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By: Tay

Things We Will Cover
What are dreams, and what types are there
Sleep disorders/illnesses
Sleep stages
Things that affect sleep

What are dreams?

Dreams are images, imagery, thoughts,
sounds, voices and sensations.
Dreams are electrochemical pulses from the
brainstem which create REM stage, which is
where dreams take place.
REM (rapid eye movement) is the deepest
stage of the sleep cycle.

Types of dreams
Lucid dreams
Recurring dreams
Epic dreams

Daydreaming occurs
when you are half
awake, it is imagining
or remembering
images/ experiences
in the past or future
Epic dreams are so
memorable and vivid
you could remember
them for years

Lucid dreams occur

when you realize you
are dreaming
Recurring dreams
are dreams that
have little to no

Nightmares and Sleep

A nightmare is a dream that causes extreme levels of
anxiety the most common is falling off a tall place.
Sleep Paralysis is a feeling of being conscious but
unable to move.
During these transitions, you may be unable to move or
some people may also feel pressure or a sense of
They may also have hallucinations of things that are not

What Happens When We

During sleep your heart rate and breathing
become inconsistent, some people w/ weak hearts
have died during sleep
Paralysis of your skeletal muscles occurs.
This prevents you from acting out your dreams and
hurting yourself. Some people have been known to
wake and be paralyzed momentarily.
We usually have between 4-7 dreams per night.

Medication Effects
Most medications cause strange dreams are
drugs that change the chemicals in your brain
such as antidepressants.
These medications cause the brain to be very
active during REM sleep.
REM sleep causes your heart rate to go up and
your brain to cause vivid nightmares.

What Happens in The

Dreams travel through the Cerebral Cortex
System and if you have stress, trauma, or new
medications it can cause unusual dreams.

Adderall- Causes the most vivid dreams
Beta-Blockers- Lower the blood pressure
Corticosteroids- Cause people to constantly
stay awake
SSR Antidepressants- Give you tremors,
creates rapid eye movement in the brain.

Foods and Bad Dreams

Eating food before bed especially spicy and
junk food causes your metabolism and brain
In one study in Canada the found that almost
10% of nightmares are triggered through food
during Rapid Eye Movement so try not to eat.
In many cases Hot Sauce, Chocolate Bars, and
Mustard are know to cause bad dreams if
eaten before bed.

Sleep Stages
Stage 1: is light sleep where you drift in and out of sleep
and can be awakened easily. In this stage, the eyes move
slowly and muscle activity slows.
Stage 2: eye movement stops and brain waves become
Stage 3: is extremely slow brain waves are interspersed
with smaller, faster waves.
In stage 4: the brain produces delta waves almost
exclusively. Stages 3 and 4 are referred to as deep sleep,
and it is very difficult to wake someone from them. In deep

Sleep Illnesses
Night Terrors- Night terrors in children are distinctly
different from the much more common nightmares.
Central Sleep Apnea- In central sleep apnea, breathing is
disrupted regularly during sleep because of the way the
brain functions.
Insomnia- Insomnia is a sleep disorder that is characterized
by difficulty falling and/or staying asleep.
Sleep Paralysis- Have you ever felt like you were awake but
unable to move? You might have even felt afraid but could
not call for help? This condition is called sleep paralysis.

Sleep Illness Con.

Sleep Deprivation
Sleep deprivation is the condition of not
having enough sleep can be either chronic or
acute. A chronic sleep restriction state can
cause fatigue, sleepiness, clumsiness, and
weight loss or gain.
Sleep deprivation can cause mild damage on
the brain creating a difficulty with your
memory, driving ability, eye sight &
sometimes associate with Type 2 Diabetes.

Fun Facts
Every person you see in your dreams is someone you have seen in
real life.
You forget 50% of what you dream within 5 minutes of waking up and
90% w/in 10 minutes after you wake up.
If you snore you are not dreaming.
70% of men dream about other men.
The most prevalent emotions in dreams are negative emotions.
During the first stage of sleep is when you experience the feeling of
If you fall asleep w/in the first 5 minutes of laying down you are sleep

What is the purpose of dreaming?
There is no one answer for why we dream but a lot of
our thoughts are creating symbols in the dream.
Are dreams in color?
Yes. Most dreams are in color but usually when you
dream your dream your mind is too busy to notice the
Why cant you remember their dreams?
Because you go into REM sleep every 90 minutes.

Works Cited
"10 Theories That Explain Why We Dream." Io9. Web.
9 Feb. 2015. <http://io9.com/10-theories-that-explainwhy-we-dream-897195110>.
"Five Stages Of Sleep ... Sleep Cycles Explained."
Better-Sleep-Better-Life.com. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.
"Types of Dreams: Five Dream Types to Lucidity." Types
of Dreams: Five Dream Types to Lucidity. Web. 9 Feb.
2015. <http://www.world-of-luciddreaming.com/types-of-dreams.html>.

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