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Unit Questions:

What lead to the American colonists declaring independence?

What were the Articles of Confederation?
Why were the Articles of Confederation considered a weak document?
What was the Great Compromise?

C2.1.1 Explain the historical and philosophical origins of American

constitutional government and evaluate the influence of ideas found in the
Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, Iroquois
Confederation, Northwest Ordinance, Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom,
Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, and selected
Federalist Papers (the 10th, 14th, 51st), John Lockes Second Treatise,
Montesquieus Spirit of Laws, Paines Common Sense.
C2.1.3 Explain how the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of
Rights reflected political principles of popular sovereignty, rule of law, checks
and balances, separation of powers, social compact, natural rights, individual
rights, separation of church and state, republicanism and federalism.
C2.1.4 Explain challenges and modifications to American constitutional
government as a result of significant historical events such as the American
Revolution, the Civil War, expansion of suffrage, the Great Depression, and
the civil rights movement.
C2.2.1 Identify and explain the fundamental values of Americas
constitutional republic and their reflection in the principles of the United
States Constitution.


Instructions: Welcome to Week 3 of the online U.S. Government course! Please complete the
following activities for this week. Make sure that you complete each activity by the time it is
due. Due dates are located at the end of each activity listed below.
(1) Complete Week 3 Pre-Test. Read Chapter 2 Section 3 (pages 61-64). Create a new
document with your Google Drive account and title it Your Name Week 3
Activities. On this new document you will type out each of the Key Terms and
Concepts for Section 3, as well as their definitions. Make sure to label this section
Ch. 2 Vocabulary Terms: Sec 3. Read through the Historical Documents Podcast
Project instructions. Find audio for project. Complete this activity by 11:59pm
Monday of Week 3.
(2) Read/listen/view the presented historical documents. Complete this activity by
11:59pm Tuesday of Week 3.
(3) Read Chapter 2 Section 4 (pages 66-70). In your "Week 3 Activities document, type
out each of the Key Terms and Concepts for Section 4, as well as their definitions.

Make sure to label this section Ch. 2: Vocabulary Terms: Sec 4. Compete your
reading/listening/viewing of the historical documents. Begin working on your
Podcasting Project. Complete this activity by 11:59pm Wednesday of Week 3.
(4) Continue working on, and complete, your Podcasting Project. Export completed
project as an mp3 file. Complete this activity by 11:59pm Thursday of Week 3.
(5) Upload Podcast Project to the Internet Archive. Create blog post, including your
podcast URL. Visit the Discussion Blog and answer the questions for Week 3. Review
your Week 3 Google Drive document. Complete the Week 3 Post-Test. Complete this
activity by 11:59pm Friday of Week 3.

Chapters to read in Textbook: Ch. 2 Sec.s 3 and 4 (pgs. 61 - 70).

Jamendo https://www.jamendo.com/en
The Sound Bible http://soundbible.com
Creative Commons Search http://search.creativecommons.org
The Magna Carta podcast https://archive.org/details/magna_carta_jm_librivox
The English Bill of Rights
The Mayflower Compact http://www.ushistory.org/documents/mayflower.htm
The Mayflowe Compact Drive Thru History video
The Constitution of the Iroquois Nations: The Great Binding Law
Two Treatise of Civil Government podcasts
Thomas Hobbes and John Locke: Two Philosophers Compared video
The Federalists Papers podcasts
Common Sense https://archive.org/details/commonsense_gg_librivox
Discussion Questions located on the class blog.
A Google Forms Quiz located at the bottom of the Week 3 Activities page of
the class website.

Discussion Questions:
1. How did slavery play a part in the forming of our government?

2. Which side would you believe in more, the Federalists or the Anti-Federalists? Why?

3. Do you think the Articles of Confederation would have worked if we had kept them?
Why or why not?

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