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Maged Alqaed
ENG 112-72
Professor. Intawiwat

A simple meaning of abortion according to the Oxford Online
Dictionary is ending a pregnancy during the first 28 weeks. It is different
from miscarriage by where the former is intentional and the latter is
caused naturally. There are two ways to lead to an abortion ,either
medically or surgically. Furthermore, there are two polarised opinions
about abortion: people who support it saying it is a womans right and the
opposed opinion of abortion in ending an innocents life. There are many
reasons that might lead women to take an action like this but there are
also views against this brutal way of ending a babys life. Moreover, most
religions around the world have an opposed view about this matter. In this
essay I will discuss the reasons behind abortion, the supporters and
opponents, and the religious beliefs towards this debated issue.
There are many reasons that might lead women to end a pregnancy,
firstly, personal circumstances; every women differs from another having
personal reasons for abortion. For example, she could still be a teenager
and cannot take care of a baby due to financial, educational, and other
personal reasons as reported in (Upadhyay,et al.). Also, women will have
an abortion if the pregnancy has high risks on her health physically or
mentally (Russo). Some women have health problems that arise during


pregnancy, and other women have health problems before they become
pregnant that could lead to complications (Molony). For instance,
hypertension and diabetes can be life threatening for the mother. Thus, it
is very important for women to receive health care before and during
pregnancy to decrease the risk of pregnancy complications. Finally,
getting an abortion can be for the babys sake. Some pregnancies can
cause genetic and mental disabilities for the baby. Whatever reasons it is
should the women take this decision alone? Or should she discuss it with
the father? Or should she seek counselling help? Or what are the
consequences it may have on both the mother and baby later on? These
questions lead to supporting and opposing views on abortion.
There are three different views on abortion: some support it,
others oppose it, and very few have a neutral view which I will not focus
on. First of all, supporters of abortion or as they are called pro-choice
think that it is a womens right to not willingly want to carry a baby
because of the great impact it has on her life. Howard Moody commented
to the BBC saying: To use a woman's body, against her free will and
choice, as a receptacle for unwanted pregnancy has got to be seen as a
kind of 'legalized rape' that must be as morally repugnant as 'foeticide' to
those perpetrating it. However, (Ushma , et al) researched that pregnant
women passing the gestational age of a pregnancy were denied an
abortion in 30 US facilities. Thus it is not a womens choice to get an
abortion whenever she wants it. Also, due to personal safety for a woman
who wants an abortion instead of trying to have a miscarriage and harm
herself there should be medical places to perform abortions. Furthermore,


if a woman was raped and got pregnant the supporters see it a right for
her to get an abortion. It is reported in (Upadhyay, Ushma D., et al.,) that
a raped woman can be given medication 24 hours after this ordeal to stop
any kind of fertility. Also, on philosophical grounds pro- abortionist see
that a fetus is unconscious and not considered a human being so there is
no harm in ending his short life. Molony commented that many states give
women the right of abortion if the foetus is not alive. Thus, they see it that
a woman has the moral right to decide if she wants an abortion or not,
without considering any other right in this process. Although, proabortionists are taking careful steps in taking this issue up to the Supreme
Court as Levy said Deciding to go to the Supreme Court is a serious
decision that abortion rights advocates do not take lightly because a loss
would open the door to anti-abortion legislation throughout the country.
So, if the Supreme Court doesnt legislate a law to support abortion in all
US states, then opponents of abortion would have the government on
their side, which supporters will despise.
On the other hand, the anti- abortion view considers it a murder of
a human being if there is no rational alternative. Also, they address the
abortion issue as not a womens right to determine if she wants the baby
but as forced by the society to do this instead of helping her through this
crisis. She can be given alternatives such as financial help or even giving
the baby up for adoption in suitable homes. Also, opponents towards
abortion see that women should take responsibility for her actions, so
having sex without protection, she should be aware of the consequences
of that matter. Abortion is often carried out if the baby has a severe


disability but opponents of this argue that a disabled person has the same
rights as an able person thus abortion in this cause should not be
considered a strong reason.
Most religions oppose abortion and see it as harming the relation
between the human and God. The religions that oppose abortion are
Roman Catholic Church, The Church of England, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism,
and Sikhism. For example, Islam forbids abortion unless there is a strong
medical reason behind it. Some theologians permit an abortion before 40
days through the pregnancy due to the excuse that the foetus is still
lifeless and if it is a threat to the mother. However, most Islamic
theologians forbid it in most cases such as fear of poverty, considering it
as murdering a soul. Thus, Islam and most religions in the world oppose
abortion viewing it on moral grounds killing a human being. This view
contradicts the pro-abortionist view on the foetus is still unconscious and
doesnt have a right.
Abortion is a critical issue for women and men who find themselves
facing this moral dilemma of whether or not to end a pregnancy. Even the
Supreme Court sees it as a tricky issue in the American politics as
reported by Levy, and is delaying any legislation on its behalf. It's one of
the most polarising issues some people are advocates and others are
opponents to this endless debate. In my personal point of view, the
mother, the father and their close relatives or friends should gather up
and rationally decide what is best for both the parents and the baby. It
should not be a biased decision because it is a complicated issue having


different views; socially, morally and most importantly religiously. Thus,

those concerned in this matter should take the decision putting in mind
the different views they believe in.


Works cited
Levy, Pema. "The Abortion Case The Supreme Court May Find Hard To Refuse."
Newsweek Global 162.3 : 66. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 2 jun. 2003.
Molony, Thomas J. "Roe, Casey, And Sex-Selection Abortion Bans." Washington &
Lee Law Review 71.2 : 1089-1134. Academic Search Complete. Web. 24
Nov. 2009.
Russo, Nancy Felipe. "Abortion, Unwanted Childbearing, And Mental Health."
Salud Mental 37.4: 283-291. Academic Search Complete. Web. 11 Dec.
Upadhyay, Ushma D., et al. "Denial Of Abortion Because Of Provider Gestational
Age Limits In The United States." American Journal Of Public Health 104.9 :
1687. MasterFILE Complete. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.

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