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New Mexico Academic Content Standards

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.1.MD.C.4- Organize, represent, and interpret
data with up to three categories.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.1.1- Participate in collaborative conversations
with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and
adults in small and larger groups.
2. Objective Students will begin to understand the directions right and left in
relation to their bodies and to the classroom space.
Students will be able to describe a direction by using the terms
right and left
3. Essential Question- How can I tell the difference between right and
4. Lesson Summary- Students will be given multiple methods to help
them identify the directions left and right. They will practice using
these skills by completing workbook pages and playing a game that
involves physically moving through the space.
5. Resources
Right hand and left hand posters
Bracelets 1 per student (16)
Student workbook
6. Procedures
a. Introduction- Students will be directed to the newly placed Right
Hand and Left Hand posters hanging up on the wall. Students will
be asked to use the posters to help them identify their own right
hand and place a bracelet on their right wrist.
b. Instructioni. Students will be shown the workbook pages for lesson 5.7,
containing questions that require awareness of right and left.
ii. Instructor will read the directions to the students and use the
sample images of bears to help students work out how to identify
which is the bears right hand. This will include:
1. Modeling standing up and physically moving your body in the
space in order to orient yourself to the same position as the
2. Using the bracelets on their right wrists to help them
remember how to tell their left from their right hand.
3. Referencing the posters to assist with their work.
iii. Students will use the methods that have been modeled to
complete the assigned workbook pages.
iv. After lunch, students will combine with their 2nd grade classmates
and teach them how to tell their right from their left.
v. Instructor will review right and left with the class and then lead a
game of Simon Says using the words right and left in the
directions for the players.

c. Closure- Instructor will declare the game over and instruct students
to give themselves a pat on the back with their right hand for a job
well done.
d. Assessment- Students successfully complete workbook pages using the
directions right and left correctly.
- Students are successful in following directions using the terms
right and left in the game Simon Says.
7. Adaptations- Students will be presented with a variety of ways to
successfully identify the different directions. Posters will serve as visual
reminders, bracelets as physical reminders, and physical movement in
the space as kinesthetic reminders. Directions on the worksheets will
be read to students.

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