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Melissa Joiner

Professor Ann Stawski

April 6th 2015
Marriage: It Should Stay Between a Man and a Woman
For decades, marriage has remained between one man and one
woman. However, in the vast growing society, homosexual marriage is slowly becoming
more accepted by the public. Homosexual marriage is a controversial topic in todays
modern world. Although in many cultures around the world, homosexuality is viewed in
a negative light morally and socially. Marriages between same-sex couples were also
forbidden. With an increase in tolerance for homosexuality in society, the legalization of
gay marriage has been disputed among people in many countries. The majority of the
population believes that the legalization of gay marriage will have a negative impact on
society and that is true for numerous reasons. Legalizing gay marriage would not only
destroy our traditional values, but also be immoral acts against God, and overall it does
not serve the greater population.
Marriage should only exist between one man and one woman
because it has been that way for a very long time. Allowing homosexual marriage would
be going against the traditional values of what a marriage really is. Congressional
representative, Tim Huelskamp, said that the ultimate goal of homosexual marriage is
to destroy the institution of marriage altogether by diminishing it to whatever type of
contract people sign on to and, at the same time, denying children the natural right to be
raised by a mother and a father (Brown, 2014). Calling something a marriage does not

make it a marriage. Marriage has always existed as a covenant between a man and a
woman, which in its nature, ordered towards the procreation and raising of children and
the union of spouses. The promoters of same-sex marriage propose something
completely different. They propose the union between one man and another man, or one
woman and another woman. It denies the specific primary purpose of marriage, which is
to perpetuate the human race and the raising of children. Two entirely different things
cannot be considered the same thing.
Traditionally, marriage and procreation have been tightly
connected to one another. The primary purpose of marriage is to secure a mother and a
father for each child born into society. Same-sex marriage is anti-evolution and
completely against nature. Homosexuality is not natural. One of the main purposes for
marriage is to create the best type of living environment for children. Marriage exists to
support sexual reproduction and same-sex couples cannot reproduce. If everyone were
homosexual, mankind would die out. Evolution would have eliminated homosexuality. If
the spouses of a same-sex marriage want children, their only option would be to
adopt. The tendency of such a union would not create a family but a naturally sterile
union. Among other things, the danger with this mentality is that it fosters an antinatalist mindset that fuels population decline, which in turn puts tremendous social,
political, and economic strains on the larger society. Same-sex marriage would only
further undercut the procreative norm long associated with marriage insofar as it
establishes that there is no necessary link between procreation and marriage (Family
Research Council). Children receive better balance on how to be men and women when

there are both a male and a female in the home. Even biology teaches that it would be
very difficult to have and raise children if the partners were of the same sex.
It is recognized that a straight household is the most beneficial
environment to raise children. One of the main reasons why the state grants several
benefits on marriage is that by its very nature, the union of a man and a woman provides
the normal conditions for a stable, affectionate, and moral atmosphere that is beneficial
for raising children. Marriage of one man and one woman allows for children to learn
compassion and other feminine things from their mother, and they learn to be tough and
dependable from their father. Homosexual marriage does not provide such conditions.
Its primary purpose is the personal gratification of two individuals whose union is sterile
by nature. It is not entitled therefore to the states protection that it extends to true
marriage. Absence of one parent is destined to cause social or financial problems in the
household. In addition, children raised by homosexual parents are continually exposed to
homosexuality. As a result, they are at a higher risk of becoming homosexual themselves
and the growing environment will affect their behavior. Data on the long-term outcomes
of children placed in homosexual households is sparse and gives reason for concern. This
research has revealed that children reared in homosexual households are more likely to
experience sexual confusion, engage in risky sexual experimentation, and later adopt a
homosexual identity (American College of Pediatricians). On top of that, children will
also have a greater chance of being bullied and discriminated against by other classmates,
and this could have a negative effect on their development. It is also safe to say that by
legalizing homosexual marriage it would be telling the public that it was okay to have
the lifestyle of a bisexual and transgender as well.

Another concern between legalizing same-sex marriage is that

children who are raised in a homosexual household will cost society billions of dollars in
social welfare, and law-enforcement expenses. For instance, the government is required
to spend extra money on the benefits and protection programs for gay couples. Studies
have shown that children who are raised in a homosexual household were also more
likely to have anxiety or depression. The survey results were measured by a set of 40
outcomes on social, emotional and relationship factors. Outcomes included whether a
child had grown up to need public assistance like welfare, were more likely to have
anxiety or depression, were more likely to be abused, or were more apt engage in
unhealthier habits such as having more sexual partners, smoking or using drugs
(Jarslow, 2012). The allowance of gay marriage could also lead to an increase in the
number of non-serious marriages just to save on taxes and receive medical benefits from
the government.
Legalizing same-sex marriage turns a moral wrong into a civil
right. Homosexual activists argue that same-sex marriage is their civil right, similar to
the struggle for racial equality in the 1960s. However, this is false. Sexual behavior and
race are two completely different realities. A man and a woman getting married may be
different in their physical characteristics. For example, one may be black and the other
white, one rich and one poor, one tall and the other short. None of these differences are
too great of an obstacle to marriage. These two individuals are still one man and one
woman, and thus the requirements of nature are respected. Same-sex marriage opposes
nature. Two individuals of the same sex, regardless of their race, wealth, stature, erudition
or fame, will never be able to marry because of an insurmountable biological

impossibility. Also, inherited and unchangeable racial traits cannot be compared with
non-genetic and changeable behavior. There is simply no relation between interracial
marriage of a man and a woman and the marriage between two persons of the same
sex. Civil rights are based on socio-economic changes rather than emotional wants. This
thought process breeds ignorance of socio-economic issues and emphasizes knee-jerk
meme reactions. No one is being denied civil rights as long as homosexuals have the
same access to marriage (as currently defined) as heterosexuals. They may not want to
marry someone of the opposite sex, but they're not barred from it (What Are All the
Arguments Against Gay Marriage).
Legalizing homosexual marriage would also stir up polygamists
beliefs that marrying more than one spouse is their natural right. What is overlooked in
the discussions about same-sex marriage is that if society decides that the sex
restriction in marriage is an abrogation of a natural right to marry whom they want, it
may be difficult to maintain the number restriction. The argument for someone wishing to
marry more than one loved one is the same as granting homosexual couples the natural
right to be married. Allowing homosexual marriage to be legal only worsens other
problems for others.
Marriage is not under the control of the state. Rather, it was
established in a paradise for our first parents, Adam and Eve. This is the most important
reason same-sex marriage should not ever be legalized. Whenever someone violates the
natural and moral order established by God, one sins and thus offends God. Accordingly,
anyone who confesses his or her love to God must be opposed to same-sex marriage.
Marriage is a sacred vow between a man and a woman and the bible offers several verses

that speaks about marriage and the union of a man and a woman. In Genesis 2:24, it
states therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his
wife: and they shall be one flesh. Genesis also teaches how God punished Sodom and
Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality. The Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah
brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. He overthrew those cities and the whole
Plain, together with the inhabitants of the cities and the produce of the soil (Genesis
If same-sex marriage were to be legalized, it would also mean
that churches would be forced to marry those couples when it is completely against their
religion. Forcing an unpopular belief onto a persons religious beliefs is just
undemocratic. Society should rely on scripture when it comes to defining marriage.
Neither should society depend upon human opinions, liberal theologists, sociologists,
modern philosophies, or on new state laws/constitutions. There is no gray area at all in
the bible when reading the scriptures. Even the Old Testament said that this was an
abomination to God as Moses wrote, you shall not lie with a male as one lies with a
female; it is an abomination (Lev 18:22).
In conclusion, it is evident that same-sex marriage is immoral and
marriage laws should remain unchanged. Marriage between one man and one woman is
the only union of two people that should be allowed. Same-sex marriages do not offer a
good environment for bringing up of children, not to mention it is an immoral act against
God, and goes against our traditional values.

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