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For consideration by Dr. Smith
Medical Director and Chief; Division of XXXXX

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Proposed by Danielle Buetow, Administrative Supervisor

September 20, 2014

September 20, 2012

Dr. Smith.
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Dear Dr. Smith:
I am writing to you to propose that the department purchase me a new laptop.
My current laptop has not been working efficiently. The IS department has worked on it several times over the last
year in order to try to solve some of the ongoing issues. The last time they tried to fix it, they reimaged it. A few
weeks later, it started freezing again. I also get kicked off the internet which is making it very difficult for me to do
necessary work from home. I need the internet to log in through the MCW portal to get to the secure Citrix
applications and documents.
I can take care of urgent tasks when I am not at work with a lap top. I am a salaried employee and feel it is my job
to be available and do work when needed. Specifically, if there is an issue that arises by one of the physicians
outside of office hours, he can contact me via email for immediate help. A few weekends ago, I needed to make last
minute changes to the invitation list for the American Girl Fundraising event. The organizer needed the changes
ASAP. It took me 20 minutes to get logged into Citrix on my current lap top to get to the document. I also had a
very difficult time signing time cards that weekend.
The benefits of having a laptop are efficiency and speed. You frequently email me over the weekend when you are
in your office working. With a properly working laptop, I can easily get back to you quickly with answers so you
can move forward with your work.

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All in all, given my past performance with my current lap top and the financial stability of our department, I would
like to propose the purchase of a Mac Book Pro. This purchase would greatly benefit not only me but the division.
Danielle Buetow

Benefits and Outcomes..5
Appendix A....7
Appendix B8

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My current laptop originally provided by the department four years ago is no longer working efficiently.
It takes 10-15 minutes to get logged on and another 5 minutes to get to the internet. The IS department
has looked at it several times in the last year. The first time they cleaned up the files and software which
helped to make the laptop usable.

In May 2014, the IS department reimaged the machine completely.

The device worked well with some limitations and quickly started having the same problems. I have had
to stay late and come in on the weekends to get extra work done that I could have easily completed at
home. Having to carve out extra time on the weekends and after work has been causing me to fall behind
in school. Instead of doing school work at home, I have to go to the computer lab to get work done,
which takes me away from my family. Being away from home and my children more than I have to
causes an even greater stress for me. Family time is important to me. My children are what drive me to
work hard at work and at school.
My solution to this problem is to purchase a new laptop specifically a Mac Book Pro. I have checked
with our IS department, who reviewed all of my needs, and he found that the Mac Book Pro is definitely
what would work best. He also provided me with a few quotes for Mac Books. See attached appendix A
and B. I have also had a huge problem with Windows lap tops getting viruses. Being a Mac user
yourself, you understand that Macs have low incidence of viruses. I would like a Mac Book Pro instead of
a Windows laptop because of their high functionality and ease of use. The Mac Book Pro will also allow
me to hook the laptop to a monitor so I can work on two programs side by side, which will increase my
productivity at home. The call schedule you recently finished for the upcoming year is a great example

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of a project I could work on at home using the lap top. Being able to work side by side with dual
monitors, I could efficiently get this task done with little distractions.
This laptop is much more suitable for not only work but will help me with my school work. As you are
aware, everything that I have learned in school is a great asset for our division. Even though the work I
need to do is not work related, this laptop will still help the whole department in the long run. I can
apply what I am learning in school and use these skills at work. The Electronic consents are a recent
example of putting my school learnt skills to work. The creator of the e-consents software is going to
train me how to create the electronic consents. Each research project will need its own electronic consent.
The cost of creating an electronic consent is over $5,000.00. Since I have HTML coding and CSS style
sheet background, I will be able to create all future consents and maintain them. The Mac Book Pro
comes highly recommended by the developer for this type of work.


Even though Mac Book Pros come at a high cost, the work that I have done and the savings I
have incurred outweigh this expense.
I have devised a time study for our office staff to evaluate workload and hours. This
time study answered the question that one of our full time people can go down to part
time and that our office can take on 10-15 hours of research a week. This is beneficial
because we did not have to spend time and resources hiring a part-time research
coordinator. This not only saves money on salary but saves money from a benefits
I have developed an electronic patient management system that implored the convenience
as access to medical records and phone messaging. The providers can get to these
messages and records conveniently anywhere in the hospital.
I created and implemented cross coverage by using office pools and a Provider Pools.
I improved patient satisfaction during clinic visits. I rearranged the scheduling templates.
Patient wait times are at a minimal and providers are getting out of clinic on time.
The Mac Book Pro will help bring further opportunities to the department. The workload in the
office varies mostly on patient and provider demands. There are times when we are all working
and very busy. In times like these, it would be helpful for me to do some work at home.
Below is a list of activities that I do outside of office hours:
Call schedule entry
Epic schedule builds

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Template maintenance
Calendar maintenance
Research work and development
Time card maintenance and approvals

A Mac Book Pro will help me be efficient, be timely, and be helpful to the division. With this
tool, I will be less stressed about getting everything done and I will continue to grow and acquire
skills from school.

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Appendix A

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Appendix B

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