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Sophia Chavez
English 12/period 2
Mrs. Tolkan
October 27, 2014
Crimes in Society
Crimes are being committed every day in society; not only by adults but kids and young
teens as well. Juveniles are committing crimes today, such as murder and are getting away with
it. However, this should not be the case. Many people today are questioning if juveniles should
be sentenced to prison due to their unwise decisions by committing crimes. Some say they're
only children and shouldn't spend the rest of their lives in prison, while others say different, and
that they should be punished for their actions.
In the article, "Kids are Kids- Until they commit crimes", the author, Marjie Lunstrum,
states that, "They're only kids that is until they foul up. Until they commit crimes, and the
bigger the crime, the more eager we are to call them adults" (Lunstrum 87).Children do make
mistakes but if committing murder it's more than a mistake, its a crime. Children need to be
punished for their actions, big or small. Although, hearing children committee crimes like murder
is horrifying. Children are supposed to be playing outside and with toys, not committing crimes
such as murder. Lundstrum states, " Today we are witness to criminal defendants-facing life
sentences without parole-who cannot shave, still play with fire trucks and love to act out scenes
from television or video games", (Lundstrum,87). Instead of playing outside or building blocks
children are committing crimes.


In "On punishment and Teen Killers" by Jennifer Jenkins, she talks about her younger
sister and how she was murdered by a teenager. He wanted to see "what it would feel like to
shoot someone". Jenkin states," As a high school teacher, I have worked with teens all my life
and I understand how hard it is to accept the reality that a sixteen or seventeen year old is
capable of forming such a requisite criminal intent",(Jenkins,91). Children are committing
crimes such as murder is hard to accept. Children today are committing crimes that adults would
be sentenced for, this is very hard to take in. Another problem that Jenkin states is access to
weapons, " We in America have to own this particular problem with weapons so easily available
to our youth, and the violence- loving culture in which we raise them",(Jenkins,91). Youth today
are growing up in a environment where violence occurs, and where lives are being taken away. It
is very important for children to grow up in a healthy environment. When growing up in a
harmful environment, one is most likely to create a negative atmosphere themselves.
In "Juveniles don't deserve life sentences" by Gail Garinger, he disagrees with youth
being sentenced to prison due to their crimes. Garinger talks about how "seventy nine young
adolescents have been sentenced to die in prison- a sentence not imposed on children anywhere
else in the world. These children were told that they could never change and that no one cared
what became of them. They were denied access to education and rehabilitation programs and left
without help or hope" (Garinger 93). Children committing crimes often feel hopeless and
discouraged, lost without anyone to guide them. Children who often committee crimes don't feel
safe at home, or they don't live in a positive atmosphere. In paragraph eight Garinger talks about
how he is a juvenile court judge, "I have seen first-hand the enormous capacity of children to
change and turn themselves around. The same malleability that makes them vulnerable to peer
pressure also makes them promising candidates for rehabilitation" (Garinger 94). Children do


commit crimes, although the author believes that even though they make mistakes they can
change. They can become better people.
In conclusion, all three authors had their own judgment and understanding. Both
Lundstrum, and Jenkins, believed in punishment. Children should be sentenced to prison when
committing crimes such as murder. Although, Gail Garinger had his own opinions, he believed
that juveniles don't deserve life sentences. Although, children should be punished for crimes they
commit and laws they break.

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