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Notre pass et notre patrimoine

Our Heritage and Our History

Projet en famille
Avril + mai 2015

This months family project is directly related to our Social Studies programme.
Students will present a visual representation of their familys heritage. This
months focus is on oral production, rather than reading, as students are expected
to speak authentically and independently, without need for notes. While presenting,
students should provide accurate information about their familys roots and past.
Social Studies Goals
Students will appreciate how stories and events of the past connect their
families and communities to the present. For example:
recognize how their families and communities might have been different in
the past than they are today
appreciate how the languages, traditions, celebrations and stories of their
families, groups and communities contribute to their sense of identity and
recognize how their ancestors contribute to their sense of identity within
their family and communities
appreciate people who have contributed to their communities over time
recognize how diverse Aboriginal and Francophone communities are integral
to Canada's character
acknowledge and respect symbols of heritage and traditions in their family
and communities

Week One: Review Vocabulary and Apply Previous Knowledge
Please begin with a review of previously acquired vocabulary. You may choose to.
1. Share your familys heritage through simple storytelling. Gather as a family
to look at photo albums and family mementos. Talk about the significance of
each item. Share stories about notable family members and events that are
still important today. Complete the questionnaire to find some talking points.
Use vocabulary sheets to help you with jobs and professions.
2. Complete the time line (ma frise chronologique). Select 5 dates or events in
your familys history. Illustrate the significance of each date or event in the
box provided.
Week Two: Investigate Your Familys Past
Students may choose any of the follow mediums to visually represent your familys
history, heritage and culture. Students may use any supplies available to
personalize their visual representation.
1. Box of Knick Knacks Gather small items, photographs or draw different
items that represent
2. Me Shield Use the shield outline to create a coat of arms for your family.
You can divide the shield into four sections.
3. Storybook Fold some blank paper in half and write a book about your past.
Be sure to include illustrations.
4. Movie or PowerPoint Create a digital visual representation
Week Three: Develop Oral Communication Skills
Upon completion and return of the package, your child will present their visual
representation to their peers. Please help your child practice presenting the
creation to you, ensuring that they appropriate hold any items so the audience can
see as well as speaking loudly and clearly. You can use the lexicons and vocabulary
sheets provided to help you child use as much French as possible in their speech.
Please refer to the rubric in the following section as this is the format in which
your child will be evaluated for their presentation.

For this project, your child will be evaluated in French Language Arts and Social
Studies. In French Language Arts, the focus is on building independent
communication skills.
I can do this
with help from
Mlle throughout
the entire

I can do this
with help from
Mlle during
most of my

I can do this with
reminders or
prompts from

I can do this
without any

I have mastered the content and topic of my

I look at the audience. I hold my project for everyone to
I use correct French vocabulary. I speak in complete
sentences using stems like Cest or Il y a.
I am loud enough to hear and speak clearly.
I got the attention of the audience.
I can speak about my project for about 1-2 minutes
before answering questions.
I have followed the instructions of the assignment.
In Social Studies, students will be evaluated on their understanding of how their
present is impacted by the past of their ancestors.


clearly explains how daily life, their family, and their community was different in the past
describes how the change has affected their family in the present
includes important visual representations or props as details about their familys past
clearly communicates that family life was different in the past
describes how the change affected people
includes some details
states and visually represents that family life has changed
includes few details
states and visually represents that the past was different than the present
applies only general terms and includes no details

Afghanistan (l') (masc.)

Afrique du Sud (l') (fm.)
Albanie (l') (fm.)
Algrie (l') (fm.)
Allemagne (l') (fm.)
Andorre (l') (fm.)
Angola (l') (masc.)
Antigua-et-Barbuda (fm.)
Arabie saoudite (l') (fm.)
Argentine (l') (fm.)
Armnie (l') (fm.)
Australie (l') (fm.)
Autriche (l') (fm.)
Azerbadjan (l') (mas.)
Bahamas (les) (fm.)
Bahren (masc.)
Bangladesh (le)
Barbade (la)
Belgique (la)
Belize (le)
Bnin (le)
Bhoutan (le)
Bilorussie (la)
Birmanie (la)
Bolivie (la)
Bosnie-Herzgovine (la)
Botswana (le)
Brsil (le)
Brunei (le)
Bulgarie (la)
Burkina (le)
Burundi (le)
Cambodge (le)
Cameroun (le)
Canada (le)
Cap-Vert (le)
Chili (le)
Chine (la)
Chypre (fm.)
Colombie (la)
Comores (les) (fm.)
Congo (le)
Congo (la Rp. dm. du) (ex-Zare)

Cook (les les)

Core du Nord (la)
Core du Sud (la)
Costa Rica (le)
Cte d'Ivoire (la)
Croatie (la)
Cuba (fm.)
Danemark (le)
Djibouti (masc.)
Dominique (la)
gypte (l') (fm.)
mirats arabes unis (les)
quateur (l') (masc.)
rythre (l')(fm.)
Espagne (l') (fm.)
Estonie (l') (fm.)
tats-Unis (les)
thiopie (l') (fm.)
Fidji (les) (fm.)
Finlande (la)
France (la)
Gabon (le)
Gambie (la)
Gorgie (la)
Ghana (le)
Grce (la)
Grenade (la)
Guatemala (le)
Guine (la)
Guine-Bissao (la)
Guine quatoriale (la)
Guyana (la)
Hati (masc.)
Honduras (le)
Hongrie (la)
Inde (l') (fm.)
Indonsie (l')(fm.)
Iran (l') (masc.)
Iraq (l') (masc.)
Irlande (l') (fm.)
Islande (l') (fm.)
Isral (masc.)
Italie (l') (fm.)
Jamaque (la)

Japon (le)
Jordanie (la)
Kazakhstan (le)
Kenya (le)
Kirghizistan (le)
Kiribati (fm.)
Kowet (le)
Laos (le)
Lesotho (le)
Lettonie (la)
Liban (le)
Liberia (le)
Libye (la)
Liechtenstein (le)
Lituanie (la)
Luxembourg (le)
Macdoine (l'ex-Rpublique
yougoslave de)
Madagascar (fm.)
Malaisie (la)
Malawi (le)
Maldives (les) (fm.)
Mali (le)
Malte (fm.)
Maroc (le)
Marshall (les les)
Maurice (fm.)
Mauritanie (la)
Mexique (le)
Micronsie (la)
Moldavie (la)
Monaco (masc.)
Mongolie (la)
Mozambique (le)
Namibie (la)
Nauru (fm.)
Npal (le)
Nicaragua (le)
Niger (le)
Nigeria (le)
Norvge (la)
Nouvelle-Zlande (la)
Oman (masc.)

Ouganda (l') (masc.)

Ouzbkistan (l') (masc.)
Pakistan (le)
Panama (le)
Papouasie - Nouvelle Guine (la)
Paraguay (le)
Pays-Bas (les)
Prou (le)
Philippines (les) (fm.)
Pologne (la)
Portugal (le)
Qatar (le)
Rpublique centrafricaine (la)
Rpublique dominicaine (la)
Rpublique tchque (la)
Roumanie (la)
Royaume-Uni (le)
Russie (la)
Rwanda (le)
Saint-Christophe-et-Nivs (masc.)
Saint-Sige (le), ou leVatican
Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines
Salomon (les les)
Salvador (le)
Samoa occidentales (les)
Sao Tom-et-Principe (masc.)
Sngal (le)
Seychelles (les) (fm.)
Sierra Leone (la)
Singapour (fm.)
Slovaquie (la)
Slovnie (la)
Somalie (la)
Soudan (le)
Sri Lanka (masc.)
Sude (la)
Suisse (la)
Suriname (le)
Swaziland (le)
Syrie (la)
Tadjikistan (le)
Tanzanie (la)

Tchad (le)
Thalande (la)
Togo (le)
Tonga (les) (fm.)
Trinit-et-Tobago (la)
Tunisie (la)
Turkmnistan (le)
Turquie (la)
Tuvalu (masc.)
Ukraine (l') (fm.)
Uruguay (l')
Venezuela (le)
Vit Nam (le)
Ymen (le)
Yougoslavie (la)
Zare (le) voir Congo (la Rp. dm.
Zambie (la)
Zimbabwe (le)

Mon pass, mon patrimoine

Sondage dinformation
1. Do viennent tes anctres? De quel pays? De quel continent?
Where do you ancestors come from? What country? What continent?
2. Quand est-ce que ta famille est arrive au Canada? Depuis plusieurs
gnrations? Est-ce que grand-maman et grand-papa ont t ns au
When did your family arrive in Canada? Has your family been in Canada for
many generations? Were your grandparents born in Canada?
3. Est-ce que ta famille a des traditions qui viennent du pays dorigine?
Est-ce que vous partagez un repas spcial?
Does your family have any traditions that come the country of origin? Does
your family eat a special meal or food from this country?
4. Comment a t la vie quotidienne diffrente dans le pays dorigine ou
dans le pass? Est-ce que les familles ont chang ?
How is life different now than it was in the country of origin or in the past?
How have families changed?

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