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Daily Lesson Plan

Day Three (March 20, 2015)

1. Recognize instances of Yellow Journalism (DOK 1)
2. Apply the concepts learned in class about Yellow Journalism and create a
newspaper article that proves their grasp of the concept (DOK 4)
Standards that Correlate:
3. MS Frameworks, 11th Grade/U.S. History, Culture
1. Teacher: MacBook
2. Teacher: Flash Drive containing presentation for Day 2
3. Teacher: Projector
4. Yellow Journalism assignment and rubric
5. Netbooks w/ Microsoft Word or PowerPoint
6. Printer
7. Internet Connection
Opening Set:
1. Take Attendance.
2. Students need to pick up the project packet and get one of the Netbooks from the
cart when entering the room.
Learning Tasks (Procedures):
A. Read the Project Sheet with the class.
B. Take any questions that arise concerning the directions.
A. Pull up day 2s Keynote presentation and review the examples that were
given yesterday if needed.
C. Have the students read over the rubric.
D. Students may begin the project.
E. Walk around and help where needed.
F. About 15-20 minutes before the bell, have the students print off their articles and
get them from the printer down the hall.
Allow some of the students to present their articles on a voluntary basis. This
presentation will not be graded. Have a discussion based around the articles that
are presented.
Remind students of upcoming assignments that are due.

Daily Lesson Plan

Day Three (March 20, 2015)
Differentiated Instruction:
o Extra credit assignment: Students have the choice to read the entire
speech by Teddy Roosevelt given in class. After reading it they may write
a 2 page analysis/reflection on the speech. Students must relate the
speech to the events discussed in class. This assignment will be due on
April 1st in order for students to apply the materials discussed throughout
the unit to their papers.
o Students have been made aware that I am available during 4th block for
any questions.
o Students with attention, hearing, or seeing problems have been given
preferential seating.
o Students have also been given extra time when needed to complete
assignments. However, a note must be provided to their next block
teacher excusing their tardiness.
o Students parents that have requested emails about daily lessons have
been acknowledged by C.I.
o Parents have been made aware that I am available for questions as well.

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