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The candidate for certification demonstrates and implements the

Montessori philosophy and methods (materials).
What: Samples of peace education (photos), photos of a series of math
lessons, photos of students with responsibility in the classroom
Who: Teacher Candidate and Students
When: 2014-2015 School Year
Significant Details: These artifacts show an understanding and
implementation of the Montessori philosophy and methods in my classroom.

Analysis: The philosophy of Maria Montessori concerning the education of

children is what drives the Montessori classroom. It deals with Human
Growth and Development and is all about following the child. Montessori
recognized four planes of development. The first plane (birth to age 6), can
be characterized by the absorbent mind. In this stage, children effortlessly
assimilate information. They are very concrete and crave materials to
manipulate. The second plane (ages 6 12), is developing a moral sense.
These children are moving from the concrete to the abstract. They are
developing an intellectual independence. Students in this plane display the
herd instinct. They want to work together in groups or teams. The third
plane includes adolescents ages 12 18. This period of development is
characterized by physiological instability. These adolescents are struggling
to form the adult self. The final and fourth plane includes young adults, ages
18 24. In this stage, these young adults are becoming economically
independent. They are entering the work world, taking on responsibility, and
beginning to influence the world. They are emerging leaders.
The Montessori classroom is characterized by several elements. Some of
these are: student choice within limits, respect for a childs natural
development, discovery learning, freedom of movement, mixed age
classroom, and an emphasis on peace education. Montessori cited several
human tendencies that education should respond to. Some of these include:
activity, abstraction, communication, exploration, order, repetition, and
purposeful activity or work. The Montessori classroom is sensitive to these
tendencies and addresses them through the environment and work.

Planning: In the future, I intend to continue to follow the child. I am

somewhat limited due to the fact that I work in a public school and some
requirements do exist. However, in most cases, I find that Montessori
students can move ahead of most of the state and national standards. I
intend to continue to engage in professional development related to

Montessori education and to maintain my membership with AMS. I know that

a network of other Montessori educators will be beneficial in my
implementation of the Montessori philosophy and methods within my class.

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