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The objective of this project is to study the potential use of thermoplastic

composite pipe in natural gas industry in India. TCP has many
advantages over the low carbon steel which is commonly used. The cost
difference of TCP and steel during manufacturing, transporting and
flexibility usages makes TCP a better alternative. A composite, is the
combination of two or more of reinforcing elements, such as carbon,
fiberglass, or aramid fibers, and a formulated thermoplastic or thermoset
matrix binder that holds together the structural fibers. They can be up to
four times tougher than comparable thermosets. Thermoplastic
composites offer unlimited shelf life, faster production, and recyclability
of scrap. They offer substantial reductions in flammability, and smoke
and toxicity performance, and are relatively insensitive to chemical
attack. Typical uses are in aerospace, automotive, sporting goods,
marine, and construction. The project is aimed only to the pipeline
material aspects. The application of composite pipe in natural gas
distribution system is governed by both technical and environmental
requirements. The study attempts to identify both sets of requirements
and analyse in depth, the Indian gas sector and its future with TCP.

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