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American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages certifies that Samuel Raff [TeType TestDate Tangiase Official wer 0522/2014 Spanish hhas successfully completed the ACTFI, Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) and has been rated according to ACTPL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 - Writing Intermediate High Clusia. Gaon Director of Professional Programs rao} Date Issued: 05/27/2014 LTL- The ACTEL Testing Office + Intermediate High - ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 - Writing Intermediate High ACTFL ‘Wits atte inemedite High ublvel are able o met ll practical writing needs ofthe Intermedite 2 level. Additionally. the can write compositions and simple summaries rested o work andor school Certified Rating ‘experiences. They can narrate and describe in diferent time frames when writing about everyday events and situations. These narations and desriptions are often but not altays of paragraph length, and they typically contain some evidence of breakdown in one or more Features ofthe Advanced level. Fr example, these ‘writers may be inconsistent in the use of appropriate major ime markers, resulting in loss of elarty. The vocabulary, grammarand styl of intermediate High writers essentially correspond to those of te spoken language. Intermediate High writing, even with numerous and perhaps significant erors, is generally comprehensible to natives not used tothe writing of non-natives, but there are likely to be gaps in ‘comprehension System Samuel Raff Test Type ‘Test Date Language Official OP Ie sais Spanish hhas successfully completed the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview - computer (OPIc) and has been rated according to the ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 — Speaking, Intermediate High American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages certifies that F | Director of Professional Programs Date Issued: 12/31/2014 LTL- The ACTFL Testing Office + Intermediate High - ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines 2012 - Speaking, Intermediate High ACTEL Irterrecite High epeckersarecheto converse with eneand orfcerce when desing with theatre : tad and socal sivatons ofthe Intermed evel They are able to ane sucestily uncomplicated asks Certified Rating tnd social sivatonsrring an exchange of basi information rite o thei work, shoo, ereatn, System pare ire an anes of competence. Intermedia High speckerscen handleasuosertid number of tacks assxciated with the Advanced level, but they are unable to sustain performance of all ofthese task all of the time. Intermediate High speakers can narrate and describe in all major time frames using connected discourse of paragrap length, but no all the time, Typically, when Intermediate High speakers attempt to perform Advanced-level tasks, their speech exhibits one oF more features of breakdown such asthe failure to cary out fully the narration or desrip inthe appropriate major time frame, an inability to maintain paragraph-lengt discourse, oa reduction in breadth and appropriateness of vocabulary Irtrmecicte High speckerscan generally be unr stoad by nalve speckers unacastomedto dang with ron-natives although interference from another language may be evident (eg, use of code-switching, file cognates literal translations), and pattem of gapsin communication may occur.

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