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Ss GS Engineering & Construction Gangnam Finance Center 737, Yeoksam- org, Gargnam Gu, 135-984, Seoul, Kores Tel, No, :070-8251-1873, 070-8281-1872, Emall:suskIm@gscorsLeDAt TRANSMITTAL (rroveer ‘WARD PRESSURE MAINTENANCE PROTEST Manager of Project RECEIVER 5 PLEASE RETURN ONE COPY OF AROVE WITH YOUR COMMENTS AND/OR APPROVAL. 5) PLEASE RETURN ONE DUPLICATE COPY OF TRANSMITTAL WITH SIGNATURE TO THE FOLLOWING ena abr Mr, Sung.s0o Kim Site Monoser x, oxorgna cicoryi orCompater Os EeloMe rte T(ransmitat ony) —_fstoNATURE pageasa 27 DEC Be To: GS ENGG & CONSTR. CORP. “Transmittal No: 11080146-KG-1-03174 24 Gangnare Finance Centar, Contact: 05008 Seou 195-384 - Korea ProjectINaMe: Wm precsve Mrbversnes atin: Mr. DONG BAE PARK Project Manager SUBJECT: _ INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION ey estres.acTP.00e | epee 12 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN FOR STRUCTURAL 05 pet STEEL ERECTION a ararvesesioues © ot Aoprredloted “Ast, Resta at Ress 8 Nuatededaned Asst ncmoras Recto 5 __inferatoafsnaad “Tee Corre sulle resporsl forthe cosines and aceirayofalldocrmnarevings prepared by Hitt subcontacoro¢ ver, ‘evans totechncalfamn hal badrate individ wing othe Company fr easton ant spo, For KUNAIT O1L COMPANY EK! Ae (3 as GROVER Sipamiencon Reresratve ain all ops ester Hot V SS ee ces g WARA PRESSURE MAINTENANCE PROJECT Ss : a Le = INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN FOR STRUGTURAL STEEL ERECTION Ga Peer tets 7 Re. Claas Dax, No. HAS0146-QC-17P-000-0615, INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL ERECTION 2 Kuwait Oil Company KSC.) = ‘LIQS0146 2 ERM?72. : Burgan Field and South East Kuwait Fields 191920 ae ee yee 01, DEG. 2012 ISSUED FOR REVIEW ALIMTHIVAZ APRASAD ARABY.E PARK 43. QCT, 2012, ISSUED FOR REVIEW ‘APRASAD T.P.MOHANAN ARASYE. C.W.BAE | KC PARK SssKiM pRERD cm r neem | cam | com | =e sie se | WARA PRESSURE MAINTENANCE PROJECT INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL Gar Dec Wo iiesdQcaTPomas tea) Peete Tani TNsPacTON ACTIN om porimry rest rerenence svavvano | A2gepraNCE scone neanns cua netonos [SS TOR | commer + | iete Ercton 11 | Foundation check ib Level | K0C-6-007 Approved roving | 86 6080 pan 27322) | rpnecs.on2 ww fos Level elevation) positon nspecton | repent 00-000 stom | troonston Pad [preparaton of base) Inspection revert) 12 | instalaton of Counmsirowstorecng, | KOC-e-0TAppored Drawings | Appmrea ows | NA » fw) sora cero 0000059 73 | inspection of Pumbness 00-0007 sososipak 20.981 | TPRSSODS wf) ow |W ‘Mtaotas chr em0-o00. 0080 (Couren Purtbess cpa Meee. oco 1 oat Soros : nae 14 | Check bat tohiness Tapettiansasers | eR-s¢004 w fw fe Spesteaton re Tes) 75 | onpitecennecons KOe-cae7 ANS ON wwe Du Wa Tw tw |e (Gated or welie Rowoved Dans & ‘eBsettec ESS er. cos0 16 | Field Welding (Where required at DoW-Wiiness _H-Hold Point RIA - Review & Approval S- Surveillance RIF - Fim Review WARA PRESSURE MAINTENANCE PROJECT S a sect sae | INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL Gat / - Chass | Dee. No. : 11050146.QC-IP- 900-0015 Rev Page 305 verano INsPECTION ACTIITY me aoriMny TEST ererence sranoano | — ACQEPTANCE oceuments emarns aualiry Recoros [5 =, | eomR=T | compar ‘Wetcina rovedure &Wielaer Gualeston 7 Pre-Quaifcaton of wating procedure | 11050146.0MRO-0C0.0050 | AWKSOI1 WPS For w low | a Specheaton 3) ualfeaton oF Weiser Trosore-cwPRooco.one0 | AWS O11 eter 10 Gaia w [ow | aa Fine Kosco07 & Arproved DWG LWPS | WA wifes 5 ‘oseras oN PRO 000.0060 ‘Welding Inspection KOO-0007 ANGD.4Aoprevea | AWS 14 TPR S600 wil w | os onee {Vols Voual ropocfon TroscTss-cmrR0.000.050 Repory 17 | Non Destructive Exemiraton (if: } Koo-o007.148 ws OL WDE RAI: w lw fs Ko0.0.007146 as 014 RT Fim Review w line | pe a SW-Winess H-Hold Point RIA-Review & Approval _$- Surillance RIF - Film Review WARA PRESSURE MAINTENANCE PROJECT secc ees INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL Gat ass Doc No, : 1WOS0146-QC-ITP.000.0015, Ree A Page dats verirvne INSPECTION ACTIVITY ew ‘ACCEPTANCE sacri /TEST REFERENCE STANDARD Document REMARKS xo OAT QUALITY RECORDS | -..5uP ae ‘cowpane 18 00-6-023 & Grouting worker | KOCC-023,vendo’'s | Mil Cetibat, w fw | ow Sua, Recurrmerdaton & T= Ne 90148-2017P.000. | Tire Paty Rept ovo" 19 | Paintng Inspection (paint damage | KOe-C-007 KOC-P.0012 area) ASTM 125 AAS per Approves Procadule woflow low Surface: preparanonictaarat: ‘As per Approved Procedure KOC-P-001 ) Application of primer and its ‘OFT check AS per Approved Procedure KOC-P-001 (TPR-PN-001 w w s [Pointing lnsoecton Repor) Apicaton of nermediat Coat 20 5 pppoves pacecue | KOC-F-00 TPRENCOT «| wl # (Paming inspection Report) iv) Appication of Final coat ane TPRPN-CO1 w wf ow its DET CHECK AsperAcproved Procecue | KO-P.201 (Paintog Inspecion apo 2. | Fnatmspectoa 0 OW -Winese _H- Hold Point RUA - Reviow & Approval _§ - Survailance RIF - Film Review WARA PRESSURE MAINTENANCE PROJECT S sexe INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL hat Clas? Dye No, :11050146.QC-1TP.200-0015 Rev.A tage So's verve INSPECTION ACTIVITY me scrivry sTEsT reference sianoano | ACOEPTANCE acumen? EMARHS quairy Recoros |... su8,, | sommere | coupanr 21 | cerptetnairspecton ct wstaeastea | K0c-C-007 & Typed wo —*| PRSS-ONE rr vor 1 osor16-can PRO-O00-0780 Et epee §3) 2 | Revew of final documentation 31 | cteskat socunentatontorconeaness | Conia Reauerens, ConvecRequvenera,|AtRepore/cwrifease |e | R | snicorpetness At Relevant bowers iret Cecamonts 0 OW. Wiinees H-Hold Point RUA - Review & Approval _$ -Surveilance RIF -Film Review 'WARA PRESSURE MAINTENANCE PROJECT 4 WELD VISUAL INSPECTION REPORT quot Page af Dats Project em OT Rew No Deseplion Report No Cimensiona Chek Wana iapecon 6.No.] tem Deseinton | oy wes no. | WelterNo Type otNoe Rec] Remerks fecont [Reject Tevest_[_Raeel Subeontaaor Tce Company Nate sigratre Dae Form NoTPR-SS-001 Rev.0 WARA PRESSURE MANTEWANGE PROJECT S PAINTING INSPECTION REPORT quot Ropert Ne. Dato Paint system Ret Drawing No. - ee TT Hi lJob speciteation No Wosthor Condition ai 7a ‘i =| ae 7a [vareue Tense up engertre ote unity Wet Tener ‘Surface Preparation ben Fosuit | Subcon | GSEs Company fn Sa [mae ioneve(e#) Primer Coat Testext Tazo 0-Filn Bae: mane nin Reiea FF | acon oa Se Vii t - GF Mekess (REBGOTT) (Reon I Intermediate Coat as. nen ree ein TROT Tice Parva cup ae T Dy fin ewe (ROT) (oan Sette Fla Coat ae an ne nina ROT Tare ‘yf maken (Reed OAT | eos Sra te Tress Test Rogue) ol bo Tent (Reged amar Ty presurnase entendton Cleanliness suc Prparen Mentonng TS popteaton nootering ven Thoms (EH poet euron Fim tiskrere (OH Tha inspection Frumcon conver compay hme: sams Name fie Tito ie tg sigstve Sipe WARA PRESSURE MAINTENANCE PROJECT FOUNDATION PAD INSPECTION REPORT FOR STEEL STRUCTURE Page of Date Project Report No, Location tem DWE No. ‘Sub-Con. Elevation Result No. Column No Remarks Drawing | Actual [Diference| Accept | Reject ‘Subcontractor Contractor ‘Company Name. Signature Date Form No:ITPR-SS-002 RevO i) | INSPECTION REPORT for POST POUR CONCRETE (aot. Pour No. Report No Location Equipmant Description : Drawing No. é No tems to be Checked Results Romarke 1. [initia protection of exoosed surface adequate [Removal of fommork within ime and sirenath requirements. 3 [Opening ( Sze . location , and top elevation } correct 4. [east items in correct coordinates and Elevation 6 |Nodefeete in surfaco (Curing adequate. Curng Compounds applied and 6 continues water curing for 7 days as applicable { to be signed after curing) lau crtical terns checked by survey (e.g anchor belts, PVC lbipes, OP system) and correct. Defect Records Subcontractor Contractor Company Detect Inepoctod by Repair Method to be used (to be agreed by company) ‘Subcontractor Contractor Company Defect Inspected by Curing Surveillance Record Date Initial Remarks Subcontractor Contractor Company Signature Date TreR-Gra08 Revo aa WARA PRESSURE MAINTENANCE PROJECT SS onere i Ne COLUMN PLUMBNESS REPORT quot. i rage of bate Project enor No, Hem DWE No Sub-Con Tieosred brmensen Root ‘Check Paint No. Colma Tolerance: Remarks no Verical | Horizontal Accept | Reject a Tenoeer Company Nane Sanaire oa Tam nonTPRSSGOS Rov oP a WARA PRESSURE MAINTENANCE PROJECT OS BOLT TORQUE TEST REPORT FOR STEEL quoe| ama STRUCTURE Page of Date Frokedt Report No. Leston ten ove Ws. sub owsne | Location |eatsize| TontTorue | tesa) restTomue | Rarths | Soeracr canoer cenpany Tans a Fon NoWTPRSS-0G4ROVD @ ATApaesane Oar rae Ss = =e INSPECTION REPORT for GROUT WORK Gor Report No Lecaton Equipment Description: raming Ne. No Home to be Chockod Results Remarks Chock grout materials oro used 2s per company soecificetion and are approved ICheck grout materials ere stored in # cry weather proof 2 |areawithin the temperature range specified in the company |Seecification and grout manufacturer's recommendation 3. [check gioutng surtace is roughened [Check the groutng surtaceis clean of al cr.locse particles ail or greate and is throughly soaked with water for 24 hours prior to placing cement grout [Check grout is mixed in accordence with the Imanufactures instructions Check formwork ie |sukaole Ensuring grout is poured from one side only to allow venting of air below base plate (No entrapment of ar) Jchack grouting is carried out ater steeliwork or equipment 6 [is leveled and plumbed wity the bases supported stee! wedges [Chock sieeve around anchor balis are completely filed with larout 8 [Check proger curing of the grout surtace [chock ané ensure cubes are taken for testing and result 8 satistactory JRomarke : ‘Subcontractor Contractor Company Name ‘Signature Date Forno, “TPRGrOT? Rev tyrx WARA PRESSURE MAINTENANGE PROJECT osex FINAL INSPECTION FOR STRUCTURAL quote serait STEEL Page of _ Dete Preject Foport No. Location: Hom DWG Ne. = Sub-con. instalation No Items to be checked ‘Accapt Raject 1 | Pad evel inspection completed ? 2 | Column plumbness inspection carpleted 2 3. | Bolt torque test inspection completed ? 5 | Column, beam and bracing are correctly installed ? 6 | Gratings, stairways, handrails ots. aro in place? 7 | Grouting work completed ? 8 | Damage Paint retouch / Touch up ? Subcontractor Contractor Company Narre Signature Date Form No:ITPR-S3-005 Rev 0

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