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Lesson Plan Form - LBS 400

Revised 09/09/14 JC



Grade level(s):


Yesenia Gonzalez
April 14, 2015
3.MD.B4 Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of
an inch. Show the data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in appropriate unitswhole numbers, halves, or quarters.
I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):
In this lesson, students will learn the CONCEPT of line plots.
Given a set of numbers and a line plot, students will be able to understand line plots by answering the
given worksheet with 90% accuracy.
DOK/Cognitive Rigor Level:
DOK 1-understand
DOK 4-Creating
Language Demands
New word introduced: LINE PLOTS- a way to organize data on a number line
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence):
Before: Problem Solving, Number Patterns and Number Lines
After: Reading Pictographs and Bar Graphs
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activity): Activating student prior knowledge
How many of you have ever played a board game? Did you use dice
Today we are going to be using dice to create data for line plots
Student friendly objective:
By the end of our lesson you should understand how to record results of an experiment on a number
line by creating line plots.
Purpose: Why are students learning this? Why is it important?
They will be able to use appropriate tools strategically, attend precision, and look for and make use of

structure. Line plots allow data to be compared more easily than lists or tables.
B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology With Student Activities):
Step #1: Introduce the Line Plot and what it is used for
a. T input- draw a number line and start collecting data from the children. Ask how many
brothers and sisters each student has.
b. Student response: Each student will give a response that will be marked on the board.
Step #2: Compare the data
a. T input- show how now we can see similarities and differences.
b. Student response: Will answer teachers questions by referring to the chart and asking which
had none.
Step #3: Using their birthday month to make a plot
a. T input- Plots dont always have to be numbers, sometimes they can be categories
b. Student response: Students come up and place their mark on the birthday month
Step #4: Using operations to help them solve problems.
a. T input- how many more students had birthday in June than in May?
b. Student response: have the students answer some of the problems I gave them by using
subtraction and addition
Step #5: Each X can represent one or more
a. T input if the data is on a larger scale, each X can stand for 10.
b. Student response: Check for understanding: do they understand?
C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection): Guided practice (students working with
teacher support on proving behavior or activity)
-Give each student a die which they are going to roll and tally mark how many of each number they got.
Have them repeat this process 10times. Collect all the numbers and make a line plot. Once they are done,
have them compare with their partners. Make sure they understood what just happened and why?
-handout worksheet on Mr. Bradleys science class test scores
D. MATERIALS & RESOURCES: What do you need for the lesson? Make a list.
- dice
-Line Plots print outs
V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods For Obtaining Evidence Of Learning):
Formative (During Lesson):
Constant asking questions and making sure a different student is answering each time. Walking around
while doing partner/independent work. Having them repeat what is going on.
Summative (at the end of the lesson): Closure, exit slip, ticket out the door, quiz, test
2 Quick Check Master problems
Give them 2 word problems, different than the objective worksheet, that will require line plots and
comparing them


Instruction, Practice):
Accommodation: teacher will work with student as a pair
Modification: If students finish quickly, they can partner up with a struggling student.
VII. HOMEWORK (if appropriate):
They will do 2 print outs dealing with Line Plots.
One worksheet will require the students to create a Line Plot with the given data.
Worksheet two will require to also create a Line Plot but now they will analyze the Plot and answer
questions on which number has most Xs, which has the least, and the range of the Line Plot.

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