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Longfellow Drive, Worksop, Notts ,

S81 0AW
Tel: & Fax 01909 473955 or 01909 488780
E mail: office@augustines.notts.sch.uk

Wednesday 22nd April 2015

Dear Parents/Carers
On Friday 8th May 2015 all Year 3 children will be visiting Clumber Park as part of their Summer Term
topic on plants. We are going to take part in a lesson within the Walled Gardens to learn more about how
plants grow and what they need to enable them to grow. Also we will be learning about how different plants
have different needs and how seeds need to be planted at different times of the year to make sure they grow
properly. We are certain this will be a great addition to our plant topic and will give the children a first hand
experience in learning how plants grow.
We will leave school at 9.00am prompt so all children must be in their classrooms ready to register at
8.45am. We will be leaving Clumber Park at around 2:30pm to return for the end of the school day.
Children will be both inside and outside during the day so they will need to dress appropriately for the
weather. Please note the greenhouses are very hot and humid even on cooler day so please send extra drinks.
Hopefully it will be a warm and sunny day and as we will be spending much of the time outside children will
possibly need sun cream and a hat.
If you would like to help with our trip please speak to your childs class teacher.
Your child will need to take a packed lunch with them on the day. Please do not send any glass bottles or
fizzy pop. If your child is entitled to free school meals please indicate on the form attached if you wish the
school kitchen to provide a packed lunch for your child. Any requests made after Friday 1st May will not be
We are asking for a voluntary contribution of 6.65 payable on School Money under Trips. The cost of the
bus is 195.00 and the for entrance into Clumber Park and the activities is 217.00.
Although the contribution towards this trip is only voluntary, should we not receive enough parental
contribution, the trip may have to be cancelled.
Please complete and return the attached permission slip by Friday 1st May 2015.
Yours sincerely

Miss Oakley & Miss Smith

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