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I studied at Brockton high school.

I was an aspiring student with high GPA wanted to finish

my senior year and graduate from Brockton High school. However, I was not allowed to stay in
the high school, because of my age. My guidance counselor told me that I had two options, one
is go to night school, another one is join the Gateway to College program. She advised me to
join the Gateway to College program, since I not only can get a higher education from gateway t
han night school but also get a better chance to go to college. Therefore, I decided to attend
gateway program. Due to the poor score of reading and writing placement test, I was worried
about that I would not be accepted. Fortunately, I got a personal interview afterwards. I was
nervous in the interview, Sharice and Balbina asked me some question about my gold.
With a high expectation that to get all As, I started my journey in Massasoit. My first two
classes were introduction to writing and college reading II, which were much harder than ESL I
took in high school. Unsurprisingly, I didnt do well in those classes and I got two Cs, which was
really dismayed me. The worse thing is I have a unhealthy attitude of study, all or nothing. Either
I get all As or I get all low grades After the two classes, I got a speech class. I felt I would get a
anther C and I lost my energy to aspire an A. However, I still wanted to get a high grade deep
down. I started to fight the negative emotion. Even though I got a B in the end, I was still delight.
The greatest accomplishment in Massasoit is I get an A in history II. In the first class of history
II, I realized I only understand 60 percentage of words that professor said, sometimes even less
than that and the course required many essays. I certainly think that I would fail the course.
Therefore, I told to Sharice to drop off the course and take it later. But for some reasons, I was
told that I had to take it. It left me with no choose, so I had to figure it out anyway. For each
history essay, I asked my friends for help and did a lot of researches. I did my best to pass the
course. Unexpectedly, I get an A. My efforts confirm an old Chinese phrase, Kung Fu people

I applied Massasoit Community College this year. Massasoit Community College supports
inexpensive and high quality education. My anticipated major is chemistry. It may takes me one
and half years to transfer anther college. I am looking forward to attending Boston University.
What I am really worried about is my GPA so far. Although the low GPA may dispirited me for a
while, I still have chance to rise up and I wont give up. As far as I am concerned study is
unstoppable. I will keep learning until I die.

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