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Shakespeare In Today's World

"All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players," is a quote from
Shakespeare. Although Shakespeare is dead, his work still still lives today." Shakespeare is an
amazing play writer and his plays are still acted out today. Not only is Shakespeare play writer,
but he also created many words that we use today. Shakespeare has influenced our lives today
because we still use some words that he invented, people have been aected by him, and we still
act out some of his plays.
In the late 1500s, Shakespeare had invented some words that we still use it today. Back in
the Shakespeare days, the language that was spoken back then is a little dierent than today.
Although, we still still used some words some of the words that he invented back then. A word
that he created that we still use today is the word "champion". Shakespeare used the word
"champion" in the play "Macbeth". In the play, "Macbeth", Act III Scene I, II 75, it says ,"And
champion me to th' utterance. Who's there?" That play states that the character talking is trying
to mention that he himself is the champion. Another word that Shakespeare invented is "gossip".
In the play, "The Comedy of Errors", Shakespeare used the word gossip. According to the play,
The Comedy of Errors", Act V Scene I, II 409, it says, "Go to a gossip's feast and go with me".
In that play, a character named Amelia stated this. To add on to the list of words that
Shakespeare invented, would be the word, "majestic" in the play, "Julius Caesar". In the play,
"Julius Caesar", Act I Scene II, II 131, it stated,"So get the start of the majestic world". A
character named Cassius mentioned this in that play. Some other words that Shakespeare
invented would be accused, addiction, drugged, lower, hurried, and more! Shakespeare has
invented some really amazing words that we haven't even thought of learning.
Shakespeare's plays have aected many people's lives. For instance, John Keats. John
Keats is a romantic poet that mimic the style of how Shakespeare writes. Another person that got
influenced by Shakespeare is John Wilkes Booth, the murderer of Abraham Lincoln. John
Wilkes Booth enjoyed the play Julius Caesar and liked the character Brutus, who was actually
brutal. This character may have led John Wilkes Booth to be the person he was. There are more
writers and people that have been influenced by Shakespeare.
Many people today still act out Shakespeare's plays. That shows how much Shakespeare
has influenced modern society. For instance, there are schools that learn about Shakespeare, and
then soon will perform that scene. Another thing is that people have created movies of dierent
kind of Shakespeare's plays, like "A Midsummer Night's Dream". There are so many movies out
there in the world on plays written by Shakespeare.
In conclusion, Shakespeare has done many things to influence our modern world. He has
aected many people's lives, he invented words that we still use today, and we reenact some of his
plays today. Some words that Shakespeare had invented would be gossip, champion, majestic,
and more. The lives John Keats and John Wilkes Booth have been changed because of William
Shakespeare. A movie like "A Midsummer Night's Dream" has been created because of
Shakespeare's play. If Shakespeare were to somehow enter our modern world now, what would
he might do?

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