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Data Structures and Algorithms

Assignment 04
Binary Tree Template
Attique Dawood
March 24, 2015
Due: March 31, 2015
Last Modified: Wednesday 25th March, 2015, 17:31

Task 1: Binary Tree Template

Make a templatised binary tree class that can store any type of data. Provide two functions
to insert an entry and display the tree in inorder.

Task 2: Binary Tree Sorting

Test the binary tree template by inserting some integers and displaying them in ascending

Task 3: Binary Tree Dictionary

Create a binary tree dictionary by inserting words of type string. Display the dictionary.

Implementation Guidelines

Template class functions cannot be defined outside class so youll have to do all your implementation in a single file. Write all code in one Main.cpp file and submit .sln and project
files along with it.

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