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Learning Stations Activity

Name: ________________________________

Directions: You will be traveling with the same small group as you work through
each of the four stations. At the end of the last station all work will be turned in
for a grade (5 points per activity + 5 for participation = 30 points total). You will
have just todays class to complete all 5 activities.
*These activities are meant to strengthen your understanding and analysis of our
book and to help you anticipate what is to come in the novel. Have fun!*

Directions: Read the article provided about the Great Depression. Of Mice and Men
takes place during the 1930s, when our country was facing what was called The
Great Depression. The Great Depression was an economic slump in North America,
Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world that began in 1929 and lasted
until about 1939. It was the longest and most severe depression ever experienced by
the industrialized Western world.
In the space provided, work with your group to explain, in your own words, three
ways that the Great Depression was similar to our countrys recent recession and at
least one way it was different.
Similarities between the Great Depression and the economic recession:



Difference(s) between the Great Depression and the economic recession:


Directions: In Of Mice and Men, there is only one main character who is female, and
she plays a very controversial role in the book. To anticipate some of the themes in
the book about gender, discuss with your group any words, characteristics, jobs, etc.
that you associate with both men and women. (Remember to be respectful to all
members of your group when answering this! This discussion can get heated!) Fill
in the chart below, and then answer the question at the bottom.



Answer: Why do we have these stereotypes or assumptions about men and women?
Where do they come from? Are they biological/natural? Or are we trained to think
this way? Explain!

Directions: Character collage! Create a collage to compare and contrast the characters
of George and Lennie. Your group should create only one collage (on the
construction paper provided), but each of you should fill in the following chart.
Divide your construction paper in half: one for George, and one for Lennie. Find at
least 2 images, words, pictures that describe each character. Explain your choices


Directions: This ones on your own! The dream that is the theme of Of Mice and
Men is a daytime dream, a goal that George and Lennie, the main characters, want to
achieve. We can dream and aspire to greater and better things in our own lives, for
others, or even for the whole world. The Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.
enunciated such an aspiration in the opening words of his famous oration, I have a
In the space provided, describe your dream! Is there a goal or a circumstance that you
envision for yourself, or for someone else, or for the world? Write your dream here.
Be as specific as possible!

Directions: Find at your station 7 images from the Great Depression. Look at each
picture with your group, and give each a creative title based on what you see. Then,
for two of the pictures, choose a person from the picture and, in his/her perspective,
describe what he/she must be feeling at the moment. (Hint: first person!) Be creative!
Picture #

Creative Title

Description (only need 2)

Station #1: Compare and Contrast: the Great Depression and the Recession
Your group found and explained specific and significant similarities and differences for the two periods.

Station #2: Men and Women Chart

Your group discussed and created a well-developed list; the question was answered thoroughly.

Station #3: Character Collage

Your collage included at least 4 visuals; your group completed the key to explain those visuals.

Station #4: Dreams!

You gave a detailed description of a dream that you have for your future.

Station #5: Picture Titles

Your group gave each picture a creative title and described at least two of the pictures in detail.

You were a valuable and contributing member to the group!

Total: _____/30 points

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