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Step 5

Assessment Results and Analysis of Student Learning

For my first lesson, I discussed the importance of writing each of their names. I used a practice
work sheet for the boys to trace letters. Then I used hand-over-hand instruction for each letter in their
name. We practiced several times with the trace your name papers. The purpose of this paper is to help
the students identify letters of their names. I sent these same papers home with the boys for homework.
The boys did do their homework with their parents and returned some of the homework papers.
Next, I found an online worksheet with different ways to trace lines. I call it a zig zag practice
sheet. The boys traced this sheet at school and home. The purpose of the tracing worksheets is for the
students to exercise their small motor muscles. Another lesson I planned was for the boys to play with
the magnetic puzzles. These puzzles were great for helping the boys use hand-eye coordination to work
the puzzles. The boys also practiced using the pen to manipulate through the puzzle like writing letters
with a pencil. The students still had trouble identifying the letters of their name so I planned a lesson that
was fun for them and they could also practice identifying letters of their name. I asked the boys to make

the letters of their name using Legos. The boys enjoyed this activity. I asked the boys to write down the
letter they made to remember it. The students did a good job writing down the letters of their name. The
J and e are becoming legible and he is beginning to space out his letters. Aiden is getting better at
connecting the A at the top of the letter. Before his letter A looked like an H.
I tested Jaden on February 17, 2015 and his name is legible. Aiden was sick and not at school for
the entire week from February 16 through the 19th. I tested him today and he wrote five letters. I give the
letters a 7 on the graph. I sent homework papers home with him tonight and I plan on testing him in the
morning again.


Jadens name was legible on February 17, the date of his post-test. Growth occurred through most of the Teacher Work
Sample. However, Jaden did relapse on the letters n and d because the letters were harder to read than the time before
but he overcame it. In the end the color purple represents the last date he wrote his name for me, which are higher towers
than the other colors. Jaden had most success on writing the letter, J.


Aiden did great when he was at school learning how to write his name. He made a growth of 6 in 13 days. Unfortunately, he
missed a lot of school toward the middle of the work sample and it showed in his work. He was sick the week of the 16th and he had
missed at least one day before that. I did not get a work sample from him around February 3. The next sample that was recorded was
on the test day, February 23. He has made a huge growth from January 26 to February 23 in the letters, A, I, and e even
though he missed quite a bit of school. I feel with further practice of writing his name at home or at school he will be to write his
name for kindergarten.

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