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Capstone Outline

Title: [pending] Paper Trails: Fictions Mark in Our Lives

Purpose: To explore the impact that fiction makes on society (people specifically) and its value
in education.
Thesis: Fiction influences society by presenting universal mediums of empathy and morality. It
can be used to empower others, as well as become a source of inspiration and idealism. Through
fiction, people find themselves learning implicit values that can often not be taught in formal





a. Some statistics about fiction (maybe)
b. A quote from an author (or animator?) (if I can get any interviews)
c. Concluding topic and purpose sentences
Section 1: Culture and Technology (important, but less data on it? Scrap if needed?)
a. Topic Sentence: Fiction, culture and technology are nearly inseparable. They feed
each other. Critiques of society often appear subtly in fiction, fiction often
influences popular culture, and technology can be equally inspired by either.
b. Post 9/11 films and narratives (add Source)
i. Other instances
c. Gay rights movement and increased # of LGBTQ+ novels
d. Inventions inspired by fiction (Star Trek specifically) (also somewhat harder to
i. Cyberpunk and Cyberculture
Section 2: Identity (Fan identification and fluidity)
a. Topic Sentence: Fan identity and identification with fictional scenarios and
characters fosters identity fluidity and acceptance among fans. A shared common
interest within a wide audience creates camaraderie among fans.
b. Cosplay plays a large role in identification
i. Crossplay normalizing gender fluidity?
ii. Uniting fans of common interests
c. Fandom and ingroup/outgroup
i. Another source of support
ii. But can possibly cause fights (negative)
iii. Potterheads and Twihards (among others) and the fan communities (?)
d. Wishful identification
i. Emulation of characters promoting positive values
ii. Some negative aspects (include?)
Section 3: Activism
a. Topic Sentence: Fiction has commonly been used to promote political agendas
and social critiques. By using fiction, a universal form of media, fans and activists
can empower themselves and spread their messages more empathetic ways.
b. Traditional fiction and activism



i. Books Uncle Toms Cabin and others

ii. Fiction and politics (how)
c. Modern activism
i. Media attention (/why it works)
ii. Empathy and linkage mediums
d. Promoting positive morals and societal critiques
i. Cartoons (Steven Universe and female empowerment)
Section 4: Education
a. Topic Sentence: Fiction envelops almost all forms of media and popular culture
for society, creating a powerful source of implicit education for people especially
todays youth.
b. Once again with the empathy part
c. More obvious ways fiction can be used to educate
i. Reading, writing
d. Subtler ways to convey morals and themes
i. Is current fiction teaching the right morals? (Disney and body image,
portrayal of certain archetypes
ii. Creativity and encouragement? (self-taught writers and artists, etc..)
iii. Inspiration process?

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