of the horoscope then the native suffers from pre
mature ejaculation or nervous exhaustion.
If Rahu is in the 7th house of the horoscope the native will behave as if he is
stealing something.
Role of Mars on Sex life
(offcourse you need your Vedic chart Not your western chart for the interpretati
The characteristics of sexual tendencies depend upon the position of Mars in the
Mars in First House
The natives married life will be full of enthusiasm, have strong sexual urges and
will never be satisfied in sex. He enjoys sex life greatly and fully demonstrat
es his love and affection to his partner will require constant love and affectio
n from partner.
Mars in Second House
The native will be aggressive and crude in sex matters. He / She has very burnin
g and deep feelings for partner but does not exhibit them.
Mars in Third House
The native will be very determined to have good and healthy sex with the partner

. He / She will be courageous and considerate in sex matter but fails to demonst
Mars in Fourth House
The native will have extensive sexual relationship with the partner and will be
lustfully inclined and selfish in the relationship. They have deep attachment wi
th the partner.
Mars in Sixth House
The native will not be sex crazy. Sex will be a normal routine for him / her. Na
tive will not have much regards for partner as far as sex is concerned.
Mars in Seventh House
The native will be fond of sex and too demanding in sex and may indulge in indis
creet sex life. The native will be romantic also.
Mars in Eight House
The native will have too much sex-indulgent, indiscriminate in sex and greatly a
ttached to principles and morals of married life.
Mars in Ninth House
The native will be very moderate and considerate to partner in sex habits. The n
ative will not regards sex as a driving force in life.
Mars in Tenth House
The native will be methodical and touchy in sex matters. The native will be fond
of pronography and very concious of successful sex act.
Mars in Eleventh House
The native has craving for sex but do not show openly and easily satisfied. They
attach more importance to health and have a saintly outlook, though in thoughts
they are sex- crazy.
Mars in Twelfth House
The native will be quick and restless in sex behaviour. Even use unnatural metho
ds of sex. The native will be careless about partner,s feeling.

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