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ETH102L Main notes for Exam Chapters

The brain has 3 sections which form a unit on 3 diff. levels, from the top to the brain-stem .
. The brain has two sides. These sides are linked by an electronic and chemical relaysystem with millions of nerve cells.
. There are at least seven intelligence areas in the brain.
. Man has an active conscious brain and a subconscious brain.
. The brain controls instinctive behaviour such as breathing.
. The central part of the brain controls emotions.
. The upper brain enables you to think, speak, reason and create.

There are more than 100 billion active neurones in the brain.
. Each is capable of sprouting between 2 000 and 20 000 branches, known as dendrites.
. Neurones transmit messages to & from the brain along pathways known as axons.
. Each axon is covered with a myelin sheath or insulation.
. The better the sheathing of insulation, the more effective the transmission will be.
. The dendrites are surrounded by glial cells.
The two sides of the brain are discussed. Note how the diff sections process diff types of
info. This info is taken in through our 5 major senses: by what we see, hear, touch, smell
and taste. The processing of info takes place in diff areas of the brain. Ensure that you
know which sections process which types of info. E.g. The diagram in the book.The ff.
facts are important:
. Both sides of the brain are linked by the corpus callocum.
This link is responsible for the flow of information from one side of the brain to the other.
. The corpus callocum balances the incoming messages and links the abstract, holistic
picture with the concrete, logical messages.
The emotional centre is very closely connected to the long-term memory storage system.
That is why information linked to emotions is easily remembered.
. The medulla controls the heartbeat and respiration.
. The cerebellum is responsible for coordination and balance.
. The visual cortex is responsible for sight and is situated at the back of the brain.
. The limbic system is responsible for fear, rage, emotion, sexuality and passion.

Study your prescribed book carefully as it contains much more information which you
should know. It would
seem that all these functions and areas of the brain lead to three types of learning styles , namely

. haptic learning (kinaesthetic-tactile learners)

Most learners combine these learning styles To learn effectively, the ff. must be considered:
. how information is stored and made available
. how information is applied to solve problems
. how information can be applied to create new ideas

. visual or reading-oriented learning

. auditive or sound-oriented learning

As a learner, its important to know how info is stored. The brain's ability to store & process
information This section deals with this ability of the human brain.

Emphasis is placed on the formation of associations.

Learning to store information in patterns and with strong associations is
probably the first step towards successful learning.
Apart from the ability to store info, the learner must learn to use the
subconscious mind.
Brain receives and stores information on different wavelengths.
Researchers believe that the brain absorbs most infowhen it is in a state of
``relaxed alertness''.

The hint is to start every learning session should with relaxation exercises.
The brain needs energy to function optimally & to create the necessary
energy, a balanced diet is essential.
The transmission of messages in the brain is promoted by a sufficient
intake of oxygen.
A correct diet to ensure that the brain functions optimally.

Learning involves doing, participating

20 Steps To Better Learning >

T Teach Others
H have fun & games
Marks Mind-mapping instead F Find 3 Books on Practical R Review & reflect
U Use linkin tools eg.
of linear notes
Memory pegs
Get Get a coach or mentor A Ask
Set Set goals & deadlines
take course in Accelerated P Practise Often
E find Easy ways to retrieve
Ready Relearn how to read
Reinforce with pictures &sound S Start with Big Pictures
L Learn by doing
S Seek out Main Principle
Go Go Digital
L Learn art of relaxed
S Start with lesson from
D Dare to dream
Do not take linear notes draw mind maps
Modern researchers believe that to store information successfully in the brain, one must adapt to

the structure of the brain. This structure is more or less in the form of the branches of a tree. You
will find an explanation of how to design a mind map in the book. Certain tips are given which will
assist you in mastering this method..
Get an enthusiastic mentor
To realise this goal it is important to find a mentor who shares your goal and

enthusiasm. If the person has different skills to you, form a team. Gain from a specialists
experience. Exchange skills & knowledge with someone that can enlighten you in your goal, teach
them something in return for what you want to gain
Set a specific goal and set deadlines
Decide what you want to achieve. Then set a goal and work towards realising this

goal. Break it down into achievable bite sized pieces, set realistic deadlines for each
step to achieve success.
Relearn how to read faster, better, easier
Very few people read effectively. The skill of reading with speed and understanding is

a prerequisite for successful learning. A number of hints are given here to assist you
in mastering this skill.
Reinforce with pictures and sound .
Learning can be reinforced if text is supported with pictures and music to convey the

message. Use audio tapes, dvd etc. to reinforce

Find the 3 best books on the subject by practical Achievers
Do not start with academic books on the subject; rather, find books which describe

the subject in easy terms so that you can understand the message. Learn from
peoples successful experiences first. As you progress, you can read more difficult
books on the subject.
Never be afraid to ask. If you do not know, find out! Use information sources to

broaden your perspective & gain more knowledge, understanding. Use the internet,

libraries, Books, experienced professionals, dvds, pictures, graphics, cds, audio-tapes

Take an accelerated learning course
You might find it necessary to take a course in accelerated learning. Keep up with the

times, pursue empowerment & time management, by learning the tricks to absorb
more information in a lesser time span.
Seek out the main principle
In every area you will be able to identify a main principle for success. Find them out

before filling in the details, e.g. in photography, the rule is not to take a picture more
than 4feet from the subject. Find out the rules & tips for success.
Start with the big picture
It is always important to know what the end product will be, like a jigsaw. It is easier to
work towards the end if one sees the whole picture first. By learning through subject
integration, youre learning about the whole picture as opposed to bits of it which cannot be related to
sister topics & defies the goal of applying knowledge in reality.
Start with lessons from sports

. Sports achievers have dreams

Set specific goals and break them down into achievable


. Combine thoughts, body and activities.

. Get a vision.

. Have a passion to succeed.

. A mentor or coach is essential.

. Create opportunity for practicing skills; do not see these as


. Have a positive attitude about mistakes.

Teach others

Learn to be a teacher to yourself. While you are conveying

information to others, certain principles are reinforced which are essential to learning..
Have fun, play games
When one refers to learning, most people associate it with negative feelings & reflections,
like boredom, examinations, a waste of time, homework, punishment, irrelevant content
or fear. Change learning into a game and make it enjoyable & welcome experience for
learners. Generate variety & interest & different types of activities to generate
encouragement & motivation.
Review and reflect
Repetition plays an important role in the learning process. When doing a mental physical
skill, like cooking you can learn by action. To gain other type of knowledge one has to
review regularly in order to become familiar with it and to remember. Reviewing and
reflecting should take place regularly doing so just before an examination is too late..
Use linking tools as memory pegs
Due to the importance of associations, it is easier to learn if one relates the content to one's
life experience or something you already know. Use associations that are familiar to you. The
association can be physical, tactile, or visual. It can rhyme, or be remembered by the first
letter principle. Make the associations outlandish, funny, emotional, & link it to as many senses as u
Practice makes perfect. Any skill which is learnt, needs to be practiced in order to
reinforce it, become better at it. No matter what the subject area or skill, only regular
practice will guarantee success.

Easy ways to retrieve what you have learnt

If the manner in which the information is stored in the brain relates to pattern formation
and association, it would be meaningful to apply these methods when recalling
So use mind-mapping methods to master content & recall.
Combine this with the different intelligence centres by adding music.
Highlight key phrases & sub-headings, Re-skim immediately after youre done, & redo mindmap.
Learn the art of relaxed alertness
Most of the activities which have been recommended up to now, are targeted at the
logical left brain.
To use the creative side of the brain youll have to focus on achieving a state of ``relaxed
This is the alpha frequency, a stage also acquired through meditation or yogic exercises,
or deep breathing exercises.
Learning is best done on this frequency
Learn by doing
Use all your senses to learn. The theory of any knowledge must be followed by doing what
has been learnt in practice. Demand hands on experience with most things you study. Apply
what you have learnt.
Dare to dream and imagine your future
. This dream flows from the vision you have set for yourself. Do not be afraid to dream.


The ff. 12 steps are proposed to stimulate creative thinking:
Another characteristic of the brain, is its ability to apply stored info to new situations
& problems, & thus create new ideas.
An idea is a new combination of old /existing elements.
It might take time to grasp this concept, as most people tend to use existing
knowledge to solve problems, method:
- 1st step is to ascertain what needs to be achieved.
- 2nd you need to reorganize thoughts, and identify the unknown.
- 3nd you need to arrive at a solution.
The challenge lies, therefore, in the unknown and not in the known.
It would seem that the skills & knowledge used in this approach, are not encouraged
by the traditional school system and the instruction which it provides.
The success in generating creative solutions lies in adopting Thinking Strategies, &
Improvement Strategies like the Japanese Kaizen; David Buffins Action Kit; &
teaching thinking through strategies like Edward de Bonos, Six Thinking Hats.
Why is there no revolution process in the educational field?
The reasons lie in the structuring of the schools; most children are taught that all the
answers have been found, not developing a search for new ideas, & looking in new
Learners are programmed into believing that success lies in a limited range of
answers absorbed from a teacher in a classroom, which is fed back correctly to the
teacher in an exam.
Learners are not taught lateral thinking which refers to unconventional approaches to
solving problems as opposed to the traditionally logical approach.


Deaf Dave gathered break task ifs, used switch music, slept, eureka reflect.

D Define & formulate problem

DV Define and Visualise solution


Gather facts
Break the Pattern
Try new combinations, & ask What if?
Use all the senses
Switch off- let it simmer
Use music or nature to relax
Sleep on it
Eureka! It pops out!

(1) Define or Formulate the problem

Be specific but not limiting when formulating the problem.
(2) Determine the ideal solution and visualise it
Determine the solution which you have in mind and then viisualize the ideal solution.
Organise your thoughts to bridge the gap between where you are now & where youd
like to be.
E.g. of Swatch watches
(3) Collect the facts
If a new idea is really a combination of existing elements, then the next important step
is to collect all the relevant facts.
You have to have a wide variety of information on the facts, to create a solution.
Become a collector of information, a reader, someone who accepts challenges & who
stores info.
(4) Break the pattern
To find creative solutions, you have to open up new pathways, find new crossover
points, discover new linkages.
To break the pattern, ask yourself questions that redirect your mind, What would
happen if.?
(5) Go outside your own field
Put existing preconceptions aside
Find solutions to problems by using information from other different fields.
People tend to seek solutions within their own knowledge, so the solutions remain the
(6) Try different combinations
Remember the key words: a new idea is a combination of old elements.
Apply this in practice, try different combinations, join old combinations to new fields.
Keep asking What if ?
(7) Use all your senses
Consciously use all your senses & the principle of mind mapping. Visualise your info.
(8) Switch off & think about it
Sometimes it is helpful to set possible solutions aside for a while & to review them at a
later stage.
Remember that the subconscious mind will carry on trying to find a solution.
(9) Relax.
Remember to relax while you are seeking a solution.
Use nature, music, a long walk, a hot soak in a bath, anything that is soothing &
relaxing to get the brain working at the alpha frequency.
(10) Sleep on it
While a person is sleeping, the subconscious mind works on the problem.
Focus on using this technique.

(11) Eureka! The solution pops out!

If you follow the above steps, the solution might come to you at a most unlikely
moment or place.
Remember to always set yourself a time limit.
(12) Recheck the solution
Re-evaluate the solution you have found.
It must be useful and meaningful.


Idea- Spurring Questions During

S Substitute
C Combine
A Adapt
M Modify / Magnify
P Put to other uses
E Eliminate
R Reverse or Rearrange


-Use suggestive words to encourage

innovation, e.g.
Multiply, divide, eliminate, subdue, invert,
unify, freeze
-Create a bug list of things that irritate you
like the cork top breaking off in the wine
bottle, & think of ways to fix / overcome the
-Think up improvements on present
The Kaizen Japanese Improvement Strategy:
Involving all ones staff in continuously striving to upgrade every aspect of performance in
any industry, or even a collaborative task.
David Buffers Hexagon Think-Kit for Creative Ideas & Strategic Planning
Staff or students are encouraged to fire new ideas.
The teacher /facilitator writes each one on a diff coloured hexagon & places on a large
magnetic board.
The group then arranges the hexagons into various themes or activities, & agrees on main
These are left on display as a continual spur to wards the agreed action.

Edward de Bonos Thinking Teaching Strategy : Six Thinking Hats

Works on 5 Step Techniques.
Step 1 = PMI (plus, minus, interesting)
Draw 3 columns, labeling them P, M, I,
The learners are asked to think of an outlandish idea, or statement like, What if
computers ran the government
Students must think of points to fit under the 3 columns.
Step 2 = CFA (consider all facts)
In search of new factors, they should rewrite the points to draw out any that didnt spring
to mind immediately.
Step 3 = C & S (consequences & sequel)
Logically both should be written above but de Bono says people dont consider all the
consequences unless theyre specifically drawn to it.
Step 4 (alternatives, possibilities, choices)
Again this list encourages you to speculate
Step 5 6 Thinking Hats (Summarising technique)
6 hats are drawn in colour coded fashion.
White hat = neutral where neutral facts, figures & info goes
Red Hat = persons unjustified hunches, feelings, intuitions are placed
Black Hat = all logical negative facts to be placed
Yellow Hat = all logical positive facts to be placed
Green Hat = all creative ideas, thoughts to be placed
Blue Hat = is a control hat = which looks at the thinking itself rather than the subject, like
aconductor controlling the orchestra.

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