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The Brittingham Social Enterprise Lab (BSEL) Scholars Mentoring Program is a year-long opportunity for an elite

group of undergraduate students considering careers in social enterprise to receive mentoring from industry
experts and connect with a supportive group of committed individuals.
Social Enterprise
In a standard enterprise, profit is the primary goal and results are measured against prevailing market forces. A
social enterprise is a business venture for which the social mission is as significant, if not more, than the
financial bottom line. Social enterprises can be for-profit, nonprofit or a mix of the two.
If accepted into the Scholars Mentoring Program, you will receive:
professional advice from successful social entrepreneurs;
exposure to best practices in social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility, nonprofit
management and sustainability;
an invitation to a formal meal with all mentors and mentees;
at least two one-on-one meetings with your mentor;
a career shadowing day hosted by your mentor;
regular meetings with a cohort of engaged and supportive peers; and
access to the BSEL student and professional network and personal advising from BSEL staff.
Program Eligibility
The mentoring program is open to all undergraduate juniors and seniors.
In addition to orientation, welcome dinner and private meetings with mentors, Scholars are expected to attend
monthly cohort meetings. If selected, you must attend a mandatory half-day retreat on Sunday, August 23,
2015, and a dinner on Tuesday, September 8, 2015.
Application Process
To apply, (1) submit a resume and (2) respond to the following questions (500 words total):
a) What kinds of work or other experiences do you plan to pursue as you near graduation from USC?
b) What does having a mentor mean to you?
c) What social issue (e.g., poverty, education, health, etc.) would you like to affect using your business skills?
Additionally, please be sure to include your major(s) and minor(s) and note whether you have taken BAEP 491:
Social Entrepreneurship and/or BAEP 471: Social Innovation Design Lab on your application.
Deadline to Apply
Applications and supporting materials must be submitted to Michelle Chow in STO 315 by 5 p.m. on Friday,
April 10, 2015. An interview sign-up sheet will be affixed to the door of STO 315. All applicants must sign up for
an interview when submitting their applications.
Contact Information
For questions and additional information, please visit the BSEL website or email Michelle Chow.

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