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Social Networking

Darko Bojic & Karl Benusa

Thinking Points
- Networking
-Social Networking
-Computer Age
-The Beginning

-Everyone Must participate.
-Make a large circle in front of the classroom.

-What is networking?
-Sharing information with people with a common interest.
-Where is this found?
-Work Place
- ESPECIALLY Social Networking Sites.

Social Networking
What is Social Networking?
- One that uses a dedicated website to...
-Interact with other users.
-Find people with similar interests.

Computer Age
-1st personal Computer (1977).
-Commodore PET ( Personal Electronic Transactor)
-Apple II
-instantly a success on its release date also in 1977.
-Apple Introduces LISA 1983
-First personal computer.
- Contained graphical user interface.

Beginning of Social Networks

-1st Social Networks Online.
-Online Bulletin Boards (1990s)
-Established by like minded people.
-Some of the more popular early social networking sites.
-Myspace, Friendster, & LinkedIn
- In 2006 47% increase in users, from previous year.

Non Traditional Networking

-Definition of social Networking has widened.
-More categories exist.
For Example,
-Video streaming
-Allows people to place themselves in groups
-Known as the subscription audience
-Digg, allows the sharing of news stories.
-Allows comments as well (Discussion Forum).

Negatives & positives

-Personal information is given.
-Lack of Physical Interaction.
-False Sense of Security.
-Too revealing.
-Depends on the user.
-Cyber Bullying.

-Helping educate
-Advancements in science
-as well as medicine.
-Organize large social Movements
-Causes awareness of issues.
- Keeping in touch with loved ones.

-President Obamas Campaign
-Egypts Revolutionary Spark
-Early detection of terrorism
-Raising funds
-Organization of marches & Walks
-Providing Support

Inquisitive thoughts on Social Networking

1. How has Social Networking positively affected
your life?
2. Has Social Networking had any negative effects
on your social life?
3. If you had to get rid of one Social networking
site, which would it be and why?

Thank you for listening

Division of Labor
Director of creative inspiration, Gathering of information,
assemblage of all content slides, Video Selection
Idea man behind the viewer questions, Curator of Yarn, Research
on content so I have things to say, Citation Engineer, Hype Man

Drezgic, Jelena. "A Tangled Web - Team Building Exercise." A Tangled Web - Team Building Exercise. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Feb. 2015.<http://www.
Schradie, Jen. "Bringing the Organization Back In: Social Media and Social Movements." Berkeley Journal of Sociology. Berkely Journal of Sociology, 03
Nov. 2014. Web. 04 Feb. 2015.<http://berkeleyjournal.org/2014/11/bringing-the-organization-back-in-social-media-and-social-movements/>
"History of Online Social Networks." Ebscohost. Ebscohost, n.d. Web. 2 Feb. 2015.
"Timeline of Computer History." Computerhistory. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Feb. 2015.
[teens and social networks] Youtube.com Retrieved 2/2/15 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TWHsiMYSxw
[Bruno Mars song] Youtube.com Retrieved 2/2/15 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ya2U8XN_Zw
[Social Media Revolution] Youtube.com Retrieved 2/2/15 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIFYPQjYhv8

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