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Learning Environment

Developing a positive climate:

One thing I will do to promote a positive learning environment is to
ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to ask questions. I
will be sure to focus on one question at a time. Any student who
interrupts will be asked to hold their question until I have addressed
the one currently being asked.
During independent work, I will be sure to check on the progress of
every student in the class. This will be done by walking around the
classroom and asking how they are doing with the material. This will
also allow for some one-on-one time with some of the students who
may need it.
I will be sure to call on different students to answer questions during
discussions so that one student does not end up monopolizing the
At the beginning of every class, I will stand outside and greet each
student with a smile and friendly hello. I will also ask them about their
weekend, their games, or performances.
Follow directions when they are first given.
Respect the teacher and classmates at all times.
Keep your work area clean and wait to be dismissed by the teacher.
Be ready to begin when the tardy bell rings.
1. Verbal warning
2. Email/call home
3. After school detention
4. Write up
*For major offenses, it may be necessary to skip to step 2, 3, or 4. The
appropriate action will depend on the severity of the action that occurred.
Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivators:
The students will be praised for performing well in class. I will send
home letters or email parents when the students performance in class
improves significantly. This will encourage the students to continue
performing well in class.
Students will also be notified when they are behaving to my
expectations. I will be sure to thank students who remain quiet and on
task during class to let them know that I recognize their good behavior.

I will tell students how important it is that they try each problem, and I
dont care if they are wrong during the beginning. If a student answers
a question and is incorrect, I will still tell them what a great job they
did for thinking about the problem and trying to come up with a
solution. This should help the students be more confident in
attempting the problems they are given.

Non-Instructional Routines:
Beginning Class
o Before class every day, I will stand in the hall and greet my
students as they walk through the door.
o Sometimes class will begin about 2-5 minutes later than
scheduled because this is the time that I have provided for
students to go to the restroom and get their materials ready for
the day.
o When the students walk in, there will be a bellwork assignment
displayed on the board that the students should complete.
o I will check homework as the students are completing their
bellwork, then we will discuss the bellwork and homework. Our
lesson will begin after this discussion.
Ending Class
o The end of each class will depend on the lesson of the day:
Test/quiz days will generally end with the students turning
in their work and leaving for their next class. Since I will be
grading papers as they are turned in, there will be some
days where I can return the assignment and go over the
questions that the students missed.
On days that new material is learned, the students will be
given a homework assignment. Sometimes I will allow the
students five to ten minutes to begin working on their
assignment and ask questions as they work.
o Each class day, the students will be expected to be seated and
working until the bell rings and they are dismissed.
Distributing/Collecting Materials
o If I hand out an assignment, I will do so one of two ways:
Hand the appropriate number of copies to the person in the
front of the row to be passed back (generally done with
classwork or homework).
Walk down the aisles and hand each student the paper
individually (done for tests/quizzes to avoid unnecessary
talking and provide a chance to answer any last minute
o When it comes to collecting assignments, I ask that the students
bring me their work as they finish. I will only collect classwork,
quizzes, and tests.

Student Helpers
o Sometimes when a student asks a question, I will ask another
student to explain the answer. Some students will speak up on
their own and do this without being asked; I am very supportive
when my students show this kind of confidence and encourage
them to assist each other in understanding the material.
Routine Tasks
o I expect for students to use the restroom before class, or during
the first five minutes of class. If there is an emergency, students
may raise their hand and ask to go the restroom; however, they
will only be allowed to do so when they are doing independent
work. I will not allow a student to go to the restroom while I am
in the middle of instruction.
o Pencils should be sharpened before class. If a pencil breaks
during class the student should quietly get up and sharpen their
pencil, as long as it is an appropriate time to do so. Students
without pencils are expected to ask for one at the beginning of
class; I have several extra pencils ready for them to use.
Emergency Situations
o To ensure my students are safe during emergency situations, I
will follow the guidelines given to me by the school. I have
identified where the appropriate materials are for each situation.

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