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CS) Institutul Nafional de C&D pentru Fizicd si Inginerie Nuclearé *Horia Hulubei” ae AE IFIN-HH Str. Reactorului 30, Bucuresti-Magurele, jud. Ifov, C-P. MG-6, cod postal 077125, tel: 021 404 2301, fax.: 021 457 4440 wwwifin.ro dirgen@ifin.nipne.ro ‘No.3030/06.04.2015 CLARIFICATIONS Regarding the content of the technical documentation posted on SEAP, section “Documentation, clarifications and decisions” of contract notice no. 157.776/12.03.2015, published in order to award the public procurement contract “HIGH POWER LASER BEAM TRANSPORT SYSTEM (LBTS) (2 X 10 PW) FROM TEMPORAL COMPRESSORS OUTPUT TO INTERACTION CHAMBERS IN THE EXPERIMENTAL AREA OF THE ELL-NP (Extreme Light Infrastructure — Nuclear Physics) RESEARCH FACILITY”, the contracting authority formulates the following clarifications: CHANGE 1 ANNEX H Annex H, Row 8, Col 3, Old Version: Gate valves at the exit of each LBTS output with windows: - 5 windows* -90mm diameter clear aperture -broadband anti-reflex coating with transmission >90% -lower or equal activation than fused silica -parallel surfaces not to act as focusing elements See Gate Valve sheet of this Annex” Annex H, Row 8, Col 3, New Version: ». All gate valves have 5 windows. - The gate valve windows have flat surfaces. - The central window of the gate valves has a diameter > 60mm. - The lateral windows are placed simetrically on a circle with a diameter D, 300mm 95%. = The gate valve windows have lower or equal activation than fused silica. See Gate Valve sheet of this Annex.” CHANGE 2 ANNEX HL The text *Reference to figure in SchematicAlignment Sheet” is removed. CHANGE 3 ANNEX H Figure: Gate valve, Old Version: Material with lower than or equal activation properties of fused silica. (Material cu propretati de activare ‘mai reduse sau egalecucele ale cuarului) ose0-ss0 Figure: Gate valve, New Version: CT ae oo ‘4x MIN. $20 ae 9800 or B630 Material with lower than oF equal activation properties of fused sie, ~_MIN. 960 (Matera eu propristat de activare mraedive su egle cu cele le curs) F ‘9300-500 DIRECTOR GENERAL, Prof.Dr. Nicolae Victor ZAMFIR

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