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Jennifer Freda

English 112 Section 8

Instructor Connie Douglas
April 16, 2015
Annotated Bibliography
Bjorklund, Robert W., and James L. Pippard. "The Mental Health Consumer Movement:
Implications for Rural Practice." Community mental health journal 35.4 (1999): 347-59.
ProQuest. Web. 9 Apr. 2015.
This article depicts the problem of growing mental illnesses, in rural areas. However,
programs to serve the population has been neglected, in previous times and present times. This
problem has been brought to attention from, the mental advocacy groups to state and national
levels, and they address the idea that severe and persistent mental illness cases are in fact, in
rural areas. Also, groups such as, the Alliance for the Mentally Ill (AMI), the Mental Health
Association (MHA), and many others have begun to play a much more significant role in
advocacy across the mental health system. However, these groups have shown little interest in
the rural environment. This article depicts the growing demand for mental health care, in rural
This article may be biased in the way, it does not address opposing viewpoints. It only
addresses the central idea that mental health is a problem in rural areas. This article however, is
creditable due to the author supplying the reader with statistics of the number of individuals in
the rural areas, who are not receiving care. This article teaches the reader that mental health is

everywhere, and not just in urban areas, such as with the homeless. The author also teaches the
reader that mental health is a growing topic among the mental health advocacy groups. Statistics
in this article is a big benefit and adds appeal.
In comparison to other articles, this one focuses on advocacy groups and their
involvement within the mental health debate. This article also discusses mental illness in rural
areas, which all the other articles do not discuss. With "Mental Health Policy" by Mantel, it
shows all the problems of mental health in places such as urban areas, unlike this article by
Bjorklund and Pippard. Unlike "Mental Health Policy" and "Mental Health", this article draws
specific attention to mental health in rural areas, in comparison to these articles which dont
mention the topic. In articles such as "Mental Health Policy", advocacy groups are brought to
attention, but not exactly the center of focus. In the article by Druss, they both share the
commonality of bringing attention to mental health, and its a growing problem. Both show the
need for mental health facilities, to be built. The article by Zalaquett, show the need for change
within the work force in regards to mental health, in which Bjorklund and Pippard touch briefly
in their article, by stating mental health is brought to attention in rural areas by individuals
managing the workplace.

Druss, Benjamin G., et al. "Trends in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services at the
Nation's Community Health Centers: 1998-2003." American Journal of Public Health
96.10 (2006): 1779-84. ProQuest. Web. 9 Apr. 2015.
This article discusses how the number of mental health between the 1998, and 2002, rose
from 210,000 to 800,000. This shows the rising number of mental illness growing drastically

over the small course of time. Community health centers are also becoming the sole, help to
these individuals with mental disorders. These centers have been providing care to individuals
for over 40 years, and in recent times have provided 12 million people with aid. Also, mental
health leaders have described mental health being treated the most effectively by community
health centers. This article also draws attention to the idea, that mental health is becoming a
rising problem in the nation. This also raises attention to the rising growth in the community
health centers. This article overall, draws the point, mental health is growing within the United
States, which is leading to the effect of rising counselors, psychologist, and individuals educated
in this field, who can provide care to patients with a mental illness. Also, community centers can
provide adequate care to patients.
This article is packed, with factual information in reflection to mental health and its
growing demand for treatment in the nation. This article is not biased, due to it having factual
information, after another. This author is aware of what hes talking about, and only writes about
things in relations to mental health. This article teaches the reader factual information in relations
to mental health becoming a growing problem in the nation. The author provides the reader with
information that hooks the reader in, and continues reading it to see solid proof, of a growing
This article is related to several articles depicted, in the way they share one core idea that
mental health is a growing issue. In comparison, to Mantels article, Mental Health Policy,
they both share this core idea mental health is growing into a drastic problem in the United
States. With the article Mental Health, they both are addressing the issue of mental health
growing in the United States, and how mental health facilities are growing as well, due to the rise
of patients with mental disorders. The article, "Treatment, Not Jail, for the Mentally Ill", also

addresses the issue of mental health growing, and room in mental health facilities is expanding.
In relation to, Druss article, he addresses how mental health is a growing problem in the United
States, which is resulting in large amounts of facilities opening up to supply individuals with the
most effective way of care. With the article, by Zalaquett, both articles address the idea that this
growing problem of mental health is causing facilities to shape the way they provide individuals
with effective care.

Insel, Thomas. "Toward a New Understanding of Mental Illness." Jan. 2013. TED. Web. 9 Apr.
This author takes the concept of physical illness and reflect it back to mental illness. He
shows that disability of mental illness, is 30% of those casees can be related to psychological
illness, ultimately showing, mental health is becoming a bigger issue than something like a
stroke. He states, mental illness is common, as in 1 out of 5 have a mental disorder. He says that
one can develop early onset from mental illness, as in 75%, at age 24. He states, that mental
illness is causing more death than physical illnesses. The author states, mental illness or
behavioral illness, conceptually need to be rethought as brain disorders. He states, biologically,
the brain is not normal, when infected with a mental illness. He states, just now in recent times,
the nation is just now beginning to take the brain, and understand it. He shows, that the brain is
different when infected with depression, OCD, and PTSD, the brain's disability to function
normally, can be compared to traffic jams, within the way the brain processes. He states that
progress within the mental health community is to first, treat it as a disease of the brain, because
biologically it can be shown the brain is not like the brain of someone functioning correctly. He

states, mental disorders need to be looked at as actually disorders, because it can be proven
biologically, rather than looking at ones behavior.
This author is very well educated, and a great source due to his insight on the matter. He
pursues a career specifically, in maintaining the mental health of individuals. The author teaches
the reader, and offers this idea, one way to change the outlook on mental health is to think of it as
closely intertwined with a physical illness, because it is. He states, that mental disorders need be
looked at as a brain disease, and he teaches the reader a new insight can be key, to solve this
epidemic. He is initially trying to teach the reader to change their point of view, and to look at
mental illness as a physical illness. The goal of this piece was to educate the reader.
This article is very similar to other articles, in the way they both have the same idea, of
changing the outlook of mental illness. Specifically, to Mantel's article, it is closely intertwined
with this piece, because they both think that mental health is not looked at as a physical illness,
and it should be. They both share this common idea that, mental health needs to be taken
seriously like a physical illness. Articles such as "Mental Health", bring up the growing changes
within the outlook of mental health, with drugs becoming more popular, which is different than
this piece by Insel. However, they both share this central idea of educating the reader. The article,
"Medications for Mental Illness Are Overprescribed", the issue of drugs and mental illness is
brought to attention, which can imply that drugs are the easiest solution, so therefor, while
mental illness is still being looked into, drugs is an easy solution, which is exactly what Insel
didn't want to happen. The article, "Treatment, Not Jail, for the Mentally Ill", raises the idea
individuals with mental disorders need treatment, which is what Insel agrees with, mental illness
needs its attention. The articles by, Zalaquett, and the article, by Druss, help brings Insel's point
to attention, that mental illness is so common, with Zalaquett showing mental health is common

in the workplace, and Druss using statistics to show mental health is affecting everyone. The
article also by, Bjorklund and Pippard, show Insel's point also that mental health is reaching
everywhere in the United States, where Bjorklund and Pippard, showed mental health is not just
in urban areas, but in rural as well.

Mantel, Barbara. "Mental Health Policy." CQ Researcher 10 May 2013: 425-48. Web. 25 Mar.
This article draws points to the main idea, that mental health is a topic one has no equal
rights as one who doesn't. This article draws attention to mental health policy, in regards to
insurance, and how it doesn't allow equal treatment of those with physical illness. The author,
Mantel, makes points to health insurance, in regards to mental health, and how certain
individuals dont receive benefits or treatment due to their health provider not providing
adequate care. The author also discusses how the DSM 5, which is the handbook to diagnose
psychological illnesses, makes it easier for individual's to be diagnosed, therefore, the concept of
over diagnosis is present in todays society. Mantel then she relates the topic of mental health to
today's world, such as gun control, how gun shootings have been occurring in recent news, and
majority of them retaining to mental health. This article to one, would reflect the author is well
educated about the matter, and makes points to all the topics that are the most important in
today's times.
This article is very useful, because it draws attention to the main points, that one would
consider important. This article may be biased in the way, the author reflects just her point of
view, and doesn't leave much room for counter arguments. The goal of this source is to educate

the reader, and further their understanding of the topic. This article is very reliable, and can
easily be a good source. This article also is very reliable in the way, the author is educated on the
matter, and actually has a degree that relates to the topic of the writing.
This source is useful to one, due to it showing reliable sources, and also showing
diagrams, that help catch the reader's attention. This article shape the argument, by showing the
negative attention brought onto mental health, and what problems are erupting within this topic.
This source can be used by showing the over diagnosis of mental illness in today's world, and
how drugs are a treatment used for mental health much more today, then ever before. This article
still makes one's opinion the same, in which, mental health is a topic that needs improvement.

"Medications for Mental Illness Are Overprescribed." Mental Illness. Ed. Roman Espejo.
Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in
Context. Web. 9 Apr. 2015.
This article specifically draws attention to the growing number of psychiatric drugs being
prescribed in the United States. This article states, many patients and doctors strongly support the
value of psychiatric drugs, and their ability to improve lives. Other's however, are arguing that
these drugs are fueling a dangerous overmedicated culture. This article draws attention to the
idea, if so many of these drugs are working so affectively, then why are the number of Americans
who are on disability due to mental illness skyrocket from 1.25 million in 1987 to 4 million
today. Also, the author draws attention to the concept, if children who undergo simple medication
for ADHD, for example, can later experience mania and bipolar disorder when under medicated.
Therefore, these drugs are producing terrible side effects when not taken. This author also states,
individuals with schizophrenia function better off medication, than on it. Also, in today's day in

age, many are abusing psychiatric drugs they were given, and becoming dependent on these
psychiatric drugs. This article argues, that these drugs intending to help are doing damage by
giving the patients these social and financial burdens of prolonged drug therapy.
This article is very well written, and shows the reader the author is well educated on the
matter. This article makes many points to many psychologist, making it sure many views are
being sought. The author is well educated on the matter, and specifically writes only about
mental health. The author also, doesn't just write about psychiatric drugs, but he goes out and
speaks to individuals, gathers his own information. The author also, addresses questions directly
to the reader which answers all unanswered questions. The author teaches the reader, our society
is becoming dependent on drugs to initially fix the problem, but are experiencing issues that are
worse than the initial illness.
In comparison to articles such as "Mental Health Policy", and "Mental Health", these
articles briefly touch the issue of drugs used to treat disorders, which this article psychiatrics is
the only topic discussed. The article "Mental Health", specifically brings up the idea drugs are
being over diagnosed, and causing terrible side effects, much alike with this article, "Medications
for Mental Illness Are Overprescribed". Both of these articles specifically touch mental health
becoming a growing problem and drugs simply aren't fixing the issue. In the article by,
Bjorklund and Pippard, is very different in comparison to "Medications for Mental Illness Are
Overprescribed", because the first article discusses how care facilities are needed, and the second
talks about how drugs are being overused for individuals with disorders. Also, the article written
by, Zalaquett, and the article, by Druss, are very different than "Medications for Mental Illness
Are Overprescribed", due to the first two articles proposing the need for care to be brought to
mental health patients, but don't bring attention specifically to psychiatric drugs.

Mental Health." Current Issues: Macmillian Social Science Library. New York: Macmillan
Reference USA, 2003. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.
This article focuses on educating the reader about mental illness, by stating how it's
caused, which that is through traumatic experiences, or somebody in the family has it. The author
defines mental illness, through definition, and how it varies among culture, different ones view
mental health differently, culture to culture. The author also points out, how mental illness is
diagnosed, with guidelines from the DSM 5, and how it can be treated, through psychiatrics, or
medication. The author makes points to mental health, and its controversies, such as, institutions,
and how its hard to access. Then drugs for mental health, are easily accessed. The author makes
points to the controversy, drug therapy, by stating drugs have terrible side effects, and is open to
almost any type of doctor to prescribe them.
This source is useful, and shows argument between all the concepts of mental health.
This article can help shape one's argument, by drawing attention to the main points, and making
good arguments about each. This source can be used by showing the controversies that relate to
this topic in today's world. This article would help an individual shape their argument, and form
their own opinion. This article helps one form a quick judgement, without having to read a vast
number of pages.
This source is very useful, and points out the main arguments only. This article is short,
and easy to read, which a good plus is. This article makes major points, and briefly describes
them, leaving the reader with an easy read. The goal of this source, was to educate its reader, and
make sure its informed of all the main points in the argument of mental health. This source is
very reliable, and published by a company who specializes in social issues. In comparison to the

article, "Mental Health Policy", by Mantel, this article is shorter and easy to read. In comparison
to Mantel's article, it's very long, however it has the positive aspect of including diagrams, and
well educating the reader.

""Mental Health Matters" in Advocacy." Journal of Disability Policy Studies 15.2 (2004): 126-8.
ProQuest. Web. 10 Apr. 2015.
This article makes points to efforts that advocacy groups have sought to help improve the
care of individuals with mental illness in places such as schools, and everyday life. The author of
this article makes specific points to advocacy groups aiming directly to enhancing the care of
children with mental health issues. The groups are wanting to enhance the understanding of
school psychologist to overall prepare the best care for children. Also, to positively enhance their
lives, and keep data, recordings, of the patient to keep track of their outcomes. The efforts of
advocacy groups have provided things such as, mental health services being essential in all
schools, and also for all mental health services to be federally funded. With recent efforts, also
the idea of giving individuals in the mental health field, to be provided loan forgiveness.
Therefore, the individual has loans cut for them, and with recent grants to provide individuals
working in this field, internships, to enhance their knowledge. Initially this concept was
developed to encourage more people to become specialized in this field. Advocacy groups have
also provided efforts with preventing family problems from erupting. The groups have done this
to keep families together by providing care, and family support grants. School psychologist also
can now aid in counseling, and strengthening family relationships. This article's main goal was to
provide the reader with enhancements in mental health over the recent years that were all
brought to attention with the help of advocacy groups.

This article teaches the reader, all the aspects of mental health advocacy groups have
touched, and how they bettered the community. The author is unknown, but is very reliable, in
the way this was published in a journal that specifically researches policies of the disabled. The
author provides specific details to laws that were passed, and who specifically brought the
problems to attention. The article isn't too long and the reader can follow without a struggle. The
article also, is a good reflection of the new enhancements within mental health. This author does
address opposition, and the reader is informed on both sides of the spectrum.
In comparison to other articles, this one provides the greatest detail within policies, and
changes within areas specifically, like school. Articles such as "Mental Health", and the one
written by Mantel, these two articles address policies briefly. Mantel's article touches policies
specifically, but only touch policies in relations to providing medicine to patients, and the debate
on whether an individual should be forced into care. The author of this article, doesn't really
address those two issues, however, they provide information that is more generalized such as,
making mental health services federally funded, therefor, easily accessible. Bjorklund and
Pippard's article discusses the debate of mental health everywhere, even rural areas. In relations
to this article, the author talks about care needing to be easily sought out, which is a
commonality between the two pieces. The article, "Treatment, Not Jail, for the Mentally Ill",
talks about care needing to be sought out for individuals in prison, which is also generalized in
this article that individuals should be able to seek out care more effectively. Insel's article draws
attention to the idea of changing the way one thinks about mental health, which this author
implies by describing to the author that mental health providers need to be educated, and open to
change to enhance their knowledge. Druss' article makes points to why individuals need care for
mental health, and this article shows the care that can be sought. The article, "State Mental

Health Department underfunded, advocates say", describe also, the efforts advocacy groups have
made to specific states, which both articles show the care for mental health being enhanced
through advocacy groups. The article, "Medications for Mental Illness Are Overprescribed",
shows how drugs are constantly being provided to patients with mental illness, and this article
doesn't make points to drugs at all.

"State Mental Health Department underfunded, advocates say." Anniston Star [Anniston, AL] 28
Nov. 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 9 Apr. 2015.
In this article the author claims that the states, are underfunding agencies that help mental
health patients seek help. This article state that mental health advocates say, that agencies who
provide care to mental health patients were cut by 40 million. However it is argued by Reddoch,
the commissioner of the Mental Health Department, who states that the 46 million, is only a
small account of the money used for the mental health. He states a large portion of the budget
goes to the federally funded Medicare and Medicaid programs. It is stated however, in other
news, the states are funding some programs. This article also relates an incident in Alabama,
where the individual had a disorder and shot a police officer, he also had a mental illness.
Advocacy groups argued that if he received proper treatment, he would have been in adequate
care, and this matter wouldn't have occurred.
This article has the main goal to briefly show the issue of mental health not an easy thing
to seek treatment for. This article draws attention to the central idea, mental health can be easily
helped through proper care. However, this article may seem reliable, but this article is written by
a reporter in Alabama, so it might slightly biased. Also, the author may not be that educated on
the matter, and is stating mainly opinions.

In comparison to other articles this article brings attention to mental health in today's
news. Mantel's article brings attention to recent gun shootings that occurred in recent news,
which is similar to this article. The article "Mental Health", relate mental health to certain violent
occurrences that have occurred, and then they state problems occurring within finding care,
which is very similar to this article. Both articles also relate this central concept that one should
be able to find care effectively. Pieces such as the one by Insel, state that mental health needs to
be looked at as different than the image currently shown, in which this article somewhat is
implying, this article is showing that more care facilities need to be sought. Articles such as the
one's written by Bjorklund and Pippard, also talks about the need for more care to be pursued
everywhere, including rural areas. The article written by Zalaquett, and the article, by Druss also
show that mental illness is reaching every corner of the nation, from the workplaces, to the
homeless, and implying care needs to be given, in which this article made its main idea, care
needs to be sought in every area. The article, "Medications for Mental Illness Are
Overprescribed", show how drugs are being over diagnosed, which can relate to the concept of
this article that person to person appointments, are what need to be enhanced.

"Treatment, Not Jail, for the Mentally Ill." New York Times 1 Feb. 2013: A26 (L). Global
Issues in Context. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.
This article, mainly draws points to the concept that, the mentally ill are causing a
problem in jail's, in recent news. This article points out that an individual can now plead to be
sent to treatment rather than prison, which overall costs three times the cost of being in jail. This
author brings up the point one with mental illness stay in jail much longer than one who is not
mentally ill. This author brings attention to the argument, the prison system does not favor those

with mental illness. This article causes one to form their own opinion on the matter, whether it
would be, individuals in prison should be offered help for their mental illness, or they should not
be given access to treatment. The author also raises question to the idea, mentally ill in prison
now loose access to federal disability, and Medicaid. Ultimately this draws them into applying to
other programs, which cause them to self-medicate their own drugs, and this leads them back to
jail, an endless cycle.
This source is very useful, and brings up points that are very powerful. This source
reflects the argument into a different spectrum then the others. This article can also relate to the
late 1800's, and how the mentally ill were thrown in prisons. This source can be taking this idea,
and expressing it in today's world. This source helps shape an argument by relating it back to the
1800's, and shows that nothing really has changed among the prison systems. This article does
not change one's opinion, but helps one strengthen their opinion they had initially.
This article is useful because it draws attention to prisons systems, and how they are
holding individuals with mental illness. This article points out corruption in the prison system, in
a larger context, than the other two articles. The article, "Mental Health Policy", by Mantel
briefly touches this concept of prison system holding mentally ill individuals, and she doesn't
talk about it as much as this article. The article, "Mental Health", published by Macmillan
Reference, shows that this idea is an issue, and they draw attention to institutions. This article
touches the idea, but brings up the idea of so many inmates, being mentally ill, and awaiting a
spot for treatment. This article may be biased, because the author talks about is home state of
New York, facing these problems. The goal of this source is to inform the reader of prisons
system, how its a system keeping the mentally ill in, and how its costing more and more.

Zalaquett, Carlos P. "CAREER AND MENTAL HEALTH." Career Planning and Adult
Development Journal 25.1 (2009): 119-33. ProQuest. Web. 9 Apr. 2015.
This article depicts the idea that mental health is linked with careers. The author states
that careers are linked to stress, and specifically more people are working rather than sleeping. It
is also said the most common disorder in individuals 12 and older, is depression. They state this
disorder is becoming more and more common among the poor. Also, all the individuals that
reported depression state, that it acts almost as a handicap. It, states that mental health is also
linked to the homeless, in the way more and more of the homeless are becoming mentally ill. All
of these individuals want assistance in finding a career thatll hire them even with a disability.
However, the issue arises, individuals miss work when sick, but with mental illness this sickness
is always there, resulting in significant days lost within work.
This topic is appeals to individuals who are solely wanting to gain an insight in careers
and how mental health plays a role on that. The author appeals to its audience, by relating to
them, and showing how even the workplace is displaying, mental health. This article teaches the
reader that mental health is about everywhere, including the workplace. The reader is taught,
mental health, such as depression, can be easily picked up due to a certain job an individual has,
and can start very young. This article seems biased in the way, it doesnt show much opposition
to the topic, the only topic that is displayed is, mental health is depicted in the homeless, and the
workplace. The author also is educated by the matter, and specifically uses statistics that show
the number of individuals in the workplace, that have a mental illness.
In comparison to other articles written, this one draws attention mainly to the workplace,
how the homeless and, average individuals with careers, are affected by the workplace. With
Mantel, author of Mental Health Policy, specifically drawing attention to everything in regards

to mental health, she discusses briefly, mental health in the workplace, but not to the extent of
Zalaquett, who solely, talks about the workplace. Mantel, draws the most argument to insurance,
and the mistreatment of individuals with mental disorder, when it comes to seeking treatment.
Zalaquett, on the other hand talks about, mental illness and how it progresses depending on if
you enjoy your career or not. In regards to the article Mental Health, it focuses attention on the
over diagnosis of mental illness, in regards to the DSM 5, and how this new handbook can make
it easier for one to be diagnosed with a disorder. This article can relate to Zalaquetts article,
because, it can show how individuals can be diagnosed with so many mental disorders in todays
world, due to this new DSM 5. Also, Mental Health, shows how the mentally ill are mistreated
in regards to insurance, and the workplace, not getting equal opportunities, such as what
Zalaquett was describing in his article. Also the article, "Treatment, Not Jail, for the Mentally Ill"
talks about just prisons, and about how individuals with mental illnesses, are waiting long
periods of time, to seek treatment. In comparison to Zalaquetts article, this can relate to the large
amount of the homeless who are mentally ill, and the amount of them who eventually end up jail.

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