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Charninade Llniwersity

Final Evaluation
(To be placed in student's permanent file)
*To be completed by CT prior to US visit. When US visits, all three parties will discuss the evaluation, make modifications, agree and
sign. The fnal copy


be submitted to Field Services.


Student Teacher
Student Teaching Focus:





( e.

School Principal:
Cooperating Teacher:
Chaminade University Supervisor:
Chaminade Field Services Director


/ >.lE



t )7?z - rLo

Phone No:
# of student's

Classroom Type


L Ytun,t

Kathleen Nishimura

Directions: Plese evaluate the student tescher's perforrnance in each ox using the following key:
(DltO -

Developing; (A) Approaching





Explnation of scorinq:
Developing (DM)

Approaching (A)
Meets (M)
Exceeds @)

Student s not meetlng the specllled perfotmrnce proflclency or did not provlde evidence
Student demonstrates wlth qulity or provldes cvldence of performance proflciency less than ?47o of the time
Student demonstrates with quality or provldes evidence of performance proficiency 1S -94% of the time
Student demonstrtes wlth quollty or provldcs evidence of performance proficlency 9So/. or more of lhe time

Summary Rating: The summary rating should be the sversge of the scores for esch subheading.





Charninade Llniversity

Standard #1: Learner Development

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns oflearning and development
vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs
and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

The teacher ttses underslanding of individual dffirences and diverse cultures and commwtilies to ensure nclusive
learning environrnenls thet enable each learner to meet high standards.

on his/trer understanding of child and adolescent development, the teacher observes leamers, noting
in learners across areas of development, and seeks resources, including from families and
er interests in order to engage learners in developmentally

g experiences to capitalize on strengths and build areas of

development that are weaker,

(li, lj)

Summary Rating
(Please circle appropriate rating)


Standard #2: Leaming Differences

The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure
inclusive learnlng environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

The teacher tses tmderslanding of learners' commonalities and individual dffirences within snd across diverse
conmtutilies to design inclusit,e learning experiences that enable each leamer to meel high standards.

of second language acquisition, exceptional needs, and learners'

and groups of learners to identify specific needs and responds
ckground knowledge, the teachcr
leaming experiences. (lg; 2b; 2c;2d;2e;2f;2g;2h;2i;2i;
with individualized

d Oru*ing upon

his/her understanding


R""ognizing how diverse learners proess information and develop skills, the teacher incorporates multiple

approaches to leaming that engage a range of leamer preferences,


(2a;2d;29;2h;2m; 8p)

20t4 - 2015 culr

NTASC Stardards


Cha rn ir't I 1,,r"- rsity

AA Uring

information on learners' language profrciency levels, the teacher incorporates tools

of language

development into planning and instruction, including strategies for making content and academic language accessible
to linguistically diverse learners. (lg; 2b; 2e;29;2i;2j;21;2m; 2o; 8p)


teacher includes multiple perspectives in the presentation and discussion of content that include each

learner's personal, family, community, and cultural experiences and norms.


M fn" teacher applies interventions, modifications, and accommodations based on IEPs, IFSPs, 504s and other
li:gal requirements, seeking advice and support from specialized support staff and families. (2f)
,n" tcacher follows a pocess, designated by a school or district, for identifying and addressing leamer needs
(e.g., Response to Intervention) and documents learner progress, (212g)


Summary Rating
(Please circle appropriate rating):


Standard #3 : Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and
that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.
The teacher collaborates with others to build a posilive learning climate marked by respect, rigor, and responsibility

The teacher



for the learning environment


to school/district



cates expectations clearly to families. (3h)

fA fn" teacher articulates

behavior that include respect

explicit expectations for a safe, positive learning environment, including norms for

for others, as well as responsibility for preparation and completion of work,


develops purposeful routines that support these norms. (3a)

,n"teacher communicats verbally and nonverbally in ways that demonstrate respect for

each learner. (3f; 3

A f" teacher promotes responsible learner use of interactive technologies to extend the possibilities

for learning

locally and globally.

ffr" teacher is a responsive and supportive listener, seeing the cultural backgrounds and differing perspectives
ldarners bring as assets and resources in the learning environment.




2014 20ls cuH

INTASC Standarcls

Crarn inade LJniversity

The teacher manages the Iearning environmen! o engage learners actively


fn" teacher manages the learning environment, organizing, allocating and coordinating resources (e.g,, time,
to promote leamer engagement and minimize loss of instructional time, (3d; 8n)

(2 fn" teacher varies leaming activities to involve whole group, small group and individual work, to develop a
range oflearner skills. (3p)

yr.teacher provides opportunities for learners to use interactive technologies responsibly. (3g; 3m)

Summary Rating
(Please circle appropriate rating):


Standard #4: Content Knowledge

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools ofinquiry, and structures ofthe discipline(s) he or she teaches and
creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure
mastery of the content.

The teacher tmderslands the cenlral concepts, tools of inquiry, and strl,clures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches

The teacher accurate ly and effectively communicates concepts, processes and knowledge in the discipline, and
and academic language that is clear, correct and appropriate for learners' (4h;4j;41; 5i)


/Yl fn" teacher draws upon his/her initial knowledge of cornmon misconceptions in the content area, uses available
rtouices to address them, and consults with colleagues on how to anticipate learner's need for explanations and experiences
that create accurate understanding in the content area, (4e;4k;4r; 9d)
The leacher creates learning experiences thal make the dciplne accessible and meaningful
lhe content.

learners lo assttre mastery


fA' teacher uses multiple representations and explanations that capture key ideas in the discipline, guide learners
through learning progressions, and promote each learner's achievement ofcontent standards. (4a;4j:4n; 4r; 8e)


--_rn. teacher engages learners in applying methods of inquiry used in the discipline.
U The teacher links new concepts to familiar concepts and helps learners see them in connection to their prior experiences,


2014 2015 CIJH

INTASC Stanclards




The teacher models and provides opportunities for leamers to understand academic language and to use vocabulary to
engage rn and express content learning. (4c; 4h; 4o)

The teacher consults with other educators to make academic language accessible to learners with different linguistic

Summary Rating
(Please circle appropriate rating)


Standard #5: Application of Content

The techer understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking,
creativity, and collaborative problem solvlng related to authentlc local and global issues.

The teacher connecls concepls, perspeclh,es

from varies disciplines, and interdisciplinary themes to real world problems and


The teacher helps learners see relationships across disciplines by making connections between curriculum materials in
content area and related perspectives from another content area ot areas. (5i; 5j)


m"teacher engages learners in applying content knowledge and skills in authentic contexts. (5b)

The teacher engages learners in critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, qnd communication lo address authentic locql and



The teacher ergages learners in learning and applying the critical thinking skills used in the content area(s). Sre
introduces them to the kinds of problems or issues addressed by the content area(s) as well as the local/global contexts for those

(5d;5k; 5m)

*, teacher engags learners in developing literacy and communication skills that support learning in the content
area(s). S/he helps them recognize the disciplinary expectations for reading different types of text and for writing in specific
contexts for targeted purposes and/or audiences and provides practce in both. (5e; 5h;5n; 8h)


A f"

teacher provides opportunities for learner

making, visual illustration and metaphor. (5h)

to demonshate their understanding in unique ways, such as model

IL tn.

teacher guides learners in gathering, organizing and evaluating information and ideas from digital and other
resources and from different perspectives. (5c; 59;5k; 5l)



20r4 20r5 cuH

INTASC Stanclarcls

Ctr a rn ire
-!AA tn" teacher structures

I Jl n .r"- rs ity

interactions among leamers and with local and gtobal peers to support and deepen leaming. (5p)

Summary Rating
(Please circle appropriate rating)


Standard #6: Assessment

The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor
learner progress, and to guide the teacher's and learner's decision making.
The teacher uses, designs

or adapls multiple melhods of


to document, monilor, and support learner progress

appropriater leorning goels and objeclives.

fl tfr" teacher uses, designs or adapts a variety of classroom formative assessments, matching the method with the type of
leaming objective. (6a; 6b; 6j; 6k; 6r; 6t)
The teacher uses data fiom multiple types of assessments to draw conclusions about leamer progress toward learning
objectives that lead to standards and uses this analysis to guide instruction to meet learner needs. S/he keeps digital and,/or other
records to support his/her analysis and reporting of learner progress. (6c; 69; 6j; 6l; 6o; 6t)

AA ff't" teacher participates in collegial conversations to improve individual and collective instructional practice based on
formative and summative assessment data, (6c)
The teacher

,.r.r d.s.re.s.vr?

ent to engage learners in their own growth.

The teacher engages each leamer in examining samples of quality work on the type of assignment being given, S/he
provides learners with criteria for the assignment to guide performance. Using these criteria, s/he points out strengths in
performance and offers concrete suggestions for how to improve their work. S/he structures reflection prompts to assist each
learner in examining his/her work and making improvements. (6d; 6f; 6n; 6o; 6q; 6r; 6s)

AA tn" teacher makes digital and/or other records of learner performance so that s/te can monitor each learner's progress.


The teacher implemenls qssessments in an ethical manner snd mnimizes bias to enable learners to display lhe full extent
ther learning.

teacher matches learning goals

assessments to promote growth. (6b; 6j; 6k)


with classroom

assessment methods


and gives leamers multiple practices


teacher engages in ethical practice of formal and informal assessment implementing various kinds of assessments n
the ways they were intended to be used and accurately interpreting the results. (6j; 6k; 6v)

22lP age

20t4 20r5 cuH

INTASC Standarcl s


Cha rninade LJniwersity


AA fn"

teacher implements required accommodations in assessments and testing conditions for learners with disabilities

and language learning needs. (6i; 6k; 6p; 6u)


teacher differentiates assessments which may include providing more challenging learning goals for learners who

dre advanced academically. (6k)

Summary Rating
(Please circle appropriate rating):


Standard #7: Planning for Instruction

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon
knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the
community context.

The leacher selecls, creates, and sequences learning experiences and perrmance tasks that support learners in meeting
rigorous curriculum goals based on content slandards and cross-disciplnary skills,

The teacher uses the provided curriculum materials and content standards to
based on target knowledge and skills. (7a;7e)

identify measurable learning objectives

(Z fn" teacher plans and sequences common learning experiences and performance tasks linked to the learning objectives,
and makes content relevant to learners. (7a;7c;7k)
A fn" teacher identifres leamers who need additional support and/or acceleration and designs leaming experiences to
suppgrt their progress . (7 j; 7l; 7 p)


tn"teacher integrates technology resources into instructional plans. (7k; 7m; 8o; 8r)

The teacher plqns instntctional based on infotmationfromformaive and summqttte qssessments as well qs other sources and
systematically adjusls plans to meel each student's lerning needs,

The teacher plans instruction using formative and summative data from digital and/or other records of prior performance
together with what s/he knows about learners, including developmental levels, prior learning, and interests. (7d; 7f; 7n)



teacher uses data from formative assessments to identify adjustments in planning. (7 d: 1l; 7 q)
teacher identifres learners with similar strengths and/or needs and groups them for additional supports. (7d;71;7q)


20t4 20rs cuH

INTASC Stanclarcls


Clr a rn i.g n rySrsity

The teacher plans instt'uction by collaborating with colleagues, specialisrs, contmmtily resom'ces, familes and leanters lo neel
inclit'idual I earning needs,
teacher uses leamer performance data and his/her knowledge of leamers to identify leamers who need significant
^" to support or advance leaming. S/he seeks assistance from colleagues and specialists to identify resources and
refne plans to meet learner needs. (7d; 7e;7n;7p)



teacher uses data on leamer performance over time to inform planning, making adjustments for recurring leaming

needs. (7f; 7p)

AA fn.

teacher uses information from informal interactions with families to adjust his/her plans and to incorporate homebsed resources to provide further support, (7o; 7q)

Summary Rating
(Please circle appropriate rating):


Standard #8 : lnstructional Strategies

The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategles to encourge learners to develop deep
understanding of content areas and their connections, nd to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.

The reacher understands and uses a variety of instructional stralegies and makes learningaccessible to all learners.

AA fn"

teacher directs students' leaming experiences through instructional strategies linked to learning objectives and

ontent standards. (7k)

A fn"

teacher makes the learning objective(s) explicit and understandable

to learners, providing a variety of


oTganizers, models, and representations for their learning. (8a; 8e; 8m)

appropriate to the learning objective, the teacher prepares leamers to use specific content-related processes and
language. S/tre also incorporates strategies to build gtoup work skills. (4j)
The teacher analyzes individual leamer needs (e.g,, language, thinking, processing) as well as pattems across groups
leamers and uses instructional strategies to respond to those needs. (7j; 8b; 8l; 8p)

A *"

teacher integrates primary language resources into instruction. (8k; 8m; 8p)


teacher seks assistance in identifying general patterns of need in order to support language learners. (8k; 8m)



2014 20r5 cuH

INTASC Stanclalcls


Clra rn ir I n r.rSrs ity
The teacher encourages learners to develop deep understanding
applies conlent knov,ledge in nteaningfitl v,ays.

of conlenl areqs, makes conneclions across conlenl, and

(/ t_The teacher helps leamers use a variety of sources and tools, including technology, to access information related to an
inStructional objective. S/he helps students learn to evaluate the trustworthiness of sources and to organize the information in a
way that would be clear to an authentic audience, (8g; 8j; 8n; 8o; 8r)
Cl m" teacher poses questions that elicit learner thinking about information and concepts in the content area as well
learner application of critical thinking skills such as inference making, comparing, and contrasting. (8 8g; 8q)



teacher models the use of nonJinguistic representations, concept mapping, and writing to show how learners can
e'xpress their understanding of content rea concepts and assigns work that allows the learners to practice doing so. (8e; 8m; 8q)

flAffr" teacher develops leamers' abilities to participate in respectful, constructive discussions of content in small and
whole group settings. S/he establishes norns that include thoughtful listening, building or one another's ideas, and questioning
for clarihcation, (8i; 8q)

Summary Rating
(Please circle appropriate rating):


Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice,
particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the
community), rnd adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.

The teacher engages n conlinuous professional learning to more effeclively meet the needs ofeach learner.

M ff," teacher engages in strucfured individual and group professional learning opportunities to reflect on,
ientify, and address improvement needs and to enable him/her to provide all learners with engaging curriculum and
leaming experiences. (5r; 9a;9b;9k; 9n; l0f; l0t)
The teacher completes professional learning processes and activities required by the state in order to meet reor re-licensure requirements. (9b; 9k; 9n; 9l; l0t)



The teacher actively seeks professional, community, and technological resources, within and outside the school,
supports for analysis, reflection, and problem solving. (9d)


20r4 20ls cuH

INTASC Strndards



Cha rn i.e $.rSrsity

The tcacher uses evidence to continually evalr.nle the effects of his/her decisions on olhers and adapts professional
practices lo betler meet learners' needs.

The teacher observes and reflects upon learners' responses to instruction to identify areas and set goals for
practice. (7p; 9c; 9g; 9l)
The teacher seeks and reflects upon feedback from colleagues to evaluate the effects
learners, colleagues, and community members. (9a;991,9m; 9n)


of his/her action is on

teacher gathers, synthesizes and analyzes a variety of data from sources inside and outside of the school to
and other professional behaviors to better meet leamers' needs. (9a; 9c; 9g; th; 9k; 9l; 9n)

adapt instructional practices

The tgacher praclices lhe profession in an elhical mannen


/y'\ ffr"

acts in accordance with ethical codes of conduct and professional standards. (9o)

teacher complies with laws and policies related to learners' rights and teachers' responsibilities. (9j; 9o)

;AA-*" teacher accesses information and uses technology in safe, legal and ethical ways. (9f; 9j; 9o)
AA fn" teacher follows established rules and policies to ensure leamers access information and technology in safe,
l8gal and ethical ways. (91)

,d\ tn" teacher recognizes how his/her identity affects perceptions and biascs and reflects on the fairness and equity
othisitrer decisions. (4;, 9e; 9m)



,n"teacher reflects on the needs of individual learners and how well they

teacher accesses resources to deepen his/trer understanding

diffeences among leamers and their communities, (9e)

of the cultural, ethnic, gender and leaming

are being addressed, seeking to build

support for all leamers. (91)

Summary Rating
(Please circle appropriate rating)




20t4 20rs cuH



Charninade Llniversity
Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration
The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to
collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure
learner growth, and to advance the profession.
The leacher collaborates with learners, families, colleogues, other school professionals, and communily members lo
ensltre learner growlh.

The teacher participates on the instructional team(s) and uses advice and support from colleagues to meet the



(l0a; l0n; l0r)

The teacher participates in school-wide efforts to implement a shared vision and contributes to a supportive
culture. (l0a; lOc; lOn; l0o; l0p; l0r)
The teacher elicits information about learners and their experiences from families and communities and uses
is ongoing communication to support learner development and growth. (l0d; l0m; l0q)


teacher uses technology and other forms

of communication to develop collaborative relationships with

l0d; l0g)

learners, families, colleagues and the local community. (8h;

The teacher seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunilies lo take respotrsibility
advqnce lhe profession.

sludent learning and to

ffr" teacher leads in his/her own classroom, assuming responsibility for an directing student learning toward
high expectations. (91)


The teacher makes practice transparent by sharing plans and inviting observation and feedback. (l0r)
The teacher works to improve practice through action research. (l0h)

Summary Rating
(Please circle appropriate rating):


27lP age

2014 20t5 CUH

INTASC Standards


I highly

recommend Ai Hirasuna for a teaching position. I have worked with Ai for two years,
as a teacher at Saint Andrew's Priory. I observed that she is willing to take new challenges to
impaft instruction and create an excellent classroom environment, Her instructional methods
implement best practices based on current research on learning and the brain. She also makes
use of the latest technologies available.
She has and continues to contribute invaluably to our department by developing curriculum
and providing instructional support which are both engaging in nature and conform to
Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards.

Ai has a wonderful rapport with her students, utilizing appropriate language and positive
discipline to manage effective interactions with them. Her ability to connect with her students
and her talent at teaching simple concepts, as well as more advanced topics, are both
exceptional. Her students describe her as knowledgeable, kind, and caring. They feel
comfoftable approaching her for extra help when needed and have shared with me how she
patiently guides them to understanding even the most complex topics.
Ai also interacts well with colleagues, She is afticulate, informed, and professional and is
always well prepared for our department meetings in which she contributes greatly with her
thoughtful ideas and motivating goals for the future.
Ai has excellent written and verbal communication skills, is extremely organized, reliable and
tech savvy.

I recommend Ai to you without reservation. If you have any further questions with regard to
her background or qualifications, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mary Kiang
Science Department Chair

Saint Andrew's Priory

Honolulu, HI 96813

A final narrative commentary on the sfudent teacher's qualities and classroom experiences
are to be submitted by the CT. You may submit your letter of recommendation as the final



2014 2015 cuH

Cha rninade Llniwersity

Final Summa[], Recommendation

Cooperating Teacher:

Student has provided quality evidence and

demonstrated the skill sets, knowledge and
dispositions to meet or exceed all the teacher
performance standards.


Student has NOT provided quality evidence

and/or demonstrated the skill sets, knowledge and
dispositions to meet or exceed all the teacher
performance standards.

CT Final Summary Rating

Signature of Cooperating Teacher /

Universify Supervisor:


Snrdent has provided quality evidence and

demonstrated the skill sets, knowledge and
dispositions lo meet or exceed all the teacher

performance standads.


Student has NOT provided quality evidence

the skill sets, knowledge and
dispositions to meet or exceed all the teacher
performance standards.

ature of

/ Date


US Final Summary Rating

Signature of Student Teacher / Date

Signature of Field Services Director / Date


name of Student Teacher

Student is responsible for submittng the ORIGINAL copy of this form to Field Services immediately
following the Final Evaluation Meeting with ST, CT snd US. Student should make a copy for his/her

personal files prior to submitting to Field Services.



2014 2015 cuH

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