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Kelly Simmons
EED 210 Fall 2013
Dr. Rhodes
December 1, 2013
Assignment: Final Project, The Gingerbread Man
Everyone loves to bake cookies, especially in December before the holidays. This unit is
based in the story The Gingerbread Man. Most children have seen or eaten a gingerbread cookie
therefore this unit is familiar to most and they can apply prior knowledge about baking cookies.
The children will be exposed to a variety of books with a gingerbread theme, but not all will
contain the traditional characters or storyline. The unit will encompass many gingerbread themed
centers for discovery and learning.
I learned from this activity that many children knew what a gingerbread house and cookie
looked like, but only a few children had tasted one. This unit, with its many activities, provided
many opportunities for assessments. I was able to assess each child in the four major domains:
Social and Emotional, Physical, Cognitive, and Language. Each child was observed in several
areas and documentation was added to their assessment portfolio. There were numerous
opportunities for teacher-student interactions and conversations, scaffolding, asking questions,
and providing authentic feedback.
Several activities allowed for higher level thinking and differentiating the learning
environment. This was one area not intentionally planned for, but a welcome addition to the
lesson plan. The mathematic activities were one such area this was easily achieved. Through the
use of Vygotskys belief, of a more knowledgeable other (MKO), some children were assisted by
the teacher or classmate to achieve success at a higher level of learning. There were many
opportunities for cognitive growth in the area of mathematics and science. The hands-on
experiences were meaningful and enjoyed by the children.

The children were able to connect experiences from one activity to another. For instance,
information learned during the large group read aloud was used during block play and in the
Dramatic Play area. Images of gingerbread cookies and other gingerbread objects in the book on
tape at the listening center and in areas around the classroom assisted the children when it was
time for them to create a gingerbread boy or girl at the craft table. Incorporating the theme of
gingerbread in all areas of the classroom allowed for these connects to naturally occur.
Overall, the unit was enjoyable and effective for documenting the childrens growth in
many domains. The children expanded their knowledge and understanding of a traditional tale,
listened to a story, took part in storytelling, and participated in numerous activities related to the
unit. This unit could be expanded to include more gingerbread books and by continuing the unit
for a second week. Interest would sustain an additional week. This is a unit that new activities
and supplies could be added each year in an effort for continued improvement.

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