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Projet Artistique: Les drapeaux de deux pays

Classe de CM1
Les Objectifs
1. Understand the artistic history of both the American and French flags
2. Learn how to apply symbolism with simple colors and shapes
3. Express your own values through creating a flag of your own
The United States Flag
Adopted on June 14, 1777, the original
American flag was sewn by Betsy Ross. It
started with a circle of 13 stars, representing
the 13 colonies in existence at that time. As
states were created and U.S. land was
expanded, more stars were added to the flag
to represent the 50 states. However, thirteen
stripes still remain, symbolic of the original 13
colonies. The blue represents justice, the
white represents purity, and the red
represents valor.

Le Drapeau Franais
Ce drapeau tricolore t adopt le 15
fvrier, 1794. Jaques-Louis David la
dsign. Sur le drapeau, il y a les trois
couleurs de la France: bleu, blanc, et rouge.
Le blanc est la couleur nationale de France,
et reprsente la Maison Royale de Bourbon.
Le bleu et le rouge reprsentent les couleurs
de larme de France. Tous les trois
reprsentent la libert, la fraternit, et
lgalit, les idals de la rvolution franaise.

Ton Drapeau
What qualities do you value?

How do you make your community a better place?

What about yourself are you proud of?

What qualities do you admire in others?

How can you visually represent those using colors and shapes?

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