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Tina Shealy

TE 875
Strategic Plan
November 26, 2014

In collaboration with Brenna Elmore (Social Studies) and Jennifer Magnall (Special
Education/Math Teacher).

External Scan
a. Social Trends:
i. There are an increasing number of students using social media (e.g.
Facbook, Instagram, etc). These social media applications are
progressively increasing exposure to a wide range of media news. This
exposure is granting young people access to many inappropriate videos,
pictures, and articles.
ii. Due to the small size of our community, most employment is found
outside of the school community. There are approximately five other
towns in the surrounding area, to include an Army post. Within our
community, there are not many professional opportunities, so most have to
travel an average of 8 miles in order to reach their work place.
iii. While approximately 90% of the student population does attend the public
school, there is a small percentage that is home-schooled. The number of
students in the home-school setting has gone up in recent years as parents
are utilizing Facebook and Pinterest to allow for collaboration with other
home-schooling families.
iv. Many of our students come from a home where both parents/guardians
work. For those families, students are spending more time away from their
family members and with school personnel and daycare providers.
b. Economic Trends:
i. Over the past two years, we have seen an increase in the use of the free
and reduced lunch program. Many of these same students are also taking
advantage of the breakfast option at school.
ii. Our students come from varying economic backgrounds.
c. Political Trends:
i. The No Child Left Behind Act is a common and ever-present goal within
the school community. All teachers provide students with opportunities
for learning and growth to meet grade level requirements.
ii. Assessments within the school are done in varying ways. The most
common are teacher observation and quick evaluation and various other
ways of progress monitoring. Tests, quizzes, and state assessments are less
frequent, but still take place.
d. Demographic Trends:
i. Being located near an Army post increases the mobility rate of many of
our students. Approximately 35% of our population is a part of the
military family. While the movement of these students is high, our school
population remains fairly stable, showing some growth.
ii. As we are a rather small community, there are two other large school
districts nearby that encompass several other small communities.



iii. We are fortunate to have a wide range of cultures and ethnicities within
our school community, to include varying religious backgrounds.
Internal Scan
a. Assessment:
i. Each new student that comes to our school is given an academic screening
that will help assess their knowledge base and ensure proper placement.
ii. Each year students in grades 6-8 test through the New York State Testing
Program. Currently, our students met AYP in Math but did not meet AYP
in English Language Arts.
b. Climate:
i. Our school has several avenues for technology use. We currently have a
full computer lab, 2 mobile carts, SmartBoards in all classrooms, and
several iPads in many classes.
ii. School administration has been very supportive of our staff, allowing for
individual staff development and conference attendance as well as
supporting classroom needs.
iii. Over the past two years, 1-2 additional staff members have been added to
support the growing population. As students move up to the next grade,
more staff will need to be hired as well, assuming growth remains steady
in the lower grades.
c. Standards:
i. The AASL Standards for the 21st-Century Learner are found being used
within many classrooms as well as in the lessons planned by the LMS.
ii. The students and staff are currently following the Common Core State
d. Curriculum:
i. AIS (Academic Intervention Services) are available to students who need
additional support in Reading & Math. This support is available within the
classroom as well as small group pull-out.
ii. With the many avenues available to teachers, technology integration has
become easier and more prevalent within the classrooms.
iii. Our school is in its second year of incorporating the Common Core
Learning Standards.
Organizational Analysis
a. Our Library Media Center has many favorable strengths; we have a very
supportive community outside and inside the school. The local public library
collaborates within our walls as well as providing reading opportunities to our
students and community within their own walls. The administration and school
staff are also very supportive and understanding the needs of the media center.
Part of our challenges stem from the Library Media Specialist being split between
two buildings. While this can be difficult at times, we are fortunate to have a full
time library aide.
i. Strengths



1. Community support
2. Administration & staff support
3. Technology
4. Library is an enrichment
5. Full time aid
ii. Weaknesses
1. Low budget for purchasing materials
2. Lack of classroom collaboration
3. LMS split between 2 buildings
b. As a school, we are built as a supportive unit for all teachers. While we do have
three staff members who are shared with other buildings in the district, the
cohesiveness of the staff is apparent. Grade level and subject matter teachers
collaborate well, but we would like to see more collaboration with the enrichment
teachers as well.
i. Strengths
1. Mentors for new teachers
2. PLC
3. Community support
ii. Weaknesses
1. Class sizes
2. Shared staff between buildings
3. Low income students
Vision Statement (adapted from my Policy Formation Project)
The vision of the Ideal Middle School Library Media Center is to ensure that
students are effective users of the library media centers resources and technology.
It is the goal of the library media center to provide students with a variety of
materials, up-to-date technology, and a knowledgeable staff. Using researchbased practices, the library media center will inspire a love of reading, instill
information literacy, and encourage students to excel in their academics.
Mission Statement (adapted from my Policy Formation Project)
The mission of the Ideal Middle School Library Media Center is to:
-Support a community of life-long learners by providing successful experiences
using standards-based curriculum, which actively encourages students
participation and critical thinking while utilizing 21st Century Skills.
-Provide a safe and positive environment where students develop a strong selfesteem, appropriate social skills, and responsible decision-making.
-Create an academic environment that celebrates cultural diversity and individual
differences through mutual respect, direct communication, and common courtesy.

-Provide students with up-to-date technology to further their academic knowledge

-Empower students with the skills and support to become successful citizens
within the school, local, and national communities.

Action Plan
a. Goal Statement 1: Support a community of life-long learners by providing
successful experiences using standards-based curriculum which actively
encourages students participation and critical thinking while utilizing 21st
Century Skills.
i. Action Steps:
1. Staff development to provide information and knowledge of
available resources and how to use these resources
2. Student advisory committee
3. Collaborative partnerships between LMS and classroom teachers
ii. Schedules: Implement as soon as possible
iii. Resource Requirements:
1. Human: Administration and staff support
2. Information: Available materials periodicals, books, Internet
3. Physical: Computers, iPads, appropriate programs & applications
iv. Anticipated Student Outcomes:
1. Increased student exposure to the LMC
2. Increased interest in student-centered instruction
b. Goal Statement 2: Provide students with up-to-date technology to support their
academic knowledge base.
i. Action Steps:
1. Increase the budget by utilizing fundraisers such as a Book Fair
2. Administration support
ii. Schedules: Implement as soon as possible
iii. Resource Requirements:
1. Human: Administration and LMS to write proposals
2. Information: Available grants or other funding
3. Physical: Room and set-up materials within the LMC to place
updated technology
iv. Anticipated Student Outcomes:
1. Increased student use of library technology use of periodic
surveys asking students how often and for what purpose they have
used the LMC
2. Increased school work completion due to available resources use
of periodic surveys to staff
c. Goals are listed in prioritized order. Goal 1 is a priority because it will become the
underlying basis for Goal 2.

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