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Lesieli Folau
Mr. Meyer
Second period
Senior Capstone
May 1st, 2015

Child Abuse
Child abuse has been a social issue in society since mankind can remember, often times it
is something that is not easily seen. Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While
physical abuse is the most visible, other types of abuse such as emotional abuse, neglect, [and
sexual abuse], leave deep lasting scars. (Adults Surviving Child Abuse). Every year more than
three million reports of child abuse are made in the United States. (Help Guide). It has been
misconcepted that girls are more acceptable to abuse than boys, but they both have the same
chance of being victims of abuse. There are children all over the world who are silently suffering
from abuse, understanding the issue is the first step in helping those children.
Children who are victims of abuse often experience symptoms of stress in reaction to
the abuse, in additions to symptoms that are specific to the kind of abuse they have suffered.
(Dryden-Edwards). Depending on the type of abuse can determine the childs behavior. Children
who are neglected will show physical signs of weight loss, thinned hair, dried skin, and just a
lack in basic needs for hygiene. Neglected children will often have more trouble performing in
school and will struggle with social skills. Signs of physical abuse often seem to be more
apparent as the injuries are more easily seen, but that is not the only thing. There could be
possible trips to the hospital or doctors with no explanation; they will sometimes wear more
clothing in order to hide the abuse. Parents or the legal guardian may also use the excuse of

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discipline rather than abuse. The point of [discipline] is to teach the child right from wrong, not
to make them live in fear. (Help Guide). Emotionally abused children may make negative
statement about themselves or other that mimic the abuser, like calling [themselves or others]
name or otherwise exhibiting pessimism or low self-esteem. (Dryden-Edwards). Children who
are victims to sexual abuse will often show sexual knowledge that seems inappropriate for their
age. It is also important to remember that it is not only girls who are subjected to sexual abuse,
boys and girls both suffer.
If there is a suspicion of child abuse there are appropriate ways to approach the child.
Always act on suspicions, because a childs life may depend on it. Many of us do not trust our
gut feelings, even though they are most often right. A child cannot afford for you to take the
chance that is wrong. (Kids First). It is important to understand why the children dont tell about
the abuse and dont be angry with the child for not telling anyone. Children are afraid of
disappointing their parents, disrupting the family, often times the abusers will threaten the child,
the abuser shames the child, and some children are too young to understand so many abusers will
assure them that it is okay or it is just a game. (Kids First). The abusers are usually people who
are very close to the children, that they feel like they can trust. That is why if children are being
abused they are very secretive about it in fear of getting the one they love in trouble, so it is vital
to act on suspicion. There are two kinds of questions that are recommended when asking a child
about abuse. Open-ended questions give the best chance of getting the whole story. When other
specific facts are needed, closed-ended questions are useful. (Child Abuse Reporting). An openended question cannot be answered with a yes or no and it allows the child to tell you what
happened. They can feel comfortable telling the story without being pressure by the questions. A
close-ended question is simpler and can be answered with a yes or no, or an uncomplicated

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response. It is very important to insure the child that it is not their fault and the right thing was to
tell. Once it is clear that a child is being abused call 911 or the local police, document everything
from that point, and take the child in to be evaluated. All fifty states require that professionals
who work with children report reasonable suspicions of child abuse. (Child Abuse Reporting).
Do not share information about the childs abuse with anyone who is not investigating the
There are ways to prevent child abuse. The first way involves arousing awareness of child abuse
training people who work with children, and for the general public. Also prevention programs
can take away some of the risk factors that make children vulnerable or at risk for child abuse.
Families where abuse has already occurred can get help from prevention programs or counseling
to decrease the chances of it happening again. Such programs often use approaches that
strengthen parenting skills and supports, as well as enhance the ability for the caretaker to
provide for the needs of the child. . . . Protective factors for child abuse include having the
involvement of supportive family, strengthening family and peer relationships, developing
healthy coping skills, and improving individual emotional regulation. (Dryden-Edwards).
Another way to prevent child abuse it to participate in organizations that support abused children.
It is important to teach the children how to recognize abusive situations; the earlier the child is
taught to say no, how to talk to an in trusted adult, know the meaning of body ownership, know
the difference between a good and bad touch the more abuse can be avoided. Break the cycle of
silence. (Kids First) If someone or yourself is a victim come out, share the story; it may help
Children often cope with being abused in different ways.Many childrens coping strategies will
be shaped by their desire to protect others in their family . . . it is found that younger children

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tend to cope by disengaging in different ways such as playing and fantasizing, while older
children tend to show more externalizing behaviors. (Encare) There are two different classes of
coping, approach and avoidance coping. Approach strategies focus on the situation itself or
ones reaction to the situation [such as] seeking emotional support. Avoidant coping refers to
techniques in which deny the situation for example withdrawing from others. (ASCA). There is
an article titled How Harry Potter Saved My Life. This man shares his life experience and how
the famous series Harry Potter saved him as a boy, his parents abused drugs, neglected, and
mistreated him. He wrote I spent all of my time either sitting on the floor in front of a small
television or wandering alone through my neighborhood and, all too often beyond. These were
both mediums to keep me occupied while my parents kept themselves anesthetized with
whatever means they had procured (and later, cooked) that particular week. There are few greater
enemies for an eight-year-old than abandon and loneliness, so I more than welcomed the
company of the young bespectacled wizard. (Carlson).
The effects of child abuse dont end when the abuse stops; there can be long term effects
that can interrupt day to day functioning. Feeling of depression, anxiety, poor self-esteem,
suicide attempts, eating disorder, and use of drugs, sexual difficulties, and self-harming
behaviors can all be long lasting effects of child abuse. Some who have experienced child abuse
can be more susceptible to abusing their children; this can be the result of unresolved childhood
abuse issues. This does not mean that those subjected to abuse have no chance in life. It is
possible to live a full and constructive life, and even thrive, -to enjoy a feeling of wholeness,
[and] satisfaction. (ASCA). If the situation is handled properly the child can work towards
having a better happier life. In the article How Harry Potter Saved My Life he said, How could I
be anything but foul with so much ugliness constantly surrounding me? It is our choices, Harry

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that show us who we truly are, far more than our abilities. . . . Harry showed me that even with a
piece of the most vicious soul to exist living inside you can still have the courage to make the
right choice. Dumbledore echoes, It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to
be. And so I made my choice, and continue to make it every day. This is why a skinny
bespectacled boy is not only The Boy Who Lived, but will always be the boy who kept me
living. (Carlson). Those who are abused are not broken, and are not lost in having a chance to
have a good life. From a person reaching out to them or a novel that was loved by millions of
people all over the world, but had such a deeper meaning to this little boy from the sixth grade
and saved his life. Anything can help those who are being abused.
Child abuse is a global issue that should not be taken lightly. A quarter of all adults
report having been physically abused as children. One in five women and one in thirteen men
report having been sexually abused as a child. (World Health Organization). Even though there
is a report of child abuse about every 10 seconds in the United States, there are still about 5
children that die every day from abuse. The abuse doesnt have to be physical to cause the death
of a child. Emotional abuse can cause the child to think poorly of themselves, as a result there
can be potential thoughts of suicide. Children who are neglected dont have their daily needs
met. They have a lack of hygiene, deprived of daily nutrition, and the natural love and nurturing
is missing in the home. All forms of abuse has the potential to kill a child. For the safety and well
being of children it is important to be aware of child maltreatment. This issue can no longer be
ignored, and cant be taken lightly. Be aware. Dont hesitate to ask a child questions if there is
suspicion of abuse. Get up the courage to break the silence and secrets of child abuse.

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Works Cited
Adults Surviving Child Abuse. 2015. 30 March 2015.

American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. 2014. 30 March 2015.

ASCA. 2015. 30 March 2015.
Carlson, Dylan. Thought Catalog. 4 November 2014. 30 March 2015

Child Abuse Reporting. 2003. 30 March 2015.

Dryden-Edwards, Roxanne. MedicineNet. 1996. 30 March 2015
Encare. 2007. 30 March 2015
Epstein, Michelle A. Child Abuse: A Global View. Greenwood, 2000.
Help Guide. 30 March 2015
Kids First. 2009. 30 March 2015
Parent Partnership. 2006. 30 March 2015
World Health Organization. December 2014. 30 March 2015

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