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Walkthroughs & Formative Assessments for


Observation Date: 09/29/2014

Modified Date: 09/29/2014



1. Professional Knowledge - The teacher

demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum,
subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the
needs of students by providing relevant learning


Specific Comments

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
2. Instructional Planning - The teacher plans using Unrated
state and local school district curricula and
standards, effective strategies, resources, and data
to address the differentiated needs of all students.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Instructional Delivery


3. Instructional Strategies - The teacher promotes Level III

student learning by using research-based
instructional strategies relevant to the content to
engage students in active learning & to facilitate the
students' acquisition of key knowledge & skills.

Specific Comments

Students viewed a video which was a good review for them on writing
decimals. You reviewed the "I Can" statement which helped students
understand the focus of the lesson. You asked students to explain their
answers which was a great way to check their understanding of the concept
and you had students "teach" the concept with a partner (another great
strategy to help students internalize the skill). You asked a student to draw a
decimal representation on the board, but it may have been helpful for all
students to do this task at their desks to increase student engagement.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
4. Differentiated Instruction - The teacher
Level III You varied the instructional delivery of the lesson by showing a Learn Zillion
challenges and supports each students learning
video, providing whole-class instruction, and then having students work with
by providing appropriate content and developing
partners to "teach" each other the concept.
skills which address individual learning differences.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Assessment of and for Learning


5. Assessment Strategies - The teacher

systematically chooses a variety of diagnostic,
formative, and summative assessment strategies
and instruments that are valid and appropriate for
the content and student population.


Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
6. Assessment Uses - The teacher systematically
gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to
measure student progress, to inform instructional
content and delivery methods, and to provide timely
and constructive feedback to both students &
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:


Specific Comments

Learning Environment


Specific Comments

7. Positive Learning Environment - The teacher

provides a well-managed, safe, and orderly
environment that is conducive to learning and
encourages respect for all.

Level IV You continually establish clear expectations for classroom routines and

procedures. You gave positive feedback to the class by awarding them a

"point" on the board. You gave lots of positive feedback about their
performance, and you always exhibit a professional role with the students
while being friendly and supportive.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
8. Academically Challenging Environment - The
teacher creates a student-centered, academic
environment in which teaching and learning occur at
high levels and students are self-directed learners.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Professionalism and Communication


9. Professionalism - The teacher exhibits a

commitment to professional ethics and the
schools mission, participates in professional
growth opportunities to support student learning,
and contributes to the profession.


Specific Comments

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
10. Communication - The teacher communicates
effectively with students, parents or guardians,
district and school personnel, and other stakeholders
in ways that enhance student learning.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:

Walkthroughs & Formative Assessments for


Observation Date: 10/08/2014

Modified Date: 10/08/2014



1. Professional Knowledge - The teacher

demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum,
subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the
needs of students by providing relevant learning


Specific Comments

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
2. Instructional Planning - The teacher plans using Level III You had detailed plans that were written in a way that served as a resource
state and local school district curricula and
for the kids. This is a great way to have your plans serve a dual purpose.
standards, effective strategies, resources, and data
You planned for a number of modalities (having students come up and
to address the differentiated needs of all students.

move to place decimals in order), and levels (3 versions of game)

Having the student names in the plans allowed for the students to reference
groups and check where they needed to be. Perhaps rename the groups sot
hat students are not labeled as tier 1,2, or 3.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Instructional Delivery


3. Instructional Strategies - The teacher promotes Level III

student learning by using research-based
instructional strategies relevant to the content to
engage students in active learning & to facilitate the
students' acquisition of key knowledge & skills.

Specific Comments

You utilized the technology on your class to support instruction. You

followed up and asked the students which strategy they learned and will
practice. This ensured they understood the content and previewed the plan
for the class. You asked questions that helped to gauge understanding and
follow up questions to ensure clarity. Perhaps try to provide a little more
wait time to ensure that all students engage. By selecting the students
raising hands, the other kids did not have to think deeply about the
you drew attention to specific features of the learning (lining up decimals)
and highlighted the steps in the strategy (look at each digit, start at left).
You provided step-by-step directions for the class so that they had a solid
understanding of the "games". You pointed out the importance of
You pulled a small group that needed to finish an assessment and a group
requiring support.
You had a method to gain attention and waited until all students focused
prior to giving instruction. This helped to ensure that you would not have to
repeat the expectations to individuals or groups.
When you discovered that you were missing materials, you quickly adjusted
so that the lesson continued without much delay.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
4. Differentiated Instruction - The teacher
challenges and supports each students learning
by providing appropriate content and developing
skills which address individual learning differences.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Assessment of and for Learning


5. Assessment Strategies - The teacher

systematically chooses a variety of diagnostic,
formative, and summative assessment strategies
and instruments that are valid and appropriate for
the content and student population.


Specific Comments

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
6. Assessment Uses - The teacher systematically
gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to
measure student progress, to inform instructional
content and delivery methods, and to provide timely
and constructive feedback to both students &


Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Learning Environment


7. Positive Learning Environment - The teacher

provides a well-managed, safe, and orderly
environment that is conducive to learning and
encourages respect for all.


Specific Comments

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
8. Academically Challenging Environment - The
Level III
teacher creates a student-centered, academic
environment in which teaching and learning occur at
high levels and students are self-directed learners.

The students were engaged with the video and you asked them questions to
ensure they were focused. By sticking with the students who responded
incorrectly or were not quite accurate in their thoughts, you provided hints
and allowed for them to self-correct.
You have your plans displayed which helps the students understand the
progression of the lesson. This also allowed for students to transition
quickly and get started without much loss of time.
Your expectations were realistic as you grouped the students according to
the level of support required. and had more complex tasks for the higher
tiered groups. (writing a number sentence and calculating the difference
versus rolling and comparing numbers)

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Professionalism and Communication


Specific Comments

9. Professionalism - The teacher exhibits a

commitment to professional ethics and the
schools mission, participates in professional
growth opportunities to support student learning,
and contributes to the profession.


Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
10. Communication - The teacher communicates
effectively with students, parents or guardians,
district and school personnel, and other stakeholders
in ways that enhance student learning.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:

Walkthroughs & Formative Assessments for

Modified Date: 01/11/2015

Observation Date: 01/08/2015


Rating Specific Comments

1. Professional Knowledge - The teacher

demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum,
subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the
needs of students by providing relevant learning

Level You design learning activities that focus on real-world application and are
appropriate to address the academic needs of your students. You understand

the scope and sequence of learning goals, and you exhibit instructional
practices that are supported by current research.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
2. Instructional Planning - The teacher plans using Level You develop detailed plans that are aligned to state standards. You use
state and local school district curricula and
learning objectives to design instructional strategies and tiered activities to
standards, effective strategies, resources, and data
ensure mastery of the standards. You identify assessment strategies to
to address the differentiated needs of all students.
monitor student progress, and you use materials from a wide variety of

Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Instructional Delivery

Rating Specific Comments

3. Instructional Strategies - The teacher promotes Level You did a nice job of engaging students in active learning by having them solve
student learning by using research-based
problems on their whiteboard while you reviewed the steps on the board. You
instructional strategies relevant to the content to
used technology to enhance learning. Students then discussed how they
engage students in active learning & to facilitate the
solved the problems with a partner (buddy check).
students' acquisition of key knowledge & skills.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
4. Differentiated Instruction - The teacher
Level Students could use different strategies to solve the word problems; you
challenges and supports each students learning III
differentiated the instructional delivery by providing whole-class discussion
by providing appropriate content and developing
and then having students work together in partners or alone to solve/discuss
skills which address individual learning differences.
the problems. You talked about pulling the students who were struggling with

the concept into a small group to provide remediation. Plans indicated that
there were enrichment activities (student choice) available for early finishers.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Assessment of and for Learning

Rating Specific Comments

5. Assessment Strategies - The teacher

systematically chooses a variety of diagnostic,
formative, and summative assessment strategies
and instruments that are valid and appropriate for
the content and student population.

Level You use a variety of diagnostic and formative assessments to determine the
extent to which students are mastering the standards. During the lesson, you

asked students questions and had them show you their whiteboards which
was a great formative check to determine if they were understanding the
concept. Students also gave a "thumbs up" to show they understood the
concept. You assess student learning through common assessments, Ticket
out the door, Kahoot data, and student work samples.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
6. Assessment Uses - The teacher systematically
gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to
measure student progress, to inform instructional
content and delivery methods, and to provide timely
and constructive feedback to both students &

Level Students gave a "thumbs up" as an indication that they understood the
concept. You were going to work with those students in a small group to

provide additional remediation. Based on the formative check, you may have
wanted to give the students who understood the concept independent work
while you reviewed the concept with the remaining students. Lesson plans
indicated tiered activities based on common assessments and daily
performances. You share assessment data with students and parents in a
timely manner, and you use it to guide your instruction.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Learning Environment

Rating Specific Comments

7. Positive Learning Environment - The teacher

provides a well-managed, safe, and orderly
environment that is conducive to learning and
encourages respect for all.

Level You continually create opportunities for students to achieve success, and you
provided a lot of positive feedback to the students regarding their performance. You
established clear expectation for partner and independent work. Your room was
arranged to facilitate group and individual activities.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
8. Academically Challenging Environment - The
Level You maximized time by focusing the instructional time on teaching and
teacher creates a student-centered, academic
learning. You asked students to explain how they got their answer and
environment in which teaching and learning occur at
required them to cite evidence to support their answers. You asked questions
high levels and students are self-directed learners.
of varying depth of knowledge and used appropriate wait time so all students

could process the question/answer.

Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Professionalism and Communication

Rating Specific Comments

9. Professionalism - The teacher exhibits a

commitment to professional ethics and the
schools mission, participates in professional
growth opportunities to support student learning,
and contributes to the profession.

Level You adhere to local school board policies and standards for the teaching
profession. You demonstrated flexiblity when asked to change grade levels.

You take on leadership roles by serving on the county assessment cohort and
the Teacher Advisory Council. You network with other colleagues and
participate in professional growth activities (PLC conference, book study, GECT
conference, etc.) to grow and improve in the profession. You exhibit a
professional demeanor and positive interactions with students, parents, and

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
10. Communication - The teacher communicates
Level You exhibit effective communication skills within the classroom by explaining
effectively with students, parents or guardians,
the content in an age-appropriate manner. You use multiple modes of
district and school personnel, and other stakeholders
communication that are appropriate for given situations to keep parents
in ways that enhance student learning.
informed, such as using Edmodo and a class website to display weekly

newsletters, class assignments, and parent/student resources. You provide

opportunities for students and parents to engage in ongoing communication,
and you collaborate with other colleagues to share best practices.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:

Walkthroughs & Formative Assessments for

Modified Date: 02/05/2015

Observation Date: 02/05/2015



1. Professional Knowledge - The teacher

demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum,
subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the
needs of students by providing relevant learning


Specific Comments

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
2. Instructional Planning - The teacher plans using Unrated
state and local school district curricula and
standards, effective strategies, resources, and data
to address the differentiated needs of all students.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Instructional Delivery


3. Instructional Strategies - The teacher promotes Level III

student learning by using research-based
instructional strategies relevant to the content to
engage students in active learning & to facilitate the
students' acquisition of key knowledge & skills.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
4. Differentiated Instruction - The teacher
challenges and supports each students learning
by providing appropriate content and developing
skills which address individual learning differences.

Specific Comments

You provided clear examples and guided practice by modeling on the board
how to find unknown lengths (solving word problems). Students were
engaged in the lesson by solving the problems on their whiteboards; other
students explained the steps and you asked questions to check their
understanding. You did a nice job reinforcing/reviewing the concepts to
ensure all students had mastered the concept.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Assessment of and for Learning


5. Assessment Strategies - The teacher

systematically chooses a variety of diagnostic,
formative, and summative assessment strategies
and instruments that are valid and appropriate for
the content and student population.


Specific Comments

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
6. Assessment Uses - The teacher systematically
gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to
measure student progress, to inform instructional
content and delivery methods, and to provide timely
and constructive feedback to both students &


Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Learning Environment


7. Positive Learning Environment - The teacher

provides a well-managed, safe, and orderly
environment that is conducive to learning and
encourages respect for all.


Specific Comments

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
8. Academically Challenging Environment - The
Level III
teacher creates a student-centered, academic
environment in which teaching and learning occur at
high levels and students are self-directed learners.

You did a nice job ensuring that all students had mastered the concept
before moving on to the next lesson by reviewing/reteaching the skill. You
asked questions to check their understanding and required students to
describe the steps to solving the problems.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Professionalism and Communication


9. Professionalism - The teacher exhibits a

commitment to professional ethics and the
schools mission, participates in professional
growth opportunities to support student learning,
and contributes to the profession.


Specific Comments

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
10. Communication - The teacher communicates
effectively with students, parents or guardians,
district and school personnel, and other stakeholders
in ways that enhance student learning.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:

Walkthroughs & Formative Assessments for

Modified Date: 03/09/2015

Observation Date: 03/09/2015


Specific Comments

1. Professional Knowledge - The teacher

demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum,
subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the
needs of students by providing relevant learning


Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
2. Instructional Planning - The teacher plans using Level IV
state and local school district curricula and
standards, effective strategies, resources, and data
to address the differentiated needs of all students.

Your plans are clear, detailed, and align with state standards. Your
framework follows the 7-step and clearly outlines what the teacher is doing
and what the students are doing. You have technology links embedded into
your plans which are easily accessible during your instruction. You have
included specific higher-level questions, differentiated tasks, and extension
activities. Your tiered activities show that you use data to guide instruction
and to form groups.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Instructional Delivery


Specific Comments

3. Instructional Strategies - The teacher promotes Unrated

student learning by using research-based
instructional strategies relevant to the content to
engage students in active learning & to facilitate the
students' acquisition of key knowledge & skills.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
4. Differentiated Instruction - The teacher
challenges and supports each students learning
by providing appropriate content and developing
skills which address individual learning differences.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Assessment of and for Learning


5. Assessment Strategies - The teacher

systematically chooses a variety of diagnostic,
formative, and summative assessment strategies
and instruments that are valid and appropriate for
the content and student population.


Specific Comments

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
6. Assessment Uses - The teacher systematically
gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to
measure student progress, to inform instructional
content and delivery methods, and to provide timely
and constructive feedback to both students &


Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Learning Environment


7. Positive Learning Environment - The teacher

provides a well-managed, safe, and orderly
environment that is conducive to learning and
encourages respect for all.


Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:

Specific Comments

8. Academically Challenging Environment - The

Level III
teacher creates a student-centered, academic
environment in which teaching and learning occur at
high levels and students are self-directed learners.

Your glow and grow practice allows students to assess the work of others
and also teaches them that there is always room for improvement. You set a
purpose for watching the video and students were able to discuss what they
have learned.
As students were interpreting the graph, Mia's Lemonade Stand, they had to
predict and read the data to answer given questions. Students then had to
organize the same information presented in the line graph into another type
of graph and be able to explain how many lemons squeezed after 8 hours.
Your transitions between direct instruction, discussion, and partner work
were seamless.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Professionalism and Communication


9. Professionalism - The teacher exhibits a

commitment to professional ethics and the
schools mission, participates in professional
growth opportunities to support student learning,
and contributes to the profession.


Specific Comments

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
10. Communication - The teacher communicates
effectively with students, parents or guardians,
district and school personnel, and other stakeholders
in ways that enhance student learning.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:

Walkthroughs & Formative Assessments for

Modified Date: 03/10/2015

Observation Date: 03/10/2015


Rating Specific Comments

1. Professional Knowledge - The teacher

demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum,
subject content, pedagogical knowledge, and the
needs of students by providing relevant learning


Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
2. Instructional Planning - The teacher plans using Level Plans are very clear and indicate tiered instruction. You include specific
state and local school district curricula and
questions that provide deeper thought. You made adjustments to the plans
standards, effective strategies, resources, and data
based on student understanding.
to address the differentiated needs of all students.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Instructional Delivery

Rating Specific Comments

3. Instructional Strategies - The teacher promotes Level You demonstrated the work on the board, but then released control to the
student learning by using research-based
students so they could practice and explain their understanding.
instructional strategies relevant to the content to
Rather than highlighting how a student could organize her work, you allowed
engage students in active learning & to facilitate the
students' acquisition of key knowledge & skills.
for the students to evaluate and explain how the work could have been set up

(input/output chart).
You provided a specific task based on their understanding and ensured that
you checked everyone's work since it was an area of concern.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
4. Differentiated Instruction - The teacher
Level The students were struggling with the concept, but knew how to check with a
challenges and supports each students learning III
partner and continue working on the task. The students worked with others to
by providing appropriate content and developing
complete problems. The students remained on task as they worked together.
skills which address individual learning differences.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Assessment of and for Learning

Rating Specific Comments

5. Assessment Strategies - The teacher

systematically chooses a variety of diagnostic,
formative, and summative assessment strategies
and instruments that are valid and appropriate for
the content and student population.

Level You assess their understanding through questions, but also allow students to
evaluate their own understanding and determine the support required.

You had the students complete a problem on their own and check with a
partner before having it solved for all.
You monitored their work and provided hints and steps when needed. After
students shared work, they others gave a thumbs up if they had the same
answer. This gave you a quick check of understanding.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
6. Assessment Uses - The teacher systematically
gathers, analyzes, and uses relevant data to
measure student progress, to inform instructional
content and delivery methods, and to provide timely
and constructive feedback to both students &

Level The students could ask a friend for help if they were having difficulty. this
required self-assessment, but would also allow for students to support one

another and explain the process to each other.

When you noticed specific areas for feedback, (worked it out in your head) you
provided the rationale for showing work.

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Learning Environment

Rating Specific Comments

7. Positive Learning Environment - The teacher

provides a well-managed, safe, and orderly
environment that is conducive to learning and
encourages respect for all.

Level The students remained on task. When they did not meet your expectations
with respect to shouting out, you waited until all followed class rules before

Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:

continuing. This strategy did not take long but refocused the group.
You reminded the class about being respectful to their classmates while
problems were explained.

8. Academically Challenging Environment - The

Level You had students explaining their thinking with respect to the functions. You
teacher creates a student-centered, academic
used additional students to "add on" to the explanation.
environment in which teaching and learning occur at
You had the students explain thoughts to each other so they would be able to
high levels and students are self-directed learners.

explain it to the class. Students then put their work on the board and
explained how they arrived at their answers. The rest of the class was able to
ask questions if they did not understand.
The students understood that if they showed one method, you would ask if
they could do another method. This required that students engage with the
task, but also think beyond the task itself.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:
Professionalism and Communication

Rating Specific Comments

9. Professionalism - The teacher exhibits a

commitment to professional ethics and the
schools mission, participates in professional
growth opportunities to support student learning,
and contributes to the profession.


Sample Performance Indicators

Examples may include, but are not limited to:
10. Communication - The teacher communicates
effectively with students, parents or guardians,
district and school personnel, and other stakeholders
in ways that enhance student learning.
Sample Performance Indicators
Examples may include, but are not limited to:

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