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{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\b\f0\fs52 Say Goodnight

\b0\fs32 Written by Jay Foley\par
\b\fs24 Verse One\par
\b0 I see you cry alone\par
Asking for someone\par
To help you, to save you\par
Needing somebody there\par
But I know the truth\par
Faking everything\par
It's time to put a stop\par
To all of your lies\par
\b Chorus\par
\b0 I've fallen for your lies\par
Too many times now\par
Look up to the stars\par
And beg, for someone\par
Else to believe you\par
'Cause I won't listen anymore\par
So come on now\par
Say Goodnight\par
\b Verse Two\par
\b0 All of your lies that I\par
Once foolishly believed in\par
Like the fool I was\par
You played the game well\par
But I play it better\par
And now everything you know\par
Is crashing down around you\par
And you know I'm onto you\par
\b Chorus\par
\b0 I've fallen for your lies\par
Too many times now\par
Look up to the stars\par
And beg, for someone\par
Else to believe you\par
'Cause I won't listen anymore\par
So come on now\par
Say Goodnight\par
\b Bridge\par
\b0 Why won't you leave me be\par
I'm so sick of all the lies\par
I just want to be free\par
From all the deceit \par
So back off and find\par
Another fool to believe in you\par
\b Chorus\par
\b0 I've fallen for your lies\par
Too many times now\par
Look up to the stars\par
And beg, for someone\par
Else to believe you\par
'Cause I won't listen anymore\par
So come on now\par
Say Goodnight\fs20\par

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