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Dear *nama*

Currently, we are preparing a biannual international conference Information Syste

ms International Conference (ISICO) 2015 . This conference is an affiliated confe
rence of AIS Indonesia chapter in which two years ago (ISICO2013) we invited Pro
f. Doug Vogel (AIS Immediate Past President) and Prof. Don Kerr (President of Au
stralasian AIS chapter),
attended by 340 participants from 9 countries and established the new AIS Chapte
r of Indonesia (named: AISINDO).
The topic of the ISICO2015 is: Toward Asia Pacific Free Trade Area 2020, Positioni
ng IS/IT to Address Future Challenges . The conference will be held on November 24, 2015 in Surabaya, Indonesia. President-elect of AIS Prof Jae Kyu Lee (KAIST,
Korea) has confirmed his attendance to this conference as a keynote speaker as w
ell as Prof A Min Tjoa of TU Vienna, Austria and Prof Shou Yan Chou of National
Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) Taiwan.
We are writing in hopes that you may able to be a reviewer of ISICO paper for *n
amatrack* track. We provide two phases of submission:
1) Deadline for paper submission date April 30th, 2015 Notification date May 20
th, 2015;
2) Deadline for paper submission date July 28th, 2015 Notification date August 2
0th, 2015
We are very excited in hoping your consideration by giving us an opportunity to
get in charge in our programs as the conference Reviewer. We are looking forward
to working with you and other reviewers now. We d appreciated the constructive cr
iticisms from the people which is a professional expert in their field. We will
appreciate all the detail and your insightful comment and work hard to be respon
sive to them. We will also encourage the authors to follow the specific recommen
dations as closely as possible in order to make improvement in knowledge sharing
We d love to hear some good news if you agree and have a willing to be one of our
reviewer in ISICO 2015. For further information, please check out our website ht

Kind regards,


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