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Room 218
Welcome students! This semester we will dive
in and explore the world of mathematics. Be
prepared, this will not be your traditional math
class. We will be discussing, collaborating,
researching, and encouraging one another as
we wade through the waters of equations,
functions, and the power of numbers.
Emphasis is not placed on the correct answer,
but rather the ability to think and work
through problems, the ability to justify your
reasoning, and engagement in mathematical
discussions with your classmates.
This course is going to refine your ability to
organize your thoughts, think critically about
yours and anothers reasoning, and train you
how to phrase your feedback and comments in
a positive way. These are all life skills that will
set you up to be successful in every job, in
addition to stretching your minds exploring
mathematical ideas.
While this class may not be easy, it will be
impactful. You will walk away with a deeper
conceptual understanding of concepts that will

set you up for success in every math class to

come. Do not fear! If you try, you will succeed.
Cheers to a fantastic semester!
Ms. Lutz
The following rules, procedures, and policies describe the
expectations for all students. Therefore all students are
subject to the described consequences should they have a
moment of poor judgment.

Classroom Rules
Materials Needed:
1 College Ruled Notebook
2 Dry-Erase Markers
Graph paper
Classroom Rules:
Students are required to abide by all district and school rules.
However specific rules within my classroom are as follows:
1. Students are expected to respect each other. There is a
zero tolerance for disrespect
2. The classroom will always be a safe place filled with
positivity. Anyone detracting from this positivity will be
subject to lunch detention with an extra assignment.
3. Cell phone policy is described under Classroom Policies.
4. The first week of class, the students will develop a set of
rules for the LG.
Classroom Consequences
Specific consequences are outlined under the corresponding
policy. However, instances of poor judgment could result in a loss
of privileges such as the cell phone policy, HHQ, and an
opportunity to work in LG. If students cannot show productivity in

this style of learning environment they will be transitioned into a

more standard one. While the other students are in LG, they can
take notes out of a book, to be graded as their participation
points, and the full homework assignment will be due the next
day. I do not believe in kicking students out of my class, therefore
if they choose to waste class time they will pre-pay their time
through a detention or possible community service act during
lunch (such as cleaning up the trash of their classmates). If they
refuse, they will be subject to administrations discipline.

Classroom Procedures
Beginning of Class:
As students enter the classroom they are expected to:
1. Grab a question form and head to their seats
2. Begin to copy down the objectives and homework
3. Begin to work on the warm up problem quietly.
During this time I will take attendance and answering any
pertinent questions students may have.

Bathroom/Hall Passes:
Students are encouraged to use the restroom during passing
periods. If they are within the last 3 minutes of the passing
period, they may place their backpacks in their seat and let
me know they are going to use the restroom. They then will
be expected to return within the first 3 minutes of class time.
If they fail to get back in time, they will be considered tardy.
Refer to the Tardy Policy for consequences.
If it is an emergency, students will be given two hall passes
they may use each quarter. Should they need to use more
than two, half points will be deducted from their participation
grade and their notes will be graded. If they have any
unused passes at the end of the quarter, it may be turned in
as extra credit. 2 passes = 1 full day of participation points.
See syllabus for points and grading details.

Note Taking Policy:

Students are required to take notes. Studies show that when
students see, hear, write, and speak a concept or idea, they have
better retention by utilizing multiple senses. Therefore, hearing
the lecture and writing down notes is an important step to
understanding. It also gives students an opportunity to reflect
and review at another time. Notes may be subject to grading
based upon the listed policies. They will be graded based upon
content, examples explained, sentences in addition to math
calculations, and organization.

Homework and Homework Halving Quizzes HHQ

Homework will be assigned almost every night. Should students
feel confident in the material, they may opt to take a Homework
Halving Quiz. These quizzes will consist of 6 questions, 3 basic
questions and 3 more challenging questions. If a student scores
an 85% or higher they may cut the number of homework
problems in half, according to which questions I have preselected.
Homework will count for 20% of the final grade. Each homework
assignment is worth 10 points.

This class is participation centered; therefore participation is vital
to be successful. During lecture, students will take notes and ask
questions. Then as they are in the LG stations, each student is
expected to have a turn at the white board following the LG
procedure. Participation will count for 20% of the final grade. If
students are not participating, their notes and LG assigned
questions can be subject for grading, which will replace their daily
grade. A daily participation grade will count for 10 points.

Learning Groups (LG Station)

Students will be arranged in groups, called Learning Groups. This
will look like four to six desks grouped together, each group
having their own whiteboard. After the beginning lecture where I
give the concept and a few examples, the students will transition
into Learning Group Stations. Students will get a worksheet with a
set of questions specific to their group that they must work

through. Each student must take a turn at the white board going
through a problem. They must teach the group while describing
the steps they are taking, or seek guidance from their group
members. If they are seeking guidance, group members are not
allowed to tell the student what to do. They must phrase their
guidance in the form of a question, statement of a definition, or
recalling an example previously done. While a student is at the
board, the other students are expected to take notes on their
question form and actively participate, giving guidance and
checking for errors. If students are not on task or participating,
they will have their question forms collected and graded as their
participation points for the day.

End of Class
When it comes down to the last 8 minutes of class, I will give
students the opportunity to take the HHQ, described in classroom
policies. Also at this time, I will pose an exit ticket on the board.
Students must show the answer to me when they are finished
and quietly pack up.

Classroom Policies
Disruption Policy:
Students are expected to be respectful at all times. This requires
focused attention, engaged learning, and participation in lecture
and learning groups. However, if a student mistakenly decides to
be disruptive during the class period, their notes will be graded
and counted for the participation grade of the class. They will
receive one warning, second time will result in graded notes, third
will result in losing the opportunity for a HHQ and lunch detention
in which they will be required to complete an extra assignment.

Learning Groups:

Students will be grouped into Learning Groups of four to six.

Students are expected to contribute to the positive learning
environment of the classroom. They will respect each other and
refrain from sarcastic remarks during a LG Station. Students are
expected to stay focused and on task during the station and
abide by the LG Procedures. Any group may have their LG
assigned question forms graded as their participation grade if
they are not abiding by these expectations.

Tardy Policy:
Punctuality is extremely important. First tardy will warrant a
warning. Second and third will result in graded notes for
participation. Fourth and on will result in an extra assignment to
be completed during lunch detention in my classroom.

Late Homework Policy:

A homework score will be reduced by 10% each day up to five
days. After the fifth day it may be turned in and receive 1 point,
up until the last day of the quarter.

Absent Policy/Procedures:
A weekly agenda will be posted in the back of the room with the
objectives for each day. Each LG will have their assigned question
form filled out and in the basket for each day of the week. The
day the student returns he/she will:
1. Go to the agenda to copy down missed objectives and
2. Retrieve the LG question form and copy down the notes.
3. Complete a different question form, not during LG
stations, and turn it in within two days to make up for the
participation points.
4. Seek extra help before school, at lunch, or after school if

Plagiarism Policy:

This class encourages cooperative learning. However simply

copying another persons work and claiming it as your own is
absolutely forbidden. When working with another person,
students are encouraged to put their partners names at the top
corner of their paper. If a student is caught plagiarizing, they will
receive a zero for that assignment, the days participation grade,
and a parent/guardian will be made aware. The second offense
will result in the same consequences as the first, and the student
will be sent to the office for discipline per the school handbook,
which states possibility for 1-3 days suspension.

Cell Phone Policy:

Per classroom rule, cell phone use may be permitted under the
following conditions:
1. Student exhibits engaged participation.
2. Student is on phone for less than one minute at a time.
3. Student does not use the phone more than 5 times per
Should a student not meet these expectations, they will be
required to submit their notes to be graded as their participation
grade. If the student fails to meet these expectations more than 3
times per quarter, they will lose the privilege for the remainder of
the semester. If a student who has lost the privilege is then
caught using the cell phone, they will be get a zero for
participation for the day and be required to complete an extra
assignment during lunch detention.
Grading Policy

An A is an A, if you are within 1.5% of the next letter grade

you will have an opportunity to take Review Tests over
course materials. However, to be eligible you must have
completed 90% of all homework assignments. Also, only

Review Test scores above 90% will be able to bump your

score to the next letter grade
Communication Policy
As our class is structured around effectively communicating
mathematical ideas, I welcome and encourage
communication between parents, students, and myself.
Please never hesitate to email me with any questions or
concerns. In addition, my website is complete with weekly
assignments and page numbers, answers to FAQs, and a
copy of this syllabus. Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch are
available for tutoring or conferences, however appointments
can be made for other times as well.

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