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Talk 3: Every Superhero has a Super Power

What is something that all superheroes must have?
The source of our strength and our abilities is the Holy Spirit, who works in us
Even though we all have different strengths and talents, it is the same Holy Spirit working in us
We are often told to be like the saints, but we feel we cannot because they are special
o But the same Holy Spirit who worked in them and made them to be great servants of God
and made them to be great examples for us dwells in us too
o Even some of the greatest saints were afraid in the beginning (ex: Peters denials, left
Christ at Crucifixion)
And the saints had different strengths (or superpowers) like we do too; they werent all the
samethink of all the stories of the saints you know
o Some could cast out demons, cure the sick, or raise the dead, while others had the talent
to teach, to lead, to preach, or to even give an example by their silence
o They all used their strengths and talents to grow closer to God and to spread His word to
other people; they made use of their strengths and used them wisely
We should do the same, no matter what our strength
o Talents in school, at home, in church
o We need to find our talents and use it to live our life according to Gods will and for His
o In our own individual talents, we can imitate the saints by doing everything we do to the
best of our ability, to do everything with love, to care for others, etc.
We need to be honest with our talents, or God will take them away
Parable of TalentsMatthew 25:14-29
o Servant given one talent: lazy, wasted time, used talents in bad things, didnt even regret
his laziness, accused God of being unfair, gave excuses, he just stood there and did
o James 4:17Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is
To keep our powers alive and keep our spirits healthy, we need to read the Bible and pray
everyday, partake of communion every Sunday
o The Bible (Word of God) is our spiritual food; just as we need to breathe and eat
everyday, we need to partake of our spiritual food every day
It is not enough just to know the taste of it/to have an idea of it, we need to eat it
o Prayer is the hand that you take from God
God is happy to answer wise prayers
Ask God to fill you with His Spirit, to help you use your talents, to make you a
fisher of men
Saints and holy people have superpowers, so do we; where we get superpowers from; we need
to use them, use them wisely; keep our powers strong and owrking
Even if you feel like you dont have any superpowers now and that you are just normal, pray to
God to make you extraordinary and a superhero who fights for Him and the good side
All have superpowers, use them wisely, for God
o And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. (Colossians 3:23)
With great power comes great responsibility

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