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DECLARE @today datetime

SET @today = DateAdd(dd, DateDiff(dd, 0, GetDate()), 0)
CASE WHEN Company_Code = 'NMAC' THEN 'NMAC' ELSE 'NCF' END AS 'Company Code',
DATEPART(hh,received_time) AS 'Hour',
CASE WHEN los_trans_status = 'P' THEN count(*) ELSE '0' END AS 'Pending Contracts',
CASE WHEN los_trans_status = 'I' THEN count(*) ELSE '0' END AS 'Inprogress Contracts',
CASE WHEN los_trans_status = 'E' THEN count(*) ELSE '0' END AS 'Error Contracts',
CASE WHEN los_trans_status = 'C' THEN count(*) ELSE '0' END AS 'Completed Contracts'
FROM kofax_index
WHERE received_date > DateAdd(dd, -1, @today)
GROUP BY company_code, received_date, datepart(hh,received_time), los_trans_status
ORDER BY received_date, datepart(hh,received_time)
NMAC is Canada files - 210 Server
NCF is US files - 212 Server

NMAC Canada will start first.. And their contracts comes fast to quene
NCF US files will come little slower
Monday contracts will come above 5AM CST (Mostly) only before 7 AM CST all contracts
will come
Tuesday to Friday --- normal contracts
If no contracts are coming, check for logs on any error.
Then restart the 210 services and check whether contracts are coming
Then restart the 212 services and check whether contracts are coming
Still the issue continues then, GO to 210 - below image

Check which services is in error Then restart that services and refresh the batch

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