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Franais II H

Nom : _________________________________________
Projet : Tu tais comment ?
Vous allez crer un poster ou un album photo qui dcrit votre enfance,
cest--dire comment vous tiez quand vous tiez petit.
Vous rpondrez la plupart des questions suivantes :
- Tu tais comment ? (description physique, personnalit, etc.)
- Quest-ce que tu faisais ?
- Comment tu tappelais (nicknames) ?
- Quest-ce que tu mangeais ?
- Quest-ce que tu aimais ?
- Quest-ce que tu naimais pas ?
- Tu avais des amis ? Ils taient comment ?
- Et ta famille ? Elle tait comment ?
- Anything else you want to include about your childhood.
Il faut utiliser limparfait partout. crivez au moins 15 phrases. The
majority of your sentences should be substantial, long, descriptive
sentences! You should have 8-10 different pictures/drawings; some
pages/photos will have multiple sentences as a caption, while others may
have just one. We will work on this project primarily in class. You will have
2 full class periods to work on it.
Each sentence should be presented in conjunction with a photo or a
drawing of yourself as a child. You will present your poster or album de
photos and read the sentences to the class for part of your final grade.
Worth one test grade in third quarter.
Scoring (see attached rubric):
- Content:
- Comprehensibility:
- Presentation / Organization
- Grammar/Syntax/Usage
- Effort

20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts
20 pts

You will hand in and present your projects in class on the due date.
Due :
Priode 3 : mercredi le 18 mars 2015
Priode 6 : vendredi le 20 mars 2015

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