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Vocab Words:

1. Vedas = a large body of texts that constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit
literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.
2. Upanishads = a collection of texts in the Vedic Sanskrit language which
contain revealed truths or sruti concerning the nature of ultimate reality or
Brahman and describing the character of human salvation or moksha.
3. Samkhya = one of the six classical, orthodox schools of Hinduism which deals
with the rational aspect of Hinduism.
4. Ishwara/ Bhagwaana/ Paramatman = various terms to denote God, usually for
the one God, the source of all consciousness.
5. Deva/ Devata = terms to denote lesser Gods or demi-Gods.
6. Atman = self, point consciousness, same form as paramatman or pure
consciousness but lesser in amount.
7. Jiva = a being that participates in the physical world.
8. Shloka = verse lines.
9. Trimurti / Tridev = the Holy Trinity of Hinduism; Bramha or Creator, Vishnu or
Preserver and Shiva or Destroyer.
10.Dharma = the right way of going about ones duties after recognizing them
11.Karma = in simple everyday terms, it means action, work or deed. But in a
philosophical sense, it is also used as the principle of causality where thought
and deeds of a person determine the fate of that individual in the future,
whether in this life or the next.
12.Samsara/ Sansara = in simple everyday terms, the world as we know it. In
philosophical terms, it is the repeating cycle of rebirth and reincarnation for
every individual.
13.Artha = in everyday terms, it means meaning or significance of something. In
philosophical terms, it means the means of life or activities and resources
that enable one to be in a state one wants to be in.
14.Kama = desire, wish, longing, usually associated with but not limited to
sexual fulfillment.
15.Gurukul = the place of the Guru or school. Also called Ashram.
16.Ahimsa = non-violence
17.Diwali/ Tihar = the festival of light, the victory of Good over Evil.
18.Sanyaas / tyag = renunciation of the physical world to be closer to God.
19.Rishis = ancient sages that were supposed to have communicated with God
and who wrote the famous epics that are prevalent in the Hindu community.
20.Avatar = an incarnation of a God into the physical world to rid the world of
evil and to protect the righteous men/ women.

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