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Riley Kane

Adam Padgett
UWRIT 1102
March 11th, 2015
Annotated Bibliography
Topic: Technology/ Social Media and Disorders
Inquiry Question: Does technology contribute to disorders, such as eating, learning, or
sleeping disorders?
Proposed Thesis: Technology and social media do contribute to eating, learning, and
sleeping disorders.

Tennyson, Robert, ed. "The Impact of Daily Stress on Adolescents Depressed Mood: The
Role of Social Support Seeking through Facebook." Computers in Human
Behavior 44 (2015): 315-25. Web. 11 Mar. 2015.
This journal is several articles discussing computers and how they impact
people psychologically. In this specific article Tennyson is studying how
depression in adolescents relates to the social media cite, Facebook. Tennyson
is looking at Facebook as a positive way of coping, instead of looking at it as
the cause of depression in adolescents. He claims that social media such as
Facebook is a way to get away from stress in your life such as school, family,
and financial problems. This article started off focusing more on larger life
issues such as illnesses. Tennyson explains that computers can impact people
with illnesses positively because there are so many other people on the Internet
in the same shoes. There are many support groups that people can join to help
them cope with their life issues. All Tennyson is doing is taking that study and

narrowing it down to smaller life issues such as stress in school. He is proving

that Facebook and other social media sites could be a benefit to depressed
Leah Das, Ranjini Mohan, and Tafadzwa Makaya. "Current Diabetes Reviews." The Bid
to Lose Weight: Impact of Social Media on Weight Perceptions, Weight Control
and Diabetes. 10.5 (2014): 291-97. Web. 11 Mar. 2015.
In this article these authors talk about how the Internet has become a huge part
of peoples everyday lives and how it is affecting peoples health. The authors
argue that the perfect person that everyone knows from the Internet (very
skinny) has completely distorted how people view themselves. Adolescents
have a picture in their mind that is unrealistic and it is causing unhealthy
habits. For an example the authors talk about extreme weight loss programs
that in reality are very unhealthy for people. They are arguing that all the
dieting young people are doing to get their perfect body is leading to
diabetes and other eating disorders. This article is proving that body image is
influenced very negatively by social media and can cause eating disorders.
Kokkinos, Constantinos, Nafsika Antoniadou, and Angelos Markos. "Journal of Applied
Developmental Psychology." Cyber-bullying: An Investigation of the
Psychological Profile of University Student Participants. 35.3 (2014): 204-14.
Web. 11 Mar. 2015.
These authors did an experiment to see what type of characteristics people that
cyber bully, differ from people that are cyber bully victims. They gave 430
Greek university students questionnaires and came to the conclusion that

people that cyber bully are usually attention seekers and have more
psychological traits than people that are victims of it. This article could prove
my point that the Internet/ technology can affect ones insecurities dramatically.
People that cyber bully are usually insecure about themselves it seems like and
they feel as if they can make themselves feel better if they degrade others over
the Internet. Cyber bullying is a key factor in depression in adolescents.
Cantor, J., and K. Harrison. "Journal of Communication." The Relationship between
Media Consumption and Eating Disorders 47.1 (1997): 40-67. Web. 11 Mar.
This article is explaining the relationship between eating disorders and how
much technology girls in college use. As we all know women have a distorted
image of a perfect person. Girls grew up with Barbies, which was the first
distorted image of a women that they were introduced to. Then as girls get
older media is introduced to them, which is where they are brainwashed into
thinking that a perfect women is very skinny, very tall and has no curves at all.
The Internet putting that image into womens heads, is what is causing eating
disorders among college aged women. These authors go into detail about what
exactly causes eating disorders when it comes to media.
Bauerlein, Mark. "The Digital Divide." The Digital Divide : Arguments for and against
Facebook, Google, Texting, and the Age of Social Networking (2011): n. pag.
Web. 11 Mar. 2015.
This journal is talking about pros and cons of social media and how it affects
us positively and negatively. Bauerlein doesnt focus just on negative affects

but also positive which gives the audience their own opinion. He talks about
how technology has really impacted us in the sense of bettering education and
medicine. But he also points out the issues of technology and how it is
affecting people negatively from a young age.

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