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Games, Challenges & English 11

Danielle Crossley

- English Language Arts 11
- Novi High School, Novi, MI
- Unit: Narrative Non-Fiction
- Text: Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer

Inquiry Question
Will incorporating games and
survival challenges, per
student feedback, increase
student engagement
throughout our narrative nonfiction unit centered around
the book Into the Wild by Jon

More than Reading

During this unit, the students not
only looked forward to the next
challenge, but they kept up with
class reading due to the fact that
they never knew what the
challenge would require.
The class environment proved to
gain comradery and excitement
throughout the unit.

TE 804


Inquiry Timeline and Process

1. Students completed a survey using
surveymonkey.com asking for feedback on
first semester regarding engagement.
2. Upon finding that many students felt most
engaged at the beginning or end of a unit
and during activities like games or group
work, I decided to use this feedback and
construct the next unit around it.
3. The students were split into groups of four.
4. Students participated in many games and
challenges. Pre- Reading Activity: Survival
Challenge, During Reading Activities:
Reading Comprehension Race, Web
Hunts, Participation Points, Survivor Sand
Challenge, Comprehension Check
Crosswords, Post-Reading Activity: Last
Man Standing Review Game

1. Readicide by Kelly Gallagher
2. Teaching for Literacy
Engagement by John Guthrie
3. To Help Students Learn,
Appeal to What They Value
by Heidi Olinger

Issue #: [Date]

Dolor Sit Amet

Findings & Reflections

Initial Results (56 students)
o Question 1: Rate your daily (average) level of engagement in the
previous unit? 6 students answered very engaged, 27 answered mostly
engaged, 19 answered somewhat engaged, and 4 answered rarely
o Question 2: What types of lessons do you find most engaging? 37
students answered discussions and group work, 10 answered individual
work, 6 answered teacher led, and 3 selected more than one option.
o Question 3: What aspects of my teaching (or your previous teachers)
from first semester best held your attention? (Specific lessons, or types of
lessons) Active lessons, Lessons that get us excited like competitions with
prizes, Working with classmates, Activities where we are participating,
Hands on, Full class lessons, Letting us work together

Final Results & Reflections (56 students)

o Post Unit Data Collection- Discussion & Debrief Notebook Entry
o The students had many different perspectives on how the challenges increased their
engagement. Many students expressed the fact that working in a group increased their
motivation to make the reading deadlines because of their desire to complete the tasks and to
not let their group members down.
o I was a bit apprehensive to implement games throughout the unit because I did not want the
focus to completely shift from the narrative non-fiction book and to solely relying on the
challenges. Upon reflection, I found the games to be an incentive and to improve class
discussions and overall comprehension of the book and its themes because of the repeated
practice with these concepts.
o Some of the initial feedback expressed the fact that in their previous units, teachers seemed to
begin and end units with engaging lessons, but throughout the unit the lessons lacked that
excitement. The identification of this problem is what led me to pursue this inquiry question
and I think that including the survival challenges and games proved to be a valid, original way
to increase engagement, comradery and create a more communal environment in the

Issue #: [Date]

Dolor Sit Amet

Sed tempus:
Duis dui.

Sed ultrices pellentesque ipsum.

Donec mattis urna et erat. Phasellus
a lorem in tortor lobortis feugiat.
Proin quis odio.

Aenean at massa.


Vestibulum mauris nulla, lobortis lobortis, consectetuer at, pharetra sit
amet, ipsum. Mauris dolor risus, volutpat eget, pharetra semper,
pulvinar non, nisi. Sed sollicitudin libero. Vivamus a diam. Maecenas
hendrerit neque et velit. Aenean faucibus, justo eget dignissim
pellentesque, libero augue mollis augue, a tempor est lectus in purus.
Donec risus. Praesent in mi. Integer tincidunt. Integer dignissim dolor
quis tortor. Morbi sit amet nisi sed est molestie convallis. Nunc eu
lorem in est imperdiet feugiat. Vestibulum felis. Praesent malesuada
pulvinar ligula. Praesent sagittis ultrices nibh.
Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per
inceptos hymenaeos. Proin justo velit, feugiat in, faucibus nec, cursus
sed, odio. Maecenas ac justo. Cras elementum lectus at mi. Phasellus a
leo eget augue scelerisque dictum. Morbi egestas mi. Pellentesque
habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis
egestas. Praesent convallis nibh id arcu. Nulla semper auctor metus.
Cras in turpis. Integer sed nisl. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin augue velit, varius eu, facilisis
consectetuer, interdum id, neque.

Nulla sit amet magna ac tellus

sollicitudin pellentesque. Aenean
aliquam, elit at congue luctus, dolor
augue consequat urna, at semper nisl
arcu at libero.

Cras volutpat.
Vestibulum ornare lacus at nunc.
Maecenas sodales nisi in ante.
Donec id nisi. Integer velit nisl,
semper vel, aliquam aliquet, congue
quis, dolor.

Morbi vitae mi.

Nulla sagittis, odio mattis molestie

pellentesque, mauris mauris
tincidunt orci, sit amet bibendum
nulla dui sit amet sem.

Cras purus.

Fusce posuere, sapien ac adipiscing

sollicitudin, neque urna pharetra
libero, sit amet posuere arcu dolor
nec est. Phasellus aliquam bibendum
nibh. Proin ultricies orci vitae leo.

Nunc ut lectus.

Morbi justo?
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus
orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia
Curae; Etiam a leo sit amet eros porta
tempor. Fusce eget mi. Maecenas congue
justo ut ante.

Vivamus ultrices sapien ac mauris.

Vivamus faucibus. Nulla fringilla
imperdiet justo. Proin vitae magna.
Sed velit neque, rutrum eget,
scelerisque eget, ultricies a, dolor.
[Web address]

Issue #: [Date]

Dolor Sit Amet

Aliquam vel velit:

Lorem Ipsum
Sed quis nunc. Aenean metus. Cras sagittis interdum
velit. Aliquam vel velit. Donec urna. Vivamus suscipit,
leo id vehicula varius, ante pede gravida purus, id
rhoncus nibh massa in risus. Integer eu lacus. Proin
scelerisque eros sit amet neque. Vestibulum at sapien
non arcu luctus hendrerit. Nam ut risus eget lorem
iaculis pretium. In ligula. In lacus. Duis at nisi.

Integer tempus. Pellentesque in velit. Ut mauris. Vivamus vel

tellus. Nunc fermentum tortor. Praesent purus. Donec
scelerisque condimentum ante

Duis auctor dolor sit amet dui. Nulla accumsan, elit ac

fringilla auctor, mauris eros nonummy lorem, eu
fringilla lacus sem at odio. Phasellus vitae turpis.
Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse viverra, eros sed
nonummy mattis, neque mauris dignissim mi, ut
blandit lacus risus vel nunc. Cras tempor pulvinar nisi.
Nulla magna libero, rutrum eget, lobortis nec,
imperdiet id, tortor.

Curabitur at quam. In sit amet dolor sed massa eleifend mollis. Donec diam. Curabitur justo diam, faucibus sed, ornare id, posuere
vestibulum, nisl. Nunc augue. Morbi vitae lectus. Sed a mi. Fusce lectus tortor, condimentum tincidunt, aliquet vitae, viverra id, nisl.
Integer tincidunt nisl ut metus.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

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[City], [State][Postal Code]

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