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Plan: News Reporter Interviews

# of Days

Prior Knowledge

Knowledge about the character they are portraying. How to support

their different claims from textual evidence.

Lesson Objective(s)

SWBAT come up with thought provoking questions based on

textual evidence and the choices that are being made throughout
the novel up until now
SWBAT use textual evidence to back up the claims they are
making while being reported or doing the reporting
Work with and collaborate with other students to Oinish an
assignment and achieve a goal.

Lesson Assessment

The students will write up a news report based on the characters

they interviewed. This will allow me to see if the students are
thinking critically and creatively about the choices the characters


Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or
conOlicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact
with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.

Materials Needed

Students will need to have come up with questions depending on

whether they are the character or the news reporter.


Learning Task

Methods or Procedures




Students will pair up and discuss

Warm-up: Students are going to quickly

write about What is a choice that youve
made in the recent past that you wish
would have gone differently? What could
you have done to change it?
This will get students thinking about
choices and the different reasons that
they make choices depending on the
One student is going to take on the
character and one person is going to take
on the news reporter
In their pairs, the reporter is going to
interview the character of their choice*
During this activity, students will be
taking notes about their different


Group discussion

The students will then take this

opportunity to group up with people
who have chosen the same characters as
them to discuss how the different choices
the characters are making are affecting
the different outcomes. The news
reporters will take this opportunity to
write down anything that was discussed
that they didnt get a chance to write

Brief whole group discussion

I will take this opportunity to ask the

students what they thought of the
activity and see if theres anything they
think we should tweak for the next day

*Students will have picked their partners and done research on the character they chose to portray
for homework the night before
Students will switch the roles the next day and the person who was the news reporter will now be
the character and vice versa.

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