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The Journal of

Ralph Corder

33 Compiled by Lauren Atkinson

The Journal of

Ralph Corder

33 LA to LA Publishing, Provo, UT

Original text held by

Lynn Atwood, daughter.

Typeset & designed
Ralph with great-grandchildren Nathan and

Rachel Rock and Lauren Atkinson

by Lauren Atkinson,

March 2013.

In memory of Ralph Corder, 19172003

33Table of Contents
1 January 1981
6 February
13 March
19 April
24 May
28 June
33 July
36 August
39 September
42 October
44 November
49 December
52 January 1981

33January 1981
16 January 1981
My birthday started off with a phone call from Lynn. Things are really looking

up for her and for Dennis. Lynn is working full time at the Bye doctors and is

getting $5 an hour. She loves her work. The doctor is real nice and the other
girl that works there is cute and nice. Best news of allDennis got a job in a

town about an hours drive south of Payson. He gets $10 an hour and stays

down there in a trailer and comes home Wednesdays and Fridays and calls

every night. He is building a house and rebuilding a dairy. The guys he works
with are Greek and are fun to work with. The owner is the one who bought
Denniss farm. Lynn sounds really happy and has hopes of getting all caught

up financially in about 6 months. Lynn sent me this beautiful journal for my

birthday. It got here yesterday. She wants it back when it is finished. We talked
to Lecia and I told her since it is raining here I will work on
her doll house today. She loves us. She wants a car.
She says to go places with her girl friends when
there are no boys around. She is going to send
Glora the mattress from her miniature doll

bed so Glora can make sheets and pillows for

it. Temperature this a.m. is 42 degrees and is

raining. First rain in over 2 weeks. We go today

to Myrtle Creek to pick up my birthday present

from my precious wife. A little cast iron pot
belly stove for the shop. We got it on sale

from MW for $54.88. It will replace the sheet

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

metal one. Picked up the stove but had to pay $15 freight. Yuck! Had delicious
dinner at Blackie & Junessalmon quiche. Played scrabble.

Lili not feeling wellnot eating good. Dr. says she might have eaten a dead

fish from along the Creek which is poison. Hostages might be freed in a day
or two.

17 January 1981
8 a.m. Sky clear, 40.

Ordered all kinds of seed from Territorial Seed Co., Lorane, Oregon. $11.95.

Finished assembling pot belly stove then built fire to let the smoke burn

off. Diane and Jerry Harris from White City came to see uswe had lunch and

stayed till 3 p.m. Their upholstery business is doing okaySurprise!Their

place is not as nice a location as ours. Rocks in yard. Soil not good. Water
drains on their place from neighborsFog terrible. No treesout on the flats.
We feel lucky to have found this place.

5:30 p.m. Art and June came by on way to square dancing and had pie and

angel food cake cake and ice cream with us. Then went on to dance. Lili not

eatinglistlessplan to take her to vet. Monday. Temperature outside this

evening 50.

18 January 1981

8 p.m. Beautiful daylow 47, high near 60. High clouds.

Went to church to hear Jeff Pratt. Lunch at home. Lily still sick. Called Dr.

Bayliss who left 12 Terymiacin pills in his mail box for me. After lunch went to
the creek and cut path further along creek. Lilly went with me and went in the

water. Was pretty weak. Spent rest of day resting and watching TV. Hostages
close to release.

19 January 1981

10 p.m. Rained a little this a.m. Temperature high 58low

Took Lily to the vet. He gave her a shot and said to keep on with the terimiacin.
Her temperature is 102.5 which vet says is 1 degree above normal for a dog.
She feels a lot better this evening. Glora and I went to Grace and Carls this P.M.
to give Grace a knitting bag for her birthdayI made the frame.

I spaded up a place along the Drive and planted 12 tulip bulbs.

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

Also I moved the freezer chest into the garage. I pryed it up on some 14

inch 2x6s for skids and tied a rope around it then onto the bumper of the
truck and pulled it out real easy to the front. I fried it over a few feet then put
a board in front of it and pushed it with the font bumper of the truck into the
garage. Nothing to it!!

Hostages not released yetsome hitch in transferring the money.

Glora made a bunch of calls to Seattle to reserve a trailer space for June 25

26 and 27 for National Square Dance Convention. Everything filled up. Finally
got a dry space in Monroe. 45 min away.

20 January 1981

8 p.m. Cloudy all day. High 60. Now raining.

Up about 1:00 a.m. to watch inauguration and listen for news of hostages.

Reagan gave a good speech and there were parades and balls or galas etc.

Lasted all morning.

Hostages not released while Carter still in office. They were released about

20 min. after Reagan sworn in. That is they were said to have been put on a
plane to leave Iran at that time. 12:20 EST.

This evening they showed 7V at Algerian airport and all hostages got off

the plane. This was at night about 1 or 2 a.m. Algers time. They were brought

in to the air terminal and given some juice and the Algerian official made a

speech and our representative made a speech then half of them got on one
plane and half on another plane to fly to Germany. Carter is to fly to Germany
to greet them. Carter very tired and painful as he broke his collarbone while
skiing a few days ago.

Lily is doing okay. I thinned some of the raspberries and planted 8 of them

on down the fence line. I spaded a place for peas.

21 January 1981

Wednesday, 9:00 p.m. Cloudy all day, rained about .4 inch.

High 60.
Now they are saying hostages were treated badly first few months.

Switched hoses on car heater so water goes through heater before it goes

through the radiator. I think it helped.

Dug some weeds in the rose garden. Took some dead branches out of the

forest. Dont know where the day went.

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

23 January 1981
Friday, 7:30 p.m.

Yesterday I dug weeds a while then went to Glendale and got a hair cut then

bough some brown dress shoes that were on sale for $10.50. Came home then

had to go back after hamburgers. Chopped kindling and worked in the shop
a while.

Today I dug weeds and worked in the shop. It rained off and on. Glora

vented her feelings about how she is bugged by Skippy. Got a cute birthday
present from Linda Fullmer. It is a round padded wall hanging with hooks on
to hang things on. Very sweet! Worked some on Doll house.

25 January 1981

Sunday. Yesterday it turned cold36 at night to about 42

daytime. Same last night36about 45 today. Cloudy
no rain.
Yesterday I worked on another chicken pen. This one is right next to the other

one and is for big chickens. We plan to raise a few hens for eggs and roosters
to eat. This new pen will be just for banties. Just a high roost6 inch height

with a small roof over it and row of nests fastened to the fence. Went square
dancing last night to TrinSquare. Had a swell time.

Today went to G. P. to Baptist Church. Rev. Brown stressed the suffering

in Pauls heart for the Jews who would not accept Jesus as their Messiah and

Saviour. I was surprised to learn in the news the other day that Jews who have

become Christians cannot get their citizenship in Israel. Am watching super

bowl game. Oakland Raiders are ahead 243.Final at 6:30 p.m. 27 to 10.
Great game!

27 January 1981
Cant remember to write every day. Yesterday I worked on chicken pen again.

It is rainy but does not rain real heavy. Last night we went to GP to work shop
for Plus 1 square dance. Awfully smoky but had a good time. Heavy rain forecast for tonight and tomorrow. Worked on chicken pen again todayspent all

day building the nests. Pretty fancygot them installed on the fence. Moved
the feeder in and got the chickens in with grain. A few chickens got on the new

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

roost but there is not enough room overhead. Will correct it tomorrow. Need
to build another feeder. Then I am through.

29 January 1981

Thursday. It has rained 1.7 inches since Tuesday. Went

down to 34 last night. Snowed in the night but melted
when it hit the ground. There is still snow in the hills.
I spent most of the day yesterday on the new feeder. Today I got the trailer out

and onto the driveway to get ready to go to Eugene for the weekend square
dance festival. Had time to tear down old chicken pen.

33February 1981
3 February 1981

Tuesday, 9:30 p.m. No rainbeautiful day. 34 outside right

Went to Eurgene over the weekendsquare danced until our feet were sore.
Came home Sunday nightpretty tired. Monday, backed trailer into a new
spot beside truckclose to garage. Went to Canyonville shopping and on up
to Tri-City to get Lily. Did some spading.

Today I did quite a lot I staked the black berries and added a wire at the

top and put the runners up on the wires. I spaded two rows for the peas. Then
I put the roto-tiller on the tractor and roto-tilled them and a row by the fence.
Then I got about half of the ditch, for the water line to the new chicken pen,

By spading a row and then roto-tilling it I get a beautiful job on the garden.

5 February 1981

Yesterday I dug a trench and ran water out to the chicken penhard work.
Got the trench all filled in. Also planted a triple row of bush peasthey grow
about three feet tall. I trained last night, .34 inch. Temperature 40.

Today I started to build a cabinet for the spot from whence I took the

freezer. Took a long time to move all the stuff off the pile of plywood. Then
top piece was pretty badly burned. (I bought the plywood because it had been

scorched in a fire at the mill.) So I used the top piece to build another roof

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

over the chicken pen for another roost. When I finished that I started the cab-

inet. Finished it about 6 p.m. It rained off and on all day. Not as cold. 40.

P.S. Nice letter from Lynn yesterday. Says she had a good childhood. Secure,
homey, answered her questions. Says most mothers are going to have to work.

Assured Glora she was a good mother. Glora and I play Rummy sometimes in
the evenings.

Reagan gave a speech today. Really wants to turn things around. Hope

Congress goes along.

7 February 1981

Saturday, 9:00 a.m. 33 last night, now 37. Cloudy.

Yesterday I didnt seem to get as much done.

Extended walk from shop a little farther. Dug some weeds pruned or chard

a little. Moved a wood pile under the lean to.

Went to Marguerite and Bobs for dinner and played Pinochle. Wonderful

dinner. Fun people.

Today plan to plant sugar snap peas. And go to Roseberg to see Nevers and

have dinner with them.

8 February 1981

Sunday, 9 a.m. 35. Cloudy, no rain.

Yesterday planted peas. Worked on walk from shop toward house. Am staking
1x2 2 feet apart and fill with sand and gravel from creek bed.

About noon went to Roseberg. Went to Farmers @ 0-0 P and bought some

seedssweet peas, onion sets and Glora found a package of seed peanutsThey
are to be planted at the same time as beans. Then we went to Bob and Norma

Nevins to visit and then have dinner and then to square dancing at Bucceroo
barn. Bob worked as machinist at SPS Western for 8 yrs then at steel case about

7 years. Gets small pension from army disability and $470 Soc. Security. Also

has some money in the bank. Norma was LVN in Tustin at a doctors office for
many years. Had lovely dinner. Nice people. House very clean. They bought a 1
acre lot north west of Roseberg and had a contractor build a house on it. 3 bedroom nice big living room with Shrader fireplace almost like ours. It is a stove.

Lot is on North Umqua Riverbeautiful setting. Property goes to cen-

ter of river. Had fun square dancing. I guess well go to Jeffs church (Azalea
Community) today.

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

12 February 1981

Thursday, 6 p.m. Temperature 54. No rain since Sunday,

60% chance tomorrow.
Went to Azalea Church Sunday then Square Dancing Sunday evening. Monday

I thought Blackie wanted me to help do cement at the meat cutters shop on

Treimbo Rd. but he wants me Tuesday. So Monday I went up to Carls and got

a load of cow manure. Brought it back and unloaded then spaded about 25

feet for potatoes. Pretty tired. Tuesday went with Blackie but when cement
truck showed up the cement was too soupy so we couldnt use it. Have to go

back Wednesday. Spent Tuesday painting inside of shop, so the particle board

smell would quit burning my eyes. Wednesdaydid cement at meat cutters.

Got through about 12:30. Made $25. Took nap. Then Glora wanted to get a cat

so she called animal shelter and they told her of a woman who had a Persian
cat that needed a home. We went to GP and brought it home. It is yellow just

like Tiger Lilly we had in Inglewood. We named him Tiger. We have to keep it
locked in the garage at least 10 days so it wont run away. Today, Thursday, we
took Tiger to see Dr. Bayless. He looked it over and cleaned its ears. Said it was
probably about 2 years old. Which is the same as Lily (our dog). He gave us a

pill for worms and said to keep it a couple of weeks to see if it stayed here or
developed any disease then if it was alright to come back and have it castrated
and give it shots.

I worked in the yard some and painted the new cupboard and built.

Once in awhile I would go in the garage and brush the cat and try to get him

used to us. He ate some Salmon scraps plus his worm pill. Used his sand box.
Seems to be settling down.

14 February 1981

Saturday, 6:30 p.m. Temperature 43. It has rained 1.3 inches yesterday and last night. No rain today.
Yesterdaywhile it was rainingI worked in the shop. Moved the table with
the radial arm saw over in front of the window so the saw dust will go out the

window. Finished painting the window and behind where the table was. Went

with Glora in the morning to Glendale to have her hair done. Went to Arts

while waiting for her. Brought home 4 gals grape wine. That I had helped Art
get started. Doesnt have much taste. Glora doesnt like it. Today, I worked on
the fence and by the road, cleaned out some of the brush in the back. I took

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

the cat for a walk on a leash but I let the leash go and the cat got away. I and
Lilly looked all over the forest for it but couldnt find him. Felt awful! Later I

decided to go out in the forest and dig some daffodils I had seen. I went by the
last place I had seen the cat and there he was about 10 feet from where he got
loose. The leash was tangled in the brush. Took him back to the shop.
Got the daffodils and set them out along back lawn.

Went to Sams for hamburgers. Plan to go to Tri-City for Valentine Square

dance. The other day we got Valentines from Lynn and Dennie and from Linda
and her kids. Precious! Planted Gloras sweet peas.

16 February 1981

Monday8 a.m. 56Raining.

Had fun Saturday night at the S.D. Skippy was all smiles and friendly. Vick
says he can not put in a garden this year. He wants to finish his barn, fin-

ish fencing and get some cattle to raise for income. Sundaywent to church
then to Brunch with Bob and Marguerite (Rete) to Wolf Creek Tavern. This is

an historical stage stop converted to a restaurant. Menu always the same for
brunch. Hot mulled cider. Fruit dish. Pineapple orange grapefruit with sesame sauce to dip each bite in. Then main plate2 crepes rolled up. Ham and

sausage, scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, maple butter, and whole wheat muf-

fin. Coffee and champagneFantastic. This is at least the 6th time we have
been there. Once with Grandma, once with Emil and Jane, once with Betty

and Trent, once with some other friends who came to see us. Once or twice by
ourselves. And yesterday.

Then we went to see Bell and June Corp in Wolf Creek. He is a disabled vet-

eran. Has hearing trouble and has arthritis. She is taller than he is and seems
like she would fit life better if she were parried to a successful business man.

But they seem happy though poor. They are trying to finish their Capp house.
But Bill is not much of a carpenter. They have been there 2 yrs and arent

much over 2/3 finished. Outside is O.K. He has a camper shelf he wants to give

me. Very generousnot exactly what I had in mind but the price is right.

After we came home, we had a visit from Mary and Wenter Harvey. I went
to Pacific Bible Seminary in 1940 to 1942 with them. They became mission-

aries to Alaska and were in Ketichan for years. But we visited the Christian
church in Canyonville about 7 or 8 months after we came here and there we
met Mary Harvey. She recognized me and told us Wenter had gone off the

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

deep and about 15 years agohe was working at the church in Alaska. He
decided to come down to Seattle to buy a new car. He never went back to
Alaska. After several months Mary located him and they came to Myrtle Creek

to live together. She teaches in the public school and will retire with a pension
in two years. Wenter doesnt work. Will not go to the Christian church. Doesnt

do much of anything. Sad case. So we saw 2 families in one day that we feel
sorry for but thank God we are better off than.

We didnt go to SD work shop last night. Watched Jaws II and went to bed

but couldnt go to sleep so got up and watched Paul Newman in a spy thriller
till 1:30 a.m. then to bed and to sleep. It is now 8:30 and Glora is just getting

18 February 1981

Wednesday, 9:00 p.m. Temperature 55. Had 1 inch of rain

last two days.
Yesterday helped Blackie set forms and grade for a garage floor. Then we
worked cleaning up camper shell.

Today, went back and poured the concrete. Did the job for Mr. Peck of Wolf

Creek. Spent the rest of today overhauling the window cranks on the camper
and making the back door lift. Also worked a little on my path along the Creek.
Watched President Reagans speech. He received 2 standing ovations.
Just finished writing a letter to Elinor.

20 February 1981

Friday8:30 a.m. Temperature 40. Rained .6 inch since

Wednesday. Cloudy now.
Yesterday I worked all day on Lecias doll house. President Reagan already
starting to get flak about the Economic Plan.

22 February 1981

Sunday8:30 a.m. Temperature 40. Beautiful sunny day

Yesterday I planted 2 lbs. of onion sets. Friday I rototilled several rows to

get ready for the onions. Am also ready now for potatoes which can be planted

next week. Yesterday I worked on the camper shell a little more. Moved the

lawn for the first time this year. Broke up a wheel barrow full of sticks for

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

kindling. Last night we went to Canyonville Square Dancing. It is a new group

starting up and there was one man short of 2 squares so the callers wife filled

in. It was kinda fun. Today we are expecting the Nevins over for brunch. I

was thinking this morning about my precious grand daughter Linda. How she
might come over and stay with us a while this summer after she finishes work

at the beach. How she loves me enough to make a birthday present and send
it to me. What I would say to her if she were to ask me why I dont become a
Mormon. I just dont feel the need to when I am already a Christian.

25 February 1981

Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. Temperature 50was 40 last

night. Rained .6 inch Monday and Tuesday. Rain and snow
forecast for later today.
Last Sunday had the Nevins for brunch. Had eggs benedictvery good
Nevins stayed until 3:00 p.m. Tammy and Keil came about 2:00 p.m. Bob
Nevins sure liked our placewanted to trade. Ha!

Monday I hauled sod and dirt from back yard lawn getting ready to re-sow

and level the yard. Tuesday I finished hauling rod and dirt and moved some
more raspberries. Worked between showers.

28 February 1981

Saturday, 9:00 a.m. Temperature 35. Rained .3 Thursday

none yesterday. Rained 4.2 inches in February.
Wednesday we went to Riddle and bought a peach tree. It is called Veteran,
it is said to be a little bit tart and is a late freestone. Thought a late one would

be more apt to miss a late frost. Came home and set it out. Am wasting 1.5
hours a day at noon to eat lunch and watch soapsDays of Our Lives. Got to

get un-hooked. Thursday worked some on a quilting frame for Glora. She is
making a quilt for Taylor and one for Craig. Also, one for Linda F. for gradua-

tion. Oh yeah! Had Blackie and Jane for dinner Tuesday night. Friday worked
a little more on quilting frame and Ivan and Ruth stopped by for short visit.
Then I raked the 120 x 30 patch in back yard where I am planning to re-sow

grass. Last nigh Art came by and we went to Tri-City to the Nickel Bowl to
go bowling. It is called that because near there is a Nickle mine on top of a
mountain. We bowled with Don and Virginia Snyder and their friends. Glora
watched. I bowled 157 first game and 135 then 137. I did a little better than


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

Art but Don, who has been bowling for years, bowled 204. We also saw Bob

and Vi and Norma and Bob. Got a nice letter from Lynn yesterday. She sounds
like things are going fine. Dennis likes his job, which should last into August.

Lynn cant get off to come up here until August. Maybe they will come up then.
Linda wants us to come to her graduation but we dont want to because we
would see her for only a few minutes and then she would be off to a party.

Rossmore the Cat seems to be staying here okay. He is looking better and is

licking himself and cleaning himself up. Got 9 eggs day before yesterday. Now
it looks like one hen is setting.


33March 1981
2 March 1981

Monday, 6:30 a.m. Temperature 38. Foggyno rain.

Yesterday walked up to Gary Harkless place about 1 miles one way. Didnt

go to church. Gary gave us 6 fertile eggs from big chickens and put them
under our Banty hen that is setting. See what happens in 21 days. Spent yesterday afternoon installing new plug in truck bumper to hook up the trailer

to. Went to Saws for supper at 6:30 p.m. and then to Art and Junes to spend
the evening.

4 March 1981

Wednesday, 7:30 a.m. Temperature 39. Rained most of the

day yesterday and last night and is raining nowsnowed
for a few minutes this morning. Rained .8 inch since yesterday.
Monday we went to G.P. I bought a small generator (power plant) 1250 watts

for $115. Plan to use it with the trailer and as back up in case of power failure.
Spent all day at G.P.

Tuesday I started the brick planter in front of the house, but had to quit

due to rain. Put new plugs in the car. Looked at the wiring for the camper shell.

Lynn called last night. Says Linda F. has come up with a scheme to come

and see us at Easter. Says she and her cousin from Mississippi want to earn

money to help pay for the gas. Linda could help drive. PlusesThey still have
the vanplan to turn it in at the end of the lease in June. Lynn would get to

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

see her sister Linda and the kids. Ronna would come and would not be disappointed. MinusesRon might not let the girls miss school. Dennis might not
let Lynn come. It would be wonderful to see them all.

Lynn is not too happy about her situation. Dennis comes home only on

Wednesday and the weekends. They are both making good but every cent goes
to pay off debts incurred when Dennis was not working. Lynn has accepted
Lindas Mexican boyfriend and says it is possible they could get married. It all
makes our stomachs hurt.

5 March 1981

Thursday, 8:30 p.m. Temperature 37. Rained .2 more for

total of 1 inch for the storm.
Finished the planter today. It came out real nice. Looks great from the road.
During lunch time went to Glendale to see Sandys new home. She complains
all the time about the workmen that are building it.

Glora is working on quilts for Craig and Taylor. Wants to finish them before

Easter. Got 9 eggs today. Pretty good from 10 hens. While we were in town the
car had a flat. Tire just worn out.

10 March 1981

Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. Temperature 40. No rain since last

Last Fridayworked on doll house most of the day and some Saturday.
Went square dancing in Roseburg Saturday nightwent to an after party at

Firehouse Pizzagot to bed at 2 a.m. Went to church in Grants Pass Sunday

and got a new tire at Montgomery Ward and picked up the seed potatoes we

had left at Chets. Also got a dozen lettuce plants. Went to square dance workshop Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m.

Monday we were both very tired. I spent the morning cutting up small

sticks from the forest for kindling. Took a nap. Then planted the lettuce and
took a walk.


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

11 March 1981

Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Temperature 50got up to 67 today. Beautiful sunny day. No rain and no rain forecast rest
of the week.
Planted a 60 ft row of beets. Moved garlic plants to a row beside where tomatoes are going and 3 around peach tree to discourage root borers. Spent rest

of the afternoon filling the planter under front window. Took about 12 loads
of dirt. Moved azalea plants within the planter. Glora has finished sewing the
blocks together on Taylors quilt. I can help tie it.

Tuesday I got the ground ready to plant potatoes. Was going to wait until

today to plant but went ahead and planted yesterday. Planted 2 rows of red
potatoes and 1 row of white60 ft rows next to beets.

14 March 1981

Saturday, 8:00 a.m. Temperature 46 Rained .6 inch Thursday night. Thursday was sunny and beautiful.
Went for walk with Glora to Fortune Branch Market. Stopped and visited

Grandys a few minutes. Came back and cut down 2 trees next to east fence.

Rest of day helped Glora lay our quilt while she sewed pieces together. Then
in the evening we went to Tri-City to help clean square dance hall. But about

5:30 it started to rain and hail. Then it started to thunder and lightning. Lily

got so scared that when we opened the door she came right in the house and
wouldnt go out. Had to drag her out. Then when we left for Tri-City she went

up to Karls and Grace let her in the store room where she stayed until we
came home.

Friday I went out in the forest and cut my trail along the creek about 15 ft

more and then went around and came toward the creek from the north and

cut a trail along west property line. Came to a small hill about 20 ft high and
a place where beaver had cut down a whole bunch of treesnot too long ago
because the chips were still fairly new. One 14-inch tree was cut through all

but about 4 inches and was still standing. Incredible! Plan to take picture of it.

Last night went to open house of new Mormon church in Canyonville because
Blackie invited us. Blackie only got .1 inch rain Thursday night. Crazy!


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

17 March 1981

Tuesday morning, 8:20. Temperature 35. Rained .9 inch

Sunday and a little Monday.
Saturday went for a walk and stopped at Bob and Marguerites. Helped
Glora with Taylors quilt. Dug a few weeds. Went to Art and Junes for dinner then square dancing at Tri-N-Square. Sunday we went to church at Azalea

Community then hurried home and changed and went by and picked up Keil

and Tammy and went to Winston to a special birthday dance. They had live
music, which was fantastic. There were only two people. A man and his wife.
He played the accordion which had a mike fastened to it and he sang and

called and he had a rhythm side man which he worked with his foot. His wife

played the drums and she was fantastic. She had two small drums mounted
above all the rest and when she hit one of them it sounded like a shrill whistle.

Then we went to Tri-N-Square for our regular workshop. Monday I worked on

the generator I bought. I cleaned it all up and got it running. It runs the toaster

and a light. It ran the electric saw. But it is awful noisy. We are waiting to hear

from Lynn as to whether she is coming in April when Linda and the family
come. Dug a few weeds.

19 March 1981

Thursday evening 9:00 p.m. Rainingstarted about dark.

Temperature outside 48.
Tuesday I dug weeds in the flower garden. Cut my trail about 15 feet farther.

Started digging to put in another hose bib on N.E. corner of shop. Also redid
faucet in raspberry patch. Wednesday, finished roof on doll house. Planted 2
rows of peas Wednesday. Today I finished the faucet. (Had to go to Glendale to
get elbows.) Planted a row of leaf lettuce.

Am trying to get things as well organized as possible before summer comes

because I know the weeds are going to make a terrible assault right when we

will be having company and it will be harvest time. Things are getting easier
because the ground has all been worked once.

24 March 1981

Tuesday, 7:00 a.m. Temperature 40. Rained .85 in. over the
Last Friday and Saturday I worked quite a lot on the dollhouse. We went to

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

Roseburg Friday and spent most of the day. Bought a door for the dollhouse
but the railings and stairs were so high priced I decided to make my own. I

have been working off and on on the windows for a couple of weeks. Finished
them (6 of them) yesterday. Also yesterday I dug around trees in orchard and
around the grapes.

Sunday we took Bob and Marguerite and went to GP to church then out to

lunch at the Doodle Duck Inn. It was good. Then we went to our Plus 1 and
Plus 2 square dance class Sunday night.

We have 3 little black and white baby chicks from the hen that was setting.

We called Lynn Sunday Eve and she cant come in April when Linda and

Terry come. Lynn seems to be doing O.K. Likes her job and Dennis is doing
O.K. on his job.

Almanac and OG Book both say I can plant corn first week in April so need

to get ready.

26 March 1981

Thursday, 4 p.m. Raininghad to come in. Temperature

50. Rained .5 inch since Tuesday.
WednesdayBlackie went with us to Winston where we bought 4 more fruit

trees at the Sherwood Forest Nursery. We also bought 5 azaleas, pansies,

broccoli and 2 blueberry plants and a tray of seedling red onions. Planted
the trees yesterday (1 King apple, 1 Bartlett pear, 1 Alberta peach and 1 Red
Haven peach).

Today planted blueberries, azaleas, pansies, cabbage and broccoli and

onions. Got a haircut. Put 2 of the blueberries in the forest.

29 March 1981

Sunday, 8 p.m. Temperature 42. It has been raining off and

on all day. About .4 in. since last night.
Friday I spaded 3 rows about 35 feet long so I could rototill to get ready to

plant corn. Intend to plant 2nd week of April for early corn. Went up to see
Skippy and Vic. When we got back Lily was gone. We got scared and started to
look for her but she came home in about 20 minutes.

Saturday fixed flat on wheelbarrow. Took 2 trips to the Shell station

because there were 2 holes in the tube. Dumb? Huh?

Also Saturday I worked on the dollhouse awhile. About 5 I locked up and


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

went in the house. Looked at the paper and rested awhile then went out to
feed Lily but she was not around. Looked for her a little then got ready to go

square dancing. As we left we stopped at the Trailers next door but they had

not seen her. She was not here when we got home. Worried and didnt sleep
good all night. In the morning (this morning) called Grace but Lily not there.

Started to look for her. Got in the truck and looked down to the end of

Barton road and down Blackies. Came back and started to look in the forest.

Then I thoughtjust to touch all the bases I look in the truck, in the garage

and even though I knew it was silly I looked in the Mini Barn. And guess what!

She came roaring out and almost knocked me down! We were so glad we took
Lily and drove to the coast and let Lily run on the beach and then ate salmon

at Seafood GrottoThis took all day. Funny how important a dog can become!

Funny how important a

dog can become!
Ralph and Lily


33April 1981
2 April 1981

Thursday, 7:00 a.m. Temperature 40.

No rain this morning. It has been raining off and on since Monday. About an

inch. I have been working on the weeds when it is not raining and have been

working on the doll house when it is raining. We watch Days of Our Lives from
12:30 to 1:30 every day so have lunch at that time. We are pretty badly hooked
on the soap. Wastes time! We have been playing Rummy in the evenings. I am
5 games ahead and Glora is real mad. Ha! Right now I am waiting for Blackie

to call and tell me to go help him pour cement. I dont like to but Blackie seems
to want me instead of anybody else. We have 5 more little chickens that will

grow up to be big chickens. We got a nice phone call from Lynn Tuesday eve-

ning. She sounded fine. She called to tell us that she gave Ronna her birthday

present from Glora earlyher birthday is Friday. Ronna loved it and shows
it to everybody. Lynn has a chance for a job with a Beef Jerky Company as a

packaging designer. Would pay $1000 a month. Dennis has the roof on where
he is working so he can work if it rains or snows. Little Linda may break up

with her Spanish boyfriend. She also may come to see us in September or
October at which time we told her we would take her to Canada. We even

invited her to live with us while she attends a Community College. What fun!
Grandma was scheduled for upper G.I. series but wasnt told to fast ahead of
time so didnt do it. Linda takes real good care of her. Linda is sooo great.

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

6 April 1981

Monday, 7:00 p.m. Temperature 50.

No rain. Cant write because Glora wants to play Rummy.

7 April 1981

Tuesday, 7:30 a.m. Temperature 35.

No rain since last Thursday. Glora won 2 games so now I am only 3 games

Thursday and Friday I ran the roto-tiller in the Orchard. It is slow going

cause I have to dig through heavy grass. Sundayno work. Went to church
and then with Bob and Rete to Grants Pass to listen to Korla Pandit demon-

strate Organs at Bevs Blue Quouset. Were there til 5 p.m. Then to Medford for
dinner and tehn home. Watched Masada at 9. Watched It again last night.

Yesterday I worked all day with Blackie putting in a Slab for the druggist.

10 April 1981

Friday, 7:00 a.m. Temperature 38.

Rained .1 inch the last 4 days. Tuesday we went to the Tri-City to get Rossmore
where we left him to be fixed. We went on to Winston and bought 5 more blueberry plants. I needed a couple of gopher traps and asked a hardwares and

nurserys in several places but nobody had any. Wound up in Roseburg and
found them at a nursery there. While there I bought a dozen asparagus plants

for $1.29. Wednesday I dug 12 holes a foot wide and a foot deep and loosened
the soil to plant the asparagus. I planted 6 blue berries out in the forest. But

then I got to worrying about the deer and birds getting the blueberries so I

moved them into the yard near the blackberries. This took a good part of a

day. Mowed the lawn. Wednesday we went back after Rossmore. He is supposed to quit going next door to visit the cats over there.

Yesterday I worked in the Orchard most of the day. I got out the big tiller

and put the plow on it to dig through the grass. It was still slow going. Im not

through yet. I ordered a weed eater yesterday so I can cut down the grass in

places I cant go with the lawn mower. The bantys are so funny. 2 hens want to
set on one nest and if I try to move them they squawk and refuse to go where I

put them. One little chick got drowned in the water pan. So now I have 7. They

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

seem to be doing ok. I had put 8 big chicken eggs under one hen but 3 eggs
have disappeared. No trace.

14 April 1981

Tuesday, 8:30 a.m. Temperature at 7:00 was 42. No rain

since last week.
I went out this morning to look at my carrots and beets planted 2 weeks ago.

No sign of carrots but beets are coming up a few here and there. Now I read

that seeds will rot in the ground if the ground temperate is below 60 degrees
so I might as well wait until June 1 to plant. Linda and Terry and the kids came
in about 8:30 last night. We went to church Sunday morning. Came home and

had turkey dinner. Sunday night we went square dancing and Linda and Terry
and Craig went with us. Yesterday (Monday) while Terry studied in the trailer

for her Fire Chief test I roto-tilled. I ran the big tractor with tiller on. I did the
grape area and 3 rows for corn. Will have to do it again June 1. I am having
trouble waiting until the proper time to plant.

Last night 3 banty chickens were hatched. There are 3 more eggs. Also am

expecting 3 or 4 more big chicks to hatch today or tomorrow.

Yesterday afternoon we went to the circus at Grant Pass. The kids enjoyed

it. Right now I am watching TV with Terry while Glora and the kids go for a
walk. The space shuttle is expected to land in about an hour. It is on its last
orbit now.

21 April 1981

Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. Temperature 50.

It is raining and has been off and on all night. This is the first rain since week
before last. Almost had to water.

Last week Terry, Linda and kids went 3 times to the mountain back of

Karls. They found an old homestead. Glora and I went up there one day and I

brought home a 3 ft cast iron hay mower wheel in good condition. All in all the
kids and Terry and Linda had a good time and we enjoyed them. Linda is the
sweetest daughter in the world. Terry insisted on taking us to the Village Inn
for dinner on Thursday night. They all left about 9:00 a.m. on Friday.

One day while Terry studied for Captain test I did a nice bunch of roto-tilling.

Same again yesterday. Last Saturday we hooked up the trailer and went to

the Coquille and Coos Bay to square danceAl McCoy was caller. We stayed


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

up at Sunset Bay State Park and on Easter Sunday I read the Bible about eh
Resurrection. Then at 2:00 p.m. we went to the Sky Loft to a Square Dance
Easter Seal Benefit. Then came home Sunday night.

We called Lynn last night. Lecia has a chance to become a model. Lynn

started her new job with a Beef Jerky Company. Her job is to design new and

eye catching packaging. She gets $1000 a month. I think she will like it. Dennis
is home for 2 weeks to build a shop for a man near Payson. Linda came down

with the flu. She has a new boyfriend. White vs the Mexican she was going
with. Now she is not sure she wants to go to Huntington beach to work all

summer. Glora was real tired yesterday. Lecia wants me to go ahead and paint
the doll house.

24 April 1981

Friday, 8:30 a.m. Temperature 50. Light rain last night.

Cloudycould rain a little more today.
Yesterday I planted a nice long row of Ruby Queen Beets. Also worked on

Gloras trunk a little more. We have been walking each morning since Linda
left. We are supposed to get limbered up eventually.

We called Linda this morning. She says she had a good time as did Terry

and the children, Terry was inspired by our place here and wants to get his
yard in shape and maybe plant a small garden.

Linda saw Grandma Monday. She says Grandma is about 40th on the list

to go into a private room but Grandma doesnt even want to talk about it very
much. She doesnt seem to be ready mentally or physically. Says she has best
room in the place now. So well quit worrying about it.

27 April 1981

Monday, 9:30 a.m. Temperature 50.

It has rained all day Saturday and all day Sunday but the rain was so soft and
light that it totaled only .5 inches. No rain in sight today.

Last Friday I planted some lettuce (leaf) and some spinach in the spot

where the chickens pen used to be. I washed the trailer. Then cut weeds with
my sickle.

Saturday we spent all day decorating the Tri-City Elementary School for

the Mexican Motif Birthday dance for Tri-N-Squares. It looked real good.
Saturday night we had about 160 people there for the dance and Wayne West

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

said it was a real nice dance. Glora and I could only dance a few dances or tips
because we had to help serve, etc.

Lynn called early Saturday morn and wanted Gloras SSA no. because she

had given Glora a check for working 2 years before and the IRS put it down as

wages. She said she is not as excited about her job as she could be because she
can see she will have to get totally involved and think about it all the time. She
says not to worry about her though.

Sunday we went to the Wild Life Safari with June and Art for the brunch

and then went to the Roseburg to see Bob and Normal Nevins. They live in a

new track right on the North Umpqua and it is so beautiful that we wanted
Art and June to see it. The place next to Bobs is a 2 acre lot with lots of Oak

trees and June just fell in love with it. Bob called the Realtor and she is coming

to Arts house Tuesday to talk about a trade. We went to Plus 1 Workshop

Sunday night and it is the last one because Al is combining it with the new
beginners. So we may skip workshops until fall.


33May 1981
17 May 1891

Friday, 7:00 a.m. Temperature 53. Cloudy but no rain.

Mowed the lawn this week. Had to water every morning. Spent most of two
days planting tomatoes12 Willamettes and 12 Early Girland making hot
caps and cages. Worked on the trunk part of 2 different days. Went for walks
each morning.

Hap and June came by yesterday afternoon and stayed about 2 hours. We

walked with them up to see Emil and Janes place. They plan to retire and
move to Canada August 1. 5 more baby bantys hatched and are doing fine.

9 May 1981

Saturday, 9:00 a.m. Temperature 53

It has rained about .2 of an inch two different times in the last week. Saved
me from having to water a couple of times. I worked with Blackie setting

forms last Monday at the Druggist house up on Twin Pines Road. We poured

Tuesday and the other half Thursday morning. Then Thursday afternoon
we set forms for walks at Greens up near Bob Grandys. We plan to pour that

Monday. I will make over $100. This will pay for an apple eater grinder we
sent for to Yakima Thursday. As I drove in the drive way Lily got in the way
and I ran over her with the truck. It didnt seem to hurt her too bad. No broken
bones. Took her to a vet in G.P. He gave her a shot for shock and kept her all

night so we had to go back yesterday and get her. She is still pretty sore and it

seems to hurt to bark. It cost $40 dollars plus the gas. Dumb dog! I hope she

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

learns to have more respect for cars.

Lynn called this morning at 7:30 to wish Glora Happy Mothers Day. She is

starting to get really involved in her new job designing packaging for her beef
jerky. Dennis made $4000 last week building a shed. He is still working on the

Dairy down 11 hours drive south of them. We talked to Danny and he is on the

Soccer teamplays guard. He wants to come to Oregon to see us. Says Ron
and Charlotte might drive over. We talked to Ronna and she is OK. She is on the

swim team but wants to come and see us real bad. Lecia has been accepted to
go to the modeling school. Lynn says she is a natural.

13 May 1981

Wednesday, 7:30 a.m. Temperature 43.

We got up a little after 5:00 because Glora had a bad dream and I had a pain in
my hip and needed to get up and stretch and exercise. Yesterday I put plastic

over the corn which I had planted the day before. With temperatures in the
low 40s the ground needs to be kept as warm as possible. Also yesterday I

used my weed eater and cut the grass and weeds on the strip between gardens. I tried to use the generator but it stopped running and I couldnt get it

Last Sunday was Mothers Day and we went with Bob and Rete to the

Powder Horn in Myrtle Creek for Sunday dinner right after church.

Monday I helped Blackie pour concrete at the Greens just up the road.
Rain is forecast for this evening or tomorrow.

17 May 1981

Sunday, 8:00 p.m. Temperature 58.

Wednesday it rained a little bit off and on most of the day but it totaled only

.3 inch. I used my 2 50ft. extension and weed eater and cut weeds along the
drive way. Also I mixed the rest of my weed poison called Clean up and
sprayed the weeds in the ditch out front. It takes two or three weeks to work
because it is systemic.

We went to Canyonville Thursday and bought a few grocerieis. I worked

on the turnk some. Friday I used the small tiller and cultivated the grape vineyard. Also I dug 3 or more rows for corn. I dug deep, put in manure that I
had hauled home from Whitey Martins cow barn. Then covered it and tilled

it. I noticed a whining noise in the tiller so I took it apart and found a roller


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

bearing that was dry. I took it out and called Vic to see if he might want to buy

me a new one. But he told me about Neelys bearing service in G.P. He was
going to Sutherland to an auction to buy cows.

Today I decided to grease the bearing and put it back. Yesterday I installed

a Zirk fitting so I could grease it with a grease gun. I got it all back together
and started it up. It still whines some but since I know what it is and that is has
grease I know it will last awhile.

It has been raining real good last night and today. Total .5 inches so far. This

is real good. The paper is saying that if we dont get more rain soon we will
have drought conditions like 1977.

Last night we went to Rete and Bobs for cards. We had a lot of fun.

We were supposed to go square dancing last night and again tonight but

we thought we should rest up because Trent and Betty are coming tomorrow.
Right now we are watching Beyond the Poseidon Adventure.

I sprayed the trees yesterday because I saw some bugs on some of them.

22 May 1981

Friday, 7:00 a.m. Temperature 50.

Monday I dug one more row for corn and was almost through at about 2 p.m.

when Trent and Betty Jarrett came. We visited and looked over our farm and

forest and had a nice dinner. Tuesday we went to G.P. and shopped around.

I went to Neelys Bearings and described the bearing I wanted and Lo and
Behold he had it $2.00.

Tuesday evening they took us to Wolf Creek Tavern for dinnervery good.

Wednesday they left about 9:00 a.m. and I started back to work. But we went

to Canyonville and I picked up my sanding belts from Sears. Also I mowed the
lawn which took over 2 hours front and back.

Thursday went to Blackies and got a couple dozen small zinnias and

brought them home and planted them. I also planted a hydrangea we picked
up at C-ville. Over last week and Lili got in the planted and chewed up about

4 azaleas. I shipped her but she did it again the next day. These are the only
plants she bothers. She has done it before. We have got some dog repellent
and sprayed the planter box.

Also yesterday I went to plant sunflower seeds and wound up roto-tilling

the whole orchardThen I planted the sunflowers. I still

had some daylight left so I started fixing 4 legged trellises


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

for beans. Today I hope to plant the beans and some more corn.

I called Elinor yesterday morning. She and Cliff are still helping Tom nurse

Cliffs mother but are going to go to Hawaii in July. Mike is doing substitute
teaching, likes it, and plans to go into education. Steve is doing good. Was promoted to supervisor in the electronics company where he has worked 2 or 3

25 May 1981

Monday, 9:30 a.m. Temperature 60.

Rained inch yesterday and last night.

Friday and Saturday I planted 3 more rows of corn and 16 hills of beans

Kentucky Wonder. 6 rows of Red Kidney beans and 8 hills of lima beans.

Saturday night we went square dancing at the Boatnik in G.P. Then Sunday

we went to church in GP and to the square dance work shop Sunday after-

noon. They were to have another dance Sunday evening but we were tired
and came home.

Lily has a thing about Azaleas. She digs them up and chews off the plant at

the stem. I have whipped her and everything but she wont quit. Cant understand because she never bothers any other kind of plant. Jane and Emil called

early this morning. They have found a renter for their place in Mission Viejo
and are really getting anxious to get up here. Since May 30 falls on Saturday

they moved Memorial Day up to today. The Indy 500 was yesterday. I watched
the re-run last night. Just picked 2 gallons of strawberries. Got a nice letter
from Lynn to me personallyRon and Charlotte are expecting a baby and
Lynn is getting along Ok on her job. Made Glora cry about the baby.


33June 1981
1 June 1981
Monday, 8:30 p.m.

It is now raining very lightly. Not much chance of any real rain but sure hope
it does rain. This is the first since last Monday.

Cant remember all that has happened in the last week. Finished planting

corn. Did some weeding. We have to pick strawberries every other day. They
are really beautiful. We got 2 gallons of picking. One day I spent all my time

cutting poles out of the forest to put over the grape arbor. I cut 25 poles. Need
about 6 or 8 more. Arbor is 32 ft long and the poles need to be 13 ft long.
Grapes are doing beautiful.

Saturday night we planned to go square dancing but Art is home along

while June is in some kind of training for the Post Office in California and Art

wanted to go to an Auto Race so we went all the way to Cottage Grove (16
miles South of Eugene) to see this Auto Race. There is this Bob Allen who lives
next door to Fortune Branch Market and he rebuilds engines and he has a race
car he built and he raced and won the race! Got $500. It was a mile dirt track

and most of the spectators were kinda rough looking and drank lots of beers.
We had coffee and candy bars.

Art came back over Sunday and had dinner with us at 2 p.m. and just as

we were finishing Al and Wilma Robertson from Myrtle Creek dropped in and
helped us eat the gorgeous strawberry pie Glora had made.

Today we went to G.P. to pick up our beef we got from Rete and Bob

Stevens. It was 278 lbs which we paid Bob $1.05 a pound for and we gave the
Redwood Meat Company 20 cents a lb to cut and wrap and freeze. Total bill

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

was about $350. While we were in G.P. we bought a steamer juicer$35. You

boil water in the bottomthe steam goes up through the fruit or tomatoes
and pure juice comes out the spout to be bottled. We also got a big bag of

bone meal. Some systemic for the Roses. And I got 2 more sprinklers. Hand
help type. One day last week Glora helped me and we finished refinishing her
trunk. She lined the inside and has it here in the living room. Looks real nice.

3 June 1981

Wednesday, 11:00 p.m. Temperature 70.

No rain since Monday. Rained only a trace then. We are still picking straw-

berries every other day. Today we put up 7 small jars of freezer jam. We gave
Grace a fair sized box of fresh strawberries. She was real pleased. We paid
Rete and Bob for the beef. My SSA check is $405 the other two are $300 each.

$1000 a month. Not bad but it takes just about all of it because we are still
trying to get caught up from our trip to California last year and the one at
Christmas. Also we are trying to get enough ahead to make our trip to Seattle
for the Nationwide square dance festival.

Glora called Linda in Orange to see if Little Linda had arrived. She is to stay

with LaRae and work at the beach hut this summer. Linda F. told us she has

a diamond ring from Dan (her Mexican boyfriend). She says it is not exactly
an engagement but just a kind of promise or trial for a year or two. We called

Lynn to see how she felt about it and she said she and Dennis as well as Ron

were very unhappy about it. And of course we are very disappointed in Linda
F. We cant imagine how she could think she is in love with almost the same

type of Mexican boy Lynn fell in love with at the same age. Lynn says his folks
are Mormons but the mother is a big fat slob and a terrible house keeper and
the dad isnt much. Dan drinks and was in the hospital a few weeks ago from
a motorcycle accident. Also we learned that Ron and Charlotte are expecting a

baby. Looks like Ron will get what he wants yet (poor and 12 kids). Lynn says
he treats her real nice now. Funny! Huh!

Glora has been sick all day from the big mess Lynn has made of her life.

However! Lynn seems to be taking it all with equanimity! She is developing

a philosophy that seems to work for her and she says she and Dennis love each
other and are doing OK. They should be out of debt in a few more months.

My corn is coming up and Glora picked our first sugar snap peas today! I

didnt even see that they were ready! We can start freezing them now. I put


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

the new bearing in my small rototiller today. Runs great. It is getting pretty
dry now and I am having to water quite a bit. Wish I had a pump to get water
out of the ditch.

7 June 1981

Sunday, 9:00 p.m. Temperature 60.

It is raining! Good! It has rained .2 inch this weekend. Hope it rains at least .5

We went to the Buckaroo Round Up Festival at Winchester, just north of

Roseburg. We danced Friday night, twice Saturday, and this afternoon from

1:00 to 4:00. We are pretty tired. Plus Friday I picked 2 gallons of strawberries
and another gallon Saturday.

We just got a call from Emil and he told us Hap had a heart attack. Hap and

June were in a market and Hap just fainted and fell down. The paramedics
came and took him to the Anaheim Community. Then we called Linda and told
her about Hap. She said she would keep us informed.

12 June 1981

Friday, 9:30 p.m. Temperature 52.

It has been raining off and on for 2 or 3 days. However, it has been real funny.

It rains like crazy for about 10 minutes then the sun comes out. Less than .2
of an inch all week.

Well, I have been fighting weeds between showers all week. I used the

weed eater until it stopped running. I used the hoe and shovel a lot. Then I

finished up this evening with a special weed cutter. I dont even know what its
called. It looks like this:

Art came over 2 different daysTuesday and Thursday and picked straw-

berries. There arent an awful lot because the peak has passed. We put up over
50 cartons in the freezer. Now the first crop of raspberries are ripe.

Wednesday we answered an ad in the paper. We went to Tenmile (6 miles

west of Winston) and bought 20 bales of hay at 25 cents a bale$5.00. Thats

all the truck would hold. Now that dont sound so badBut! It cost $12 to $13
for gas to go after it. No more of that! I can use the hay for mulch.

Today we got a package from Trent and Betty. They sent us: 1. A garbage

disposal 2. A pair of intercoms that work on 110 volts

We also got a package each from Lynn. But Glora cant open hers until her


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

birthday and I cant open mine until Fathers Day. We put up 10 packages of
sugar snap peas yesterday!

Most of my planting is done.

15 June 1981

Monday, 8:30 a.m. Temperature 45no rain. Rained about

.3 inches since last Friday.
Sunny and beautiful yesterday, our 39th anniversary. Went to Ashland. Got
there 9:00 a.m. Lucky to get tickets to anything. Got Death of a salesman.

Well done, but the story was rather depressing. Glora had fun and I did too.

We went on the back stage tour and went into a lot of shops in town. Stayed
for the little street dancing at 7 a.m.still got home before dark. Saturday I
worked on weeds while Art and June came over and picked strawberries and

raspberries. Then Art went home and got his rotary mower and brought it
back and we mowed down all the rest of the weeds out by the trailer. Now I
want a rotary mower. We called Lynn Sunday night and had a real good talk

with her. She is doing ok on job and cut down to 4 days a week, so she could
have more time with Ronna and Danny and Lecia. Linda has started to work

in H.B. so will be busy. Dennis is still working in Fairview but is almost done
and has some jobs lined up after that. Things are looking up.

Hap is home in his trailer and is doing fine. June quit her job to take care of

him. They still plan to come up to Canada in August.

Glora is baking and we are getting ready for Brian and Joyce tomorrow.

Then when they leave Joan and John are to be here next weekend. Then on to
Seattle for square dancing festival. Things are going to happen fast.

19 June 1981

Friday, 9:00 p.m. Temperature 70. No rain.

Brian, Joyce and the kids left about 8:30 this a.m. They were very much fun
to have. Did not make us nervous. They slept in the trailerall except little

Danika. She slept in her port-a-crib in the sewing room. We just walked in
the forest to the creek, up to Emils, drove to Canyonville, hiked up to the Old

homestead back of Karls. One day Brian tried to help me fix the generator (no
luck). Another day he helped me fix the weed eaterit works. Joyce is a beautiful girlhigh strungambitiousWants Brian to make a lot of money

talks a mile a minutes. The kids are preciouswell behaved. Happy! They


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

and I all enjoyed Gloras cooking. They left the trailer spotlessly clean. Today I
changed oil in the truck and cleaned the spark plugs.

We are to spend tomorrow and Sunday getting ready to go to Seattle.

Monday I went to Bob Stevens and bought his rotary mower for $30. All
weeds are now cut!!?

Ralph and Glora


33July 1981
6 July 1981

Monday, 10:30 a.m. Temperature 55, raining.

We waited all day Sunday June 21 for Johnny and Joan Poulsen. They came
Monday afternoon. We all ate and pulled out and went to Roseburg for a trial
square dance (people on the trial from California to Seattle). We stayed all

night in the parking lot at the Buccaroo Barn and the next day headed for
Seattle. We went through the Pendleton Woolen miles in Camas just north
of Portland and stayed all night near there. Next day we got to Seattle but

our trailer park was the Thunder Bird Park 50 miles N.E. of Seattle in a town

called Monroe. It was pretty and cost only $8.50 a night for full hook-up but it

took almost an hour each time we went into Seattle to dance. We had a good
time at the Festival but there were too many people. Over 27,000 registered.
On Saturday night we all crowded into the arena. They counted 26,000 in

there and we were trying for a worlds record for the Guiness Book of records.
We all danced at one time. Kinda crowded but we did it.

We went sight seeing Sundaysaw the Space Needle and all the buildings

that were built for the Worlds Fair in the 60s. Then we went down on the
wharf and ate an brought home some salmon and barbecued it.

We were going to stop by the Hillsboro near Portalnd to see Jimmy and

Marcia Duffield but when we called to let them know we were coming Marcias

mother answered and told us that Jimmy had gone to California to help June
because Hap had passed away. What a shock! We thought he was doing O.K.

but he said he felt kinda tired and went in to lay down a while and when June
went in to see him he was gone.

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

So we came on home. Emil and Jane are moved in and are unpacking. They

came down on Saturday the 4th of July for barbecue and homemade ice cream.
Then we went to Glendale for the big fireworks display!

We have been putting up raspberries and boysenberries and today Glora

is doing beets. I just got them all picked and washed before it started raining.

It is really coming down good now. Little Linda called us twice. She misses us
and wants to come up in September and stay with us till Christmas. That will
be fun! We also want to take her with us to Canada this fall.

10 July 1981

Friday, 7:00 a.m. Temperature 48. Cloudy.

The temperature dropped it to 42 degrees and 45 degrees several nights
this week. This is not good corn or tomato weather. However, both are grow-

ing. There are quite a few tomatoes coming on. This week I planted a row of
onions, a row of carrots and (against my will) a row of parsnips. Glora wants

me to plant some cabbage seeds and some popcorn. I am dragging my feet a


We see Jane and Emil almost every day. We are sharing our berries and

vegetables (Emil and I) horse shoes sometimes. We are a pretty close match
but I edge him out and usually win.

I dont know much about raising onions when Brian was here he said to

cut the tops all off so I did. Then I read where you are supposed to bend them

over so what was left would grow better. Then I dug the dirt away to expose
the bulb so it could get bigger. Then I read where you are supposed to do all

that in September and leave 3 or 4 days before you pull them so they can dry. I
watered all mine last night. I think that was wrong. I didnt know onions could
be so complicated!!

I planted some morning glories but the directions said to file the point off

the seed. So I did 16 of them and planted them.

15 July 1981

Wednesday, 10:00 p.m. No rain.

Looks like the dry season is here in full swing. It got up to at least 80 degrees
but it cools off at nightabout 50 degrees last night. We called Lynn this a.m.

early and sang Happy Birthday to Lecia. Lecia is 16 and is buying a car; an

old Dodge Monaco, for $250 dollars. She will have fun with it. She has lots

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

of boyfriends. Has her pictures from the modeling studiomight get a job

Lynn is doing OK and Dennis is still working at Fairview, but is about

through. Lynn bought a new Chevy Citation.

Glora wants to buy a new 10 ft. freezer but I dont think we should until

we get caught up.

Today I planted a row of cabbage seeds, one row of carrots, one row of

lettuce, one row of beets, and four short rows of ornamental corn.

Today Emil and went to Dollar with Art and got 15 sheets of T-111 for

24 July 1981

Friday, 2:00 p.m. Temperature 70 degrees, no rain in July.

It got pretty hot into the mid nineties last week but there is a cool wind blow-

ing now, in fact it seems like we are having more wind than ever since we
came here. About four of the morning glories came up. The beets are begin-

ning to show. A little lettuce is up and maybe a few onions. But no parsnips or
carrots. The ornamental corn is up.

Tomatoes are beginning to ripen. I dug up all the potatoes because some

of them have rotted. I got 5 wheel barrows full. One from each row. Most are
fine and are huge. I helped Blackie pour a slab at Steves saw shop. Was only
there 2 hours and made $12. I finally installed the pump Ivan Marriott gave

me. I connected it into the pipe that runs to the garden. It marks a little noise
but works OK. The water from the ditch is not near as cold as from the well.

This is supposed to be better for the plants. Today I poured a little slab on
cement at the back door. It should keep the freeze way a little cleaner. One

thing that took two days was I went into the forest and cut up a huge branch

that had pulled off a tree. Sometime within the past week a deer or elk came

into our yard and nibbled here and there all over. They hit 1. Carrots 2. Trees
in the orchard 3. Strawberries 4. Blueberries 5. Roses. Might have been when
we were up at Emils one evening. We went to the Myrtle Creek and got a lug
of apricots (and one for skipping and one for Jane.)

One day I didnt feel good or just laid around and slept a lot. We watch

Days of Our Lives almost every dayha! 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.


33August 1981
2 August 1981

Sunday, 9:30 p.m. Still warm and dry.

Today we went to Eugene and picked up Ronna and Danny at the airport. They
flew on United to S.F. then with only 20 minutes stop came on to Eugene. I
showed Danny a little about horseshoes then we had hot dogs and this evening he beat me one game then I beat him four games of checkers.

The carrots I planted almost a month ago never did come up. Neither did

the parsnips and only a few onions. I dug a small trench and filled it with

water. I feel putting seeds in dry dirt and then trying to get the water to soak

down is not good. Today I put some Bone meal around a few plants that are
not doing so swell. Well see if they do better.

Ron couldnt afford to pay even part if the airfare for the kids so we took

$360 from the Credit Union and sent it to Lynn by western Union to get the
tickets.Charlotte is expectingNow Ron cant afford to send Linda to college. They will all be poor again. I think he likes it that way.

A few days ago I installed the 3/4 horse motor and water pump. It works OK.

It is pumping water out of the irrigation canal. I can extend it to the pipes that

go to the garden. The water is a lot less cold than that from the well which is
supposed to be better for the plants. I havent sent in the application yet. I
wanted to see how it works first. I can run several fawcetts [sic] at once with

it. So I have been watering everything in the place. Since the weather is very
dry and the wind seems to blow almost everyday stuff really dries out fast. If

I do apply for a permit I will probably be told to stop pumping because there
is a water shortage in Glendale and people are not supposed to water their

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

yards. I am watching the sinking of the Titanicvery realawful!

I dug up all the onions and tied them in bunches and hung them on nails in

the loft of the farm. Then I ploughed or roto-tilled the ground. But the small

roto-tiller I was using quit. I think it broke a piston ring. Needs complete
motor overhaul. Finished with big roto-tiller.

One day I started having a pain in my chest. It was not deepon the sur-

face. I didnt know whether to be alarmed or not. I finally told Glora and she
wanted me to go immediately to the doctor. We drove to Grants Passgot

there at 8:00 a.m. Office was open but no doctors available till 9:00. Clerk told
us to go to Josephine general and go in emergency. We did. They took me in

immediately. Put me on a table and began to monitor my heart. Said it seemed

ok but took EKG and chest X Ray. They all checked out fine. I asked doctor how

I would feel if I had a real heart trouble. He said it would start hurting and not

stop until I stopped what I was doing and rested. It would feel like someone
stepped on my chest. TightI would be unable to breathe easily. He said I
would know if it happened.

Fast Sunday we went with Rete and Bob to Applegate Damvery pretty

interesting. Had breakfast at 12 noon at Grandmas Kitchen in Ruch.

15 August 1981

Saturday, 9:30 p.m. No rain since end of June.

We have had the longest hottest hot spell in the history of Oregon! It started a

week ago last Thursday. It got to 101 degrees two or 3 days. It is down to 90
degrees everyday now but is plenty hot. Plants and lawn dry up awfully fast.

Of course the tomatoes love it. They are ripening really good. Everything is
growing fine I keep lots of water on them from the irrigation ditch.

I replanted the lettuce. Some of it came up. I spend most of my time water-

ing. We had a good time with Ronna and Danny seemed to have a good time.

However, the fun of having them was offset by the cost! On top of the $360 we
sent Lynn we gave June $50 to take them home. Then Ron gave her $40 when
she got to Utah. I guess we just cannot afford to help the kids or the grand kids

to come and see us anymore. If they want to see us bad enough they will find
a way.

We have been sharing a lot of our vegetables with Jane and Emil. Emil

comes down almost every day to play horseshoes.

Last Wednesday Emil and Jane drove us to the fair at Roseburg. We had


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

to sit in a booth advertising square dancing from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. We looked
around a while then came home.

We went to Grants Pass Thursday we did some shopping, Glora had a

checkup, She is OK. I brought home the Zeuss generator that I had left at G & S

Equipment but it wont run. It starts but runs only a few seconds and stops. G
& S are baffled; they dont know whats wrong. I worked in it but no luck so far.

Jane and Emil picked about a gallon and a half of wild blackberries to make

wine out of.

We have been making apple juice from apples given to us by Art and by the

Grandys. We made at least six gallons of apple juice so far. We bottled some
of it in code bottles.

The apple grinder works real good.

26 August 1981

Wednesday, 8:30 p.m. Temperature 66. No rain since last

entry. None in sight for two or three weeks.
I have been spending a lot of time picking wild blackberries also a lot of time
watering. We wet to Winston yesterday and got two boxes of pears and Emil
and Jane got two and they got two boxes of Alberta peaches and each of us got
a box of plums.

Last Saturday I worked on the generator again. I used my imagination to

guess what would happen if the generator had a short in it. Would it throw a

full load on the engine and cause it to die right away? (By the way! Vic took it

home and worked on it several days with no results.) I took off the generator
part and wow! The engine started and ran fine. I did find a short in the generator, fixed it, and cleaned it and put it all back together and it runs fine. Chalk
up one for imagination!!!

Last Thursday I started across the front yard to go out to the orchard and

there almost in the middle of the yard was a rattlesnake! It was about three
feet long. I got the hoe and chopped it in two. Then I cut the head off. Then I

cut the tail off and saved rattleseight buttons. Linda wants me to send them
to Taylor.

It makes us kinda nervous but I havent seen another in snake of any kind.

The weather is cooler so the danger is less.


33September 1981
6 September 1981

Sunday, 11:00 p.m. Temperature today was 80. No rain!

It rained a little July 6 but last rain to do any good was weekend of June 1416.
Thats 12 weeks or 84 days of no rain.

We had quite a day today. Glora called Grandma just before 8:00 a.m.

Grandma says she is gaining weight. Too much water in her systemsays

water pills do no good. This symptom plus the fact that she is grieving over
the loss of Hap and Linda says she is going down. Because of these symptoms

plus the fact that she is almost 84 yrs. old. I predict we will have to go to
California for a funeral before Christmas. I am not saying anything to anyone
about this. We went to G.P. to church, bought a few groceries then went to

Marcie and Elroys. When Emil went to see about buying a wood stove for his
Mobile they gave him the address of Marcie and Elroy Dixon here in Glendal

as some people who had bought a Blaze King for a Mobile and liked it. They
became friends and now we are friends of them too. Glora likes Marcie and

Elroy is an old retired railroad man. He is interesting to talk to. We came on

home about 3 p.m. and I worked w/ my wine for an hour or two then Emil
came to play horseshoes.

Last week we put up about 200 ears of corn. We also have been canning

lots of tomatoes. I have about 9 gallons of blackberry, gals of plum and 3 gallons of grape wineshould be enough for a year.

About a week ago we went to Winston and got pears. Told that already

Did work on June Langs shop Smith and got it running.

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

13 September 1981

Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Temperature 61. No rain and no rain in

sight. Supposed to go up to 85 degrees today. 91 days with
no rain.
Yesterday we went with Emil and Jane and Don and Virginia Snyder to

Roseburg to the 12th annual Oregon Wine Festival. They charged 25 cents
for each taste. They claim Oregon wines are becoming more well-known and

some are taking prizes. Pivot Noir is the best red wine and Cabernet Sauvignon
is the best white wine.

I have almost 12 gallons of blackberry and 2 gallons of apple juice and plan

to make some more. May get away from so much coffee.

I have been cleaning the brush away from the edge of the forest. Now we

can see into the forest. Gives a feeling of depth to our view in the back. I play
horseshoes almost every day with Emil. He wins most of the time this summer. I won most of the games last summer...I tell myself not to let him intimidate me and I do better. He swears when he loses.

I planted a row of garlic where the carrots were planted and never did

come up.

The garden has been really abundant this year. I have pumped an awful lot

of water from the ditch onto it.

Havent heard from Lynn since the kids (Ronna and Danny) went home.

Guess she is pretty busy.

28 September 1981

Monday, 8:30 a.m. Temperature 52.

Well! It finally happened! Rain!! Last weekend we went to the coast with Bob

and Rete Stevens. They took their trailer and we took ours. We left Friday

morning and got to Beverly Beach a little north of Newport where we camped.

We stayed there Friday, Saturday and Sunday and left Monday morning. Part

of the purpose of the trip was to meet Jody Snyder who is Don Snyders son
and get some fish from him. We got 40 lbs of bottom fish and paid him $7.00
because he said that is what he would get for it from the Cannery. Then we

also got an eight pound tuna from a fishing boat for which we paid $10.00.
While camped there we went in our truck to Depot Way and to Lincoln City.
These are very pretty beach towns and the girls had fun window shopping

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

and found a shop that sold wine supplies. I bought a hygrometer (which mea-

sures sugar content) and a kit to measure acid content. I need these to make
grape wine. While we were there it rained! It rained real hard some of the
time. Also while we were there it rained here in Glendale to break the drought
but it was only .13in.

This past week I spent some time getting ready for winter. We picked

apples at Dick Jones and I made three and a half gallons of apple juice. That
should be enough!

Also there is a huge stump in my garden out near the orchard it was cov-

ered in dirt but I knew it was there. I kept hitting it with my tiller. I began to dig
around it to see if I could get it out. But it turned out to be 5 feet in diameter.

It was a huge fir tree. I built a fire over it to see if it would burn out. Some of
it burned but not much so I tackled it with my chainsaw and got a little more.

Last Friday night it started raining and it has rained off and on all week-

end and showers are forecasted for today. So far this storm we have had 1.6
inches. That is enough to really do some good.

We called Lynn Saturday. She and Dennis are getting along together ok.

He doesnt want her to do anything but to be with him in the evenings. So she
doesnt sew or do any hobbies. She is teaching Dennis to play the guitar.

We got a new cassette tape in the mail from Ronna. It was precious. Danny

said a few words; Ronna told us a bunch of times how much she loves us.

Sunday we called little Linda and sang Happy Birthday to her. She loves us

and she is starting school today. We are still going into Grants Pass for square
dancing on Wednesday evening and on Sunday for church.


33October 1981
4 October 1981

Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Temperature 42 degrees. No Rain!

Last Tuesday night it rained about .12 inches. Which is not very much it has
been foggy every morning. Daytime is cool in the 60s. This week I have been
doing 3 things everyday. Burning the stump, hauling gravel and picking beans.

This LeRoy Dixon I mentioned before (not Elroy) claims he has permission to

take the shale or gravel from various gravel dump around the country. So he
brings his truck and we got after it. The first load was shale from Barton road.
But the next time he came he suggested I try the gravel it all goes in my drive
way because Verne filled it with rocks the size of golf balls to baseballs and it
is very uncomfortable to walk on.

We went to Wolf Creek Park and inside the gate is a huge place where this

gravel has been stored. The gravel is about the size of a large pea to the smallest to 1/9 inch largest. It is much better than the rocks to walk on. We got a

load a day for four days and the drive is covered from the garage to the road.
LeRoy would not take any money for it so I bought him $10 worth of gasoline.

We also gave him one of our huge pumpkins. Also every day I chop on the
stump and take the chips and set a fire and burn the stump. It is so full of
pitch that it almost burns by itself. After a week of this it is at least 2 ft. below

ground level and most of the pitch burned out so I think it will rot the rest of
the way, at least I wont be hitting it with the tiller or a spade.

Also I have 5 rows of red kidney beans and 4 rows of white beans. When

they dry on the vine the shell gets brittle and I can sit and watch TV and shell
them and get dry beans for winter. It is back breaking work to pick them on

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

hands and knees so I just do that an hour or so after shoveling gravel or burning stumps!

Today Jane and Emil and Gloria and I are going to Wolf Creek Tavern for

brunch at eleven. Gloria is really sleeping in. It is 10 after 9 and she still not up.

Emil is getting ready to pour a slab 19x24 for a workshop. Blackie is helping
him. Gloria is letting Rossmore, the cat, stay in the house now. He is a pretty

good cat. Glora has been working over a week on a square dance dress that is
orange so it will be for a Halloween dance. She also machine embroidered a

white shirt with orange for me. I meant to say we are taking LeRoy and Marcie
to brunch. They are going with us but they wont let us pay their way. Emil and
I will have to go and help LeRoy with some of his projects to help pay for using
his truck to get gravel. He took Emil 8 or 10 loads too. He gave me 320 gallon

cans that had been filled with Curve grease for the rail road. Did you ever hear
of curve Grease? Neither did I. He says there is a little pump or the wheels of
some of the freight cars that pump the grease on the track to lubricate it so it

wont squeak when the train goes around a sharp curve!!! Dont mean much

to us but some off our friends including Bob and Pete and Art and Jane are
going hunting.

17 October 1981

Saturday, 8:30 a.m. Temperature 42No rain.

It rained almost 2 inches on the 6th and 7th. We went to Hillsboro, near

Portland to see June Duffield October 8, stayed all night came back the 9th the

while there we saw Jimmy and Marsha Duffield and little Emily June is doing
fairly well emotionally.

She sees Jimmy almost every day. She has a new condo all paid for and

seems to have gobs of money. Jimmy is working for the phone Co. doing OK.
They have a nice big town lot and a nice house Marsha works part time.

Since it rained and got the stump all wet I have quit burning. I chopped a

little more then covered it up.

Trent and Betty came Monday the 12th. They brought us a beautiful bubble

skylight and Tuesday and Wednesday we installed it. Glora loved it. Thursday
we took them to Jacksonville and then they paid for our dinner at Grandmas
kitchen. We also went to Applegate dam again.

Wednesday night they went with us to square dance lesson. They left

Thursday afternoon. Then they called Friday night from Reno and said they


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

won $1000 in a 25 cent slot machine that paid for their trip and the sky light
which they would not let us pay for.

Yesterday I worked all day digging weeds out of the Rose garden. Today I

plan to help Emil fix the brakes on his Buick.

We got a real nice letter from Lynn in which she seems to be making the

best of things. Dennis is still working in Fairview and Lynn is doing OK on

her job. She is jogging every day and is feeling good. Little Linda is enjoy-

ing schooltaking photography. Lecia is working in a Chinese restaurant as

Hostess. Lynn said they might be out of debt in 10 years. I wrote and told her
to try to do it in 5 years because I will be 70 and might need her to take care
of me. Ha!


33November 1981
2 November 1981

Monday. No rain but terribly foggy in the mornings.

We have been enjoying the beautiful fall colors. The maples turn gold then
brown. Some trees are bright red.

I did some more on my walk from the mini barn toward the house. That

took two days. Then I thinned the strawberriestwo daysand covered

them with pine needles. I have been pulling about row of corn stalks every
day and carrying them across the road to Carls cows. It is a habit with them

now and they stand and bawl if I dont do it. Verne and Ann were here to

visit. Verne looks good and feels good. He is talking about building another

house. They took some pictures. We gave them the picture Grandma painted
of Blackies barn. Ann loved it. I have been raking leaves and putting around
the blackberries.

One day we went with Emil and Jane to Cave Junction to buy a riding lawn

mower I saw advertised in the paper. Emil thought it was a good buy at $750.
One day I dug weeds out of the flower garden next to the house.

We went to a square dance last Saturday night. Don and Virginia Snyder

and Art and Jane went with us. Made a car full. Had a real good time. It was a

Halloween party but we didnt dress up. We had two different families bring

their little kids by for trick or treat. None last year. Didnt have anything to give
them. Gave them some walnuts and a penny.

Today I helped Blackie pour concrete. Made $15 for 1 hours. Then I went

by Blackies and got 6 cement piers and June told me about rabbit manure at

the Osterday place which is vacant. So I went there and got a full pickup load

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

of rabbit manure. I am putting it on the place where the corn was.

One day LeRoy called and wanted us to come over. He gave me a half pickup

load of tongue and groove 3x6 and 3x8. Some are rotten from being stacked
wrong but I have enough to build a shed over the trailer.

We had a wonderful church service Sunday. The choir was beautiful and

the organ was pretty and the sermon was outstanding. Also it was communion Sunday.

We went and gathered walnuts at a grove in Canyonville. We picked up

37 pounds of walnuts. I have been cracking them while I watch TV. I get

two pounds of nut meats from five pounds of nuts. So I should have over 15
pounds of nut meats when Im through. We paid $13 for the walnuts and that
will be $45 worth of nut meats.

Tomorrow I start working for Grace Payne building cabinets.

11 November 1981

Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. Temperature 54

It is supposed to rain but it is not raining. It has rained about 1 tenths in
November. Would you believe I am still working on cabinets for Grace? They
are big7 feet high, 12 feet long, and 18 inches deep. But the big trouble was

that I was going to make the doors flush like the ones in the garage and make

them out of 3/4 in. plywood. But the first one I fitted warped and so I decided
to get particle board and make them with a 3/8 lip like the ones in the kitchen.
Now what do I do with the four pieces of plywood 2 in. x 7 in.? Also how do I

charge Grace for my work? I have sandwiched in all kinds of little jobs every
day plus taking 1 hours for lunch. I know she is going to want to pay me
more than I think I should have. I will probably finish today.

Last Saturday night we went with June and Art and Don and Virginia to

Winston to the Buckaroo Barn to square dance to Bonnie and Dave Harry
who are really great. He plays accordion with all kinds of amplifiers. She plays
drums. We bought a record to send to Terry as he likes western music.

We called Lynn yesterday. She is doing fine on her job and Dennis is still

picking up jobs in Fairview. She says her marriage to Dennis has not been a

bad thing because the children are all doing well and Ron is happy with a new
baby boy.

We also called Linda and she is doing great.


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

14 November 1981

Saturday, 10:00 a.m. Temperature 45. Rain.

It has rained 4.8 inches in the last 3 daysmost of it last night. We had a terrible storm. We were having a pinochle party with Bob and Rete and Art and

June and Emil and Jane and Art and June were a little late and when they came

they said they were coming down past Steves Saw shop when a huge tree fell
across in front of them and they slammed on the brakes and skidded almost

up to it. It knocked down the power lines which blacked out the whole area,
including us. We were blacked out for 7 hours, from 7 p.m. to 9 a.m.

We started up our little generator which I had fixed and had lights and hot

coffee for the whole party.

They left a little after 11:00 p.m.

This morning I went and looked in the forest at the trees and quite a num-

ber were down. One huge one fell across the road and the highway gang had
cut it back to the edge of the road. Also a large branch fell near the trailer and

an even bigger one fell on our house. It just missed the window by about 2
feet. No damage done but I will have a job cutting up the trees and splitting

the wood for the stove. Well! It has stopped raining and the sun is out. Glora
wants to go to Canyonville.

28 November 1981

Saturday, 8:30 a.m. Temperature 37. No rain today. Some

predicted for Sunday afternoon. It has been raining a whole
bunchover 13 inches so far in November.
Linda and Lecia and their two Dans drove over to see us. We gave them $100
to get here on and then we gave them $80 to go home on. They said that would

be enough. They drove a 4WD Chevy pickup 1978with a canopy. Lecia and
Dan Haskell spent a couple of days painting the doll house and they took it

home. Yippeethat project is finished!!! LeRoy Dixon called and asked us to

come over to his house and cut some Christmas trees. So they took home two
nice big ones and two or three tiny ones for the girls rooms.

Glora worked like mad to finish the quilt with little girls on it she is giving

Lynn for Christmas. Linda and Dan Rivera helped tie it. Linda took home the
quilt and the quilting frame I had made. Dan Rivera seems like a real nice boy.

Polite, cooperative, pleasant. Is studying to be a physical therapist. Linda is

not too enchanted with her photography classes so may take physical therapy


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

so she and Dan can work together.

Lecias Dan is somewhat immature and is not as pleasant to be around.

He says he plans to go on a mission in January. Hope Lecia finds another boyfriend. I scolded them for being out in the trailer at night by themselves. Made

quite a scene. But it blew over and our Thanksgiving dinner was the best ever.
They left for home Friday 11/27 about 10 a.m. We called this a.m. to see if they
made it and they got home about 5 a.m. Utah time this morning.

It was really wonderful for the girls to hug us and tell us they love us. They

said they would come again. Lets see if they ever will if they have to use their
own money. So far it has been all outgo on our part!

Lynn and Dennis are going to Lindas next week to fix the floor in Terrys

bathroom. Terry is paying.

For several days now I have been working to build a shelter over the trailer

with big heavy boards LeRoy gave me. So far I have only spent $4.30 for nails I
plan to buy corrugated sheet metal for the roof which will be about $120. But

we have wanted to have a roof over the trailer because with so much rain it

gets moss on it and is so damp inside. The boys slept in the trailer while they
were here. Lynn just now called back and is totally ecstatic over the quilt Glora

made her and she thought the doll house is fantastic. Wants to keep it forever.


33December 1981
10 December 1981

Thursday, 10 p.m. It rained 4.5 inches last weekend.

Art came over and helped me two or three days to put up the trusses and then

the plywood for the trailer roof. Then instead of using sheet metal we used
roll roofing which cost about $70 at M Ward. It stopped raining a day or two

after we finished. I painted the front and the posts brown. I moved the rocks
from the truck port to the trailer port then when it was perfectly level I moved
in the trailer.

Then I spent most of a day sawing up the timbers LeRoy gave me that were

too rotten to use. There was a bunch of them. One day I used a lot of the 3x6
tongue and groove timbers LeRoy gave me, to build a wall back for the truck

I spent a couple of days making two puzzles, one for Terry and one for

Dennis. They have a handle with a flat piece of rawhide and a ring over the
whole thing.

Today Glora and I spent the whole morning wrapping and addressing

Christmas presents to Linda and family and to Lynn and the kids. This afternoon I cut up a dead tree that has been leaning against another tree for a long
time. The wind storm of Saturday 11/14 blew it down.

21 December 1981
11 p.m. Temperature 40.

Not raining right now but it has rained more these past 2 months than any

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

other November and December since they have been keeping records. There

is a lot of water going down Cow Creek. The irrigation ditch is full and there is
another creek flowing between that and the big creek which is really rolling.

Our house seems to be in no danger of flooding. But in Medford a lot of people

have been flooded out. Also in Grants Pass. The weather man says the worst
is over and the waters are beginning to recede. But more rain is forecast for
Christmas Day.

I spent a couple of days (between rains) cutting down 2 of the trees along

the old fence line south of the house. It takes time because I have to cut up the
branches and haul the twigs to the dump. I would like to take down several

more. We got a nice long letter from Lynn after she got home from Terry and
Lindas. She was on a high and the letter was real good medicine for Glora and

me. She feels Grandma is doing fine. She also sent a real cute Christmas card
in the form of a crossword puzzle. It has all the names of our close families in

it. Very clever! Then we called Linda and then Lynn this morning. Lynn told

us that when Linda and Lecia were here at Thanksgiving they hid Christmas
presents for us. We looked all through the trailer and found 5 presents. We
cant open them till Christmas.

Lynn is going to take some courses in Graphic Artspaid for by the com-

pany Dennis has a chance for a job building a school in Vernal. The job to last

2 years and pay $11.00 per hour. But it is 4 hours drive. He can come home
only on weekends but they should be able to get caught up. She said they were

going to file bankruptcy today. Hope it goes o.k. Little Linda is quitting school
and going to work as a checker at Smiths Food King. Wants to save up and
get a car.

We plan to have a progressive dinner on Christmas Day. This will be our

first Christmas here in Oregon.

24 December 1981

9:00 a.m. Temperature 45. Not very cold. Rained and/or

snowed .3 of an inch last night.
It was about 35 last night and we were at Emils and it snowed before we
went and while we were there. No snow stayed on the ground but it was
pretty up on the mountain.

1st year of this journal is in the file cabinet in Gloras Chalet Room in the

folder marked Journal.


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

Glora has been baking up a storm the last two days. Bread sticks and egg

bread and sour dough bread. Tonight as we got home I jokingly said I would
like some mince meat pie. Then while I was in the bathroom she made one. It

was delicious. My darling angel really loves me. That made my Christmas Eve.
Today we took some goodies to Toni and Gary Harkless and little Molly

(Glora made Molly a little monkey out of 2 socks) and Brad. Then we went

to the Marriotts and took them some Christmas. This evening we went to Art

and Junes and took them some bread sticks and other goodies. They really
appreciated it. Saw deer tracks and raccoon tracks down by the Creek. Might

explain why Lily barks so much toward the forest first about dark every night.
Sure miss our kids and grandkids.

31 December 1981
New Years Evewhen we woke up this morning it was snowing. It has been

snowing all day. Real pretty. We were planning to go to Tri-City to a NY Eves

square dance party and then a midnight breakfast. But the snow scared us

out. Art and June came by and took the food we had prepared. We could have
ridden with them. They
werent afraid because

Art made the trip through

all kinds of weather for

years. Anyway we just

stayed home and played

Rummy and watched TV.

By 8:00 a.m. Jan. 1 there

is .8 inch in rain gauge.

My darling angel really loves me.

Ralph and Glora, married 14 June 1942.


33January 1982
3 January 1982

Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Temperature 36.

Yesterday I measured 9 inches of snow in the yard. It has been snowing off
and on all night. Now it is alternating between rain and snow so there is no
way to measure the snow.

The power went out at 2:20 a.m. Jan. 2 and was out about 12 hrs. Was off

all night until about 8 a.m. today and it is still out.

We called Lynn and she is having exactly the same conditions. About a foot

of snow and power out part of the time. Dennis is working on a house nearby.

Got the roof on last week so he can work inside. Lynn starts to school 4 hrs
a day starting tomorrow. Lecia is tired of her [brother] Dan and will be glad
when he goes on his mission.

We called Linda and she and Terry are doing fine.

4 January 1982

Monday, 1:00 p.m. Temperature 40.

As of 8 a.m. today there was 1.3 inches of water in the gauge. Includes snow

and rain. I measured 11of snow at its deepest from the storm of Jan 1, 2, 3.
More predicted tonight and tomorrow.

9 January 1982

Saturday, 8:30 a.m. Temperature 25. No rain or snow.

We have had no precipitation since the New Years Eve storm. With the

33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

temperatures so low the snow does not melt. It is still 8 or 9 inches deep. The
ground is frozen and when it is foggy at night there is hoar frost on the wires
and trees the next morning.

We have not had any more power failures. We keep a fire in the wood stove

all night. I wake up automatically at 3 a.m. and put more wood on. The water
freezes in the chicken pen so I have to put a bucket of warm water in there

each morning and evening. We are getting 3 to 5 eggs a day now. Nice chickees!
I have been working in the Mini Barn stripping paint fro an old platform

rocker we have had for at least 25 yrs. I also am working in the forest occasionally, cutting a path through the brush and berries along the creek. I am

going the other way now (East) since the Creek has washed the path away I
made last year.

Also occasionally I work at thinning out some of the trees next to the flat

ground our house and the Mini Barn are on. There used to be a fence (wire)
along the edge of the flat ground. I am taking that down as I thin the brush
and trees. The ground drops off just the other side of where the fence was

and drops about 4 or 5 feet and there is the irrigation canal. The other side
of the canal the ground drops down again and goes up and down 5 or 6 feet

through ravines and rises until it gets to the creek. Very rough terrain. Not

worth much for farming. But would be pretty if cleared and thinned to make

an orderly forest. Will take years by hand and not worth doing bad enough to
hire a bulldozer.

Glora and I had a slight argument yesterday about adding on to the house.

I told her if she would give away about of this old furniture we would not

need more room. She got boiling mad and said she would take the money her
mother gave her and have it built. I told her I would do it and we made up.

16 January 1982

Saturday, 8 a.m. Temperature 33. No rain since New Years

Lynn called and talked a whole hour! I told her about my willhow that Judge
Snyder of Glendale wrote it up for meno chargeand he even witnessed it

along with his secretary. Lynn didnt want to hear about it but we are sending
her and Linda each a copy.

Dennis still might get the job in Vernal. It will be a good opportunity

for him. Big newsLittle Linda is in California. Big Lindas bossthe


33 The Journal of Ralph Corder

chiropractorwants a girl fall time and Little Linda flew down last night to
apply for the job. Wants to get away from Danher boyfriendLecia got
Lindas job at Smiths Food King. Danny and Ronna are doing fine.

Lynn is doing real good on her job. Her boss praises her highly. She is going

to school taking graphic arts to enhance her ability on her job. Today is one
year for this ledge. A lot has happened but life goes on. I am 65 years old today.
Dont feel any different.

I have been working in the forest clearing up fallen trees after the storm.

Will take a long time to get it even partly done. Am cutting Said that.

Emil and Jane, Virginia and Don Snyder, and June and Art are coming

tonight for cake and ice cream.


Ralph Corder lived 16 January

19179 July 2003.

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