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Common Core Essential Elements

Math Example Activities

Common Core Essential Element
EE.N-CN.2.a. Use the commutative,
and distributive properties to add,
subtract, and
multiply whole numbers.
EE.N-CN.2.b. Solve real-world
problems involving addition and
subtraction of decimals, using models
when needed.
EE.A-SSE.3. Solve simple algebraic
equations with one variable using
multiplication and division

Example Activity
Watch a Brainpop video on
commutative and associative property.
Then create arrays using graph paper
to show multiplication sentences
Practice counting out money, giving
correct change and adding and
subtracting prices in the school store.
Some students used calculators or
peer support while others were able to
do this independently after practice.
Some students worked on this
element by solving for unknown
numbers. Example problem: 3x=9. We
practiced how to do inverse
operations to solve multiplication and
division problems. I was able to work
on this element with the students who
were proficient with simple mental

EE.N-Q.13. Express quantities to the

appropriate precision of measurement

multiplication and division

Use various units and tools of
measurement to follow and complete
a recipe. Example measurements
include; grams, ounces, cups,
tablespoons, inches, centimeters. The
students also need to understand the
concept of capacity (for example,
filling a cup measuring cup to
capacity so that the correct amount is
added to the recipe.

Common Core Essential Elements

ELA Example Activities
Common Core Essential Element
EE.L.9-10.1.b Use digital, electronic,
and other resources and tools to
improve uses of language as needed.
EE.L.9-10.4.c Consult reference
materials (dictionaries, online
supports) to clarify the meaning of
unfamiliar words encountered when
EE.RI.8.3 Recount events in the order
they were presented in the text

Example Activity
Use iPad and computer programs such
as Clicker Connect, Solo 6,
accessibility features, and Write
Online to complete creative and
expository writing activities.
While reading the novel The Bully by
Paul Langan, highlight new and/or
unknown words. Use wordsmyth.net to
find the meaning, examples,
synonyms, related words, and
antonyms for the words. Create
graphic organizers for new vocabulary
List (or use a teacher provided list) 510 events that happened in the novel
The Bully. Include visuals such as
drawings or pictures to help with

EE.RI.8.1 Cite text to support

inferences from informational text.

meaning. Cut out sentence strips and

arrange the events in the correct
Using articles from Scholastic Action
Magazine, make inferences about the
articles. Use a highlighter to highlight
evidence to support the inferences
that were made.

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